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There's no guaranteed roadmap to success in study. However, changing your study habits and adjusting your approach to your classes can make a big difference.【小题1】

Get enough sleep

【小题2】. Your ability to remember can drop by as much as 40 percent if you haven't had adequate sleep.   Aim to get adequate sleep as many nights as possible, and try to keep the same sleep schedule every night, even on weekends.

Know when you work best

Speaking of a sleep schedule, it's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all study schedule.【小题3】, so you shouldn't feel pressured to maintain an uncomfortable schedule. As long as you are getting enough sleep and keeping up with your commitments, your schedule is up to you.


The Pomodoro Technique is a focusing method that relies on short bursts of intense work and plenty of breaks. To try the technique, set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a single task. When the timer rings, take a five-minute break, then set another 25-minute timer and get back to work. After four 25- minute intervals, take a longer break. You may find that the Pomodoro Method helps you get more done in a shorter period of time without feeling burnt out. Plus, short study breaks are known to improve concentration.

Sweat and study

There is a massive body of research that links exercise with good grades and improved learning and cognitive skills-especially if you exercise first and study second. 【小题5】, go for a quick walk. Fresh air and a change in environment will help you create connections and solve problems.

A.If you don't have time to hit the gym
B.Change attitudes
C.The importance of sleep cannot be overstated
D.Try the Pomodoro Method
E.High-stress study sessions can have harmful effects on both your GPA and your health
F.The following tips are a great place to start
G.There is plenty of research indicating benefits for both nighttime studying and early morning studying.
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Wanna soften the blow of a hangover?

A hangover refers to the headache and sick feeling that you have the day after drinking too much alcohol. If you are looking for something to nurse your hangover, you will find the following right ideas.


Have some extra Asian pears at home? Run them through your juicer before your next night out. According to researchers at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, just 7.4 ounces of Asian pear juice is enough to soften the blow of a hangover. The scientists say that the juice interacts with enzymes that break down alcohol, speeding up your metabolism and leaving less surplus alcohol for your body to absorb. There’s just one catch: The juice must be consumed before you drink anything else in order to be effective.


Anyone who’s ever suffered through a massive hangover knows that sound is the enemy. But while your roommate’s 9 a.m. tap dancing practice might exacerbate (加剧) your symptoms, music may have the opposite effect. Research has shown that listening to music can provide relief to migraines, which are similar to hangover headaches. As long as the music is pleasant and suits your taste, it should help to drown out the chorus of pain laying in your mind. Head sensitivity isn’t the only symptom music helps with. According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh, listening to your favorite music also eases pain.


The best way to tackle a hangover with food is to eat while you drink. Chowing down after the damage has already been done may distract you from your turmoil for a short while, but it won’t soothe your physical symptoms. There are a few exceptions: Eggs, for example, have hangover-fighting potential thanks to a special ingredient. The food is packed with cysteine, an amino acid that breaks down the drinking byproduct acetaldehyde (乙醛). So whether you prefer to enjoy brunch out or at home, make sure your meal includes eggs in some form.

【小题1】According to the passage, the author may agree with the following EXCEPT______.
A.Asian pear juice can help soften the blow of a hangover if you drink it before anything else.
B.Your roommate can make you suffer less from a hangover by practising tap dancing at 9.
C.Eggs are said to contain a special ingredient that may soothe the symptoms of a hangover.
D.Enjoying your favorite piece of music is an efficient way to fight the pain of a hangover.
【小题2】The passage is most probably taken from ______.
A.a textbookB.a science fiction
C.a health magazineD.an advertisement

E is a teen with special needs. Often, she feels that she is targeted by her schoolmates. She complains of dirty looks, eye rolling and whispering when she walks through the halls. This time, she saw A whispering and thought it was about her.

And E had power to hit back-on Facebook. As soon as she got home, she logged on and demanded that her friends unfriend A, and choose between the two of them. She teased them for talking to A at school, and called A “ugly” and “fat”, “She is smelly.” E wrote, “and she uses her Mum to fight her battles.” You can only imagine the comments.

However, E didn’t know that her Facebook privacy setting was set to the public which meant that anyone-including A-could read her posts. In a matter of hours, E was the cyberbully.

And here’s the thing about cyberbullying: It can become real-life trouble. This can often be heard. “You bother me online. I will bother you up on the bus.” It can start with a misunderstood comment or an inappropriate post meant as a joke, And for a teen with special needs, words can take on literal meanings, crcating an cnvironment that’s frightening. Combine that with a lack of control of online privacy and virtual social skills and you may have an ill outcome.

Social media can open doors to new friendships and social circles that are inaccessible in real life. But we, as adults, often give our children access to this virtual world without guidance and boundaries, while counting on them to use it with ease and wisdom. We expect too much with little direction. The advice that I give parents is to set clear rules and stay consistent, even repeated.

【小题1】What did E do on Facebook when believing A was whispering about her?
A.She made unfair comments about A.
B.She challenged A to fight against her.
C.She asked her friends to forgive A.
D.She teased A for talking with her friends.
【小题2】The underlined phrase “counting on” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A.focusing onB.relying on
C.appealing toD.turning to
【小题3】Who might be the designed readers of this passage?
【小题4】What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.How to protect privacy for children in the virtual world.
B.How to set regulations for children in the virtual world.
C.How to build friendships for children in the virtual world.
D.How to fight the cyberbully for children in the virtual world.
Thinking about a summer job after graduation? As more people compete for fewer openings . you’ll need to do your research, write a great resume (简历)and get ready for the interview.

To find a job that's right for you, make a list of your interests and strengths, as well as your dislikes , and keep them in mind as you look for a job. For example, if you love books or writing, a job in a bookstore or library might be perfect for you. 【小题1】 You might not know details about the position, but you can prepare by researching the company itself.

【小题2】Regardless of the type of job you're applying for, a great resume really makes you stand out. Most importantly, present the strengths in it. It is an effective way to highlight your strongest skills and encourage the hiring manager to read more. Having a job experience on your resume increases the possibility to land a job too. If not, don't worry—there are plenty of other things, extracurricular or voluntary activities you can do to improve your job applications. Make sure the email address and phone number include on your application. 【小题3】

What do job interviewers look for? 【小题4】 Interviewers want to hire candidates who are smart, who think quickly and clearly, and who can express themselves and communicate well. Dress the part—your appearance also affects your chances of getting the job. 【小题5】 That means no sandals, jeans, or cutoffs. Even if you'll be scooping ice cream behind a counter, it helps to look professional for the interview.

A.Babysitting is in great need nowadays.
B.A good resume is your best job-hunting tool.
C.These details will be used to contact you about interviews.
D.A precise description of hobbies in your resume is crucial.
E.It's not just previous work history or unique skills that matter.
F.When you head out for your interview, avoid looking too casual.
G.But if little kids drive you crazy, a babysitting job may not be ideal.
