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As you drive the streets of Maine, you will often notice the various unwanted things people place outside, all with one extremely attractive word — FREE! And you will find most of them are serviceable, and often valuable!

So why don’t the state’s people just sell them? The answer is tied in with Maine’s belief in keeping it simple: It’s easier to give something away than to go through the trouble of advertising and then receiving phone calls, followed by the unavoidable bargaining. But there is also the light joy of seeing an item collected by someone who can use it.

What strikes me is the speed with which unwanted goods are taken away. There seems to be an army always ready to collect them at a moment’s notice.

Case in point: For years I had a large piece of old steel near my garage. I finally decided to pull it outside my house. No sooner had I turned my back than a pickup truck appeared. The driver jumped out and asked,“You are getting rid of this?” When I nodded, he lifted it, yelled a sincere “Thanks!” and drove away.

I have a guilty little secret. For me, the word “free” speaks of some deep desire to acquire, and to compete, in case someone else beats me to a free gift. I once carried a picnic table home. My son remarked, “but we already have a picnic table. Why did you get another one?” I replied, “Because it was free!”

As I write this, I am glancing out the window at a Windsor chair my neighbor has put out. The sign says FREE, but the chair is missing one leg. I could either repair it or use it for firewood. Hmm … Too late! While I hesitate, a senior citizen has pulled up. The chair is his, and I have a sense of loss.

【小题1】How do people of Maine look at selling unwanted things?
A.It is a deep-rooted tradition.B.Selling such things is a real pleasure.
C.The process is too complex.D.It is a good chance to make money.
【小题2】What does the author use his story about the old steel to show?
A.Things thrown away will quickly be collected.B.The driver needed the old steel very much.
C.People prefer to collect expensive goods.D.The old steel was particularly valuable.
【小题3】What is the author’s secret?
A.He can’t give more gifts to his son.B.He shows much interest in free things.
C.He has a hobby of collecting tables.D.He wants to become a strong competitor.
【小题4】Why does the author feel disappointed according to the last paragraph?
A.The chair is of no use.B.The chair is missing a leg.
C.He fails to get the chair.D.His neighbor rejects the chair.
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Whether you’re a sociable person or not, connecting with a community is important for you to have a sense of belonging. Here are tips and tricks on making yourself happier when you move to a new place.


Tell your friends and cu-workers that you’re moving and looking to meet new people. Make sure to communicate what kind of connections you’re looking for, like someone to show you around or people with similar hobbies.

Do some research

If you hake certain favorite places, like a sports club or coffee shop, look up if they have other branches in your new neighborhood. 【小题2】

Include more routine into your day

Setting time aside for activities you love can help you feel more at home. Do you go on a run every morning? 【小题3】. Or go back to that restaurant around the block at least once a week. Soon you might start noticing people in your neighborhood. It will ultimately help you develop. a sense of “at-homeness”.

Concentrate on the connection, not the friendship

Friendships are often out of our control, especially when you are new to a place. 【小题4】 . From there, you might plan your next hangout to do something you both enjoy. It’s not likely that you’ll instantly become best friends with everyone. But sometimes, you might find connections that will grow over time.

Reach out to “super connectors”.

“Super connectors” are those who know everyone and are willing to introduce you to those people. “Super connectors” are especially helpful if you don’t feel comfortable sending cold messages. 【小题5】

A.Get the word out
B.Concentrate on one on-one interactions
C.So try to focus on being connected at the moment
D.Then try running in the same park for a few weeks
E.You’ll have a better chance of finding like-minded people there
F.So be open and say “Yes!” to their invites that you know will bring you joy
G.That’s OK because you’re just trying to get to know people and your new home
