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Scientists have created a new app designed to identify dangerous mosquitoes based on sounds the insects make. The app, called Abuzz, is aimed at helping fight major diseases spread by mosquitoes.

Haripriya Vaidehi Narayanan is one of the researchers who helped develop the app. Narayanan told VOA that anyone with a mobile phone could use the app to identify mosquitoes. “If they see a mosquito around, they just take out their phone, open up the app, point their phone towards the mosquito and hit the record button,”she said. “Then, when the mosquito flaps its wings and starts flying around, it makes that noise, that annoying buzzing noise. That noise is what gets recorded by the Abuzz app.” she added.

Many diseases that mosquitoes carry do not have cures or vaccines. So, targeting the flying insects is the best way to control them. “The most important step is to know where the mosquitoes are,” Narayanan said.

Traditional methods for hunting mosquitoes are costly and can take a very long time. The process also requires labor-intensive trapping as well as trained scientists to identify the insects.

Manu Prakash is a professor of bioengineering at Stanford University and a lead investigator on the project. He says that out of about 3,500 different mosquito species, only about 40 are dangerous to humans. Prakash says the goal of the project was to find out whether the mosquitoes around a person's house are just an annoyance, or whether they are possibly dangerous.

When mosquitoes move their wings up and down, they produce buzzing sounds. But each kind of mosquito makes a slightly different buzzing noise. The app records these sounds. Users of the app can get an answer by recording as little as one or two seconds of the buzzing sound. The app compares this recording to a collection of other recordings. It then predicts which species of mosquito it is most likely to be.

By making use of mosquito information worldwide, the app can help build maps of where dangerous mosquitoes are. This can help scientists and health officials identify areas where disease is likely to break out and where to target mosquito control.

【小题1】Why is it important to locate mosquitoes?
A.Because they are very small and hard to find.
B.Because diseases carried by them are a big problem.
C.Because mosquitoes flap their wings very quickly.
D.Because the buzzing noise of mosquitoes is annoying.
【小题2】What will Abuzz do after it records the sound of a mosquito?
A.Compare it to a database and identify its species.
B.Make a somewhat different buzzing noise.
C.Release some chemicals to kill the mosquito.
D.Draw a map of the place where the mosquito was.
【小题3】In which way could Abuzz help people?
A.It can help people control the number of mosquitoes.
B.It can help people avoid some species of mosquitoes.
C.It can help predict where mosquito-carried diseases are most likely to occur.
D.It can help record the mosquito hiding places very quickly.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Different Species of Mosquitoes in the World
B.New Ways to Fight Disease Caused by Mosquitoes
C.How to Identify Sounds Made by Different Mosquitoes
D.A New App That Can Identify Dangerous Mosquitoes
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Weighing a dinosaur is no easy task. These extinct creatures were massive, and for the most part, all that remains are their bones, as their organs and skin have long since disappeared. However, new research has found more than one way to measure the mass of these creatures.

In a paper published recently in Biological Reviews, scientists evaluated the two existing ways that calculate how much a Tyrannosaurus rex (翻王龙) might have weighed. Led by Nicolas Campione from the University of New England, they examined an extensive database of dinosaur body mass estimates from as far back as 1905, with weight estimates for an individual ranging from 3 tons to 18 tons.

In an essay published by The Conversation, Campione explains that for years, scientists followed two rival (对立的) approaches for calculating a dinosaur’s weight. These methods were long thought to be at odds with each other, but Campione’s team found that both techniques are actually quite accurate.

Using limb circumference (肢体周长) to work out an animal’s mass is already widely used across a variety of modern land animals. The same method can be applied to dinosaurs. Researchers essentially measure the bones in living animals, such as the femur (股骨) in an elephant’s leg, and compare that figure to a dinosaur’s femur.

The second method involves calculating the volume of 3D reconstructions of dinosaurs, which serve as approximations (近似值) of what the creature would have looked like when it was still alive. Occasionally, these methods have come to very different conclusions.

David Evans, a researcher at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, says it’s important to use both methods because dinosaurs, like humans, did not come in one neat package. “There will always be uncertainty around our understanding of long-extinct animals, and their weight is always going to be a source of it,” he says in a statement. “Our new study suggests we are getting better at weighing dinosaurs, and it’s paving the way for more realistic dinosaur body-mass estimation in the future.”

【小题1】Why is it difficult to weigh dinosaurs?
A.Almost all they left are their bones.B.They have long disappeared.
C.There is no more than one way to find their bones.D.Their organs and skin are too light.
【小题2】Which idea may Campione agree with?
A.Measuring a living animal is not challenging.
B.Either existing technique is quite precise to weigh a dinosaur.
C.There is only one way to calculate a dinosaur’s weight.
D.Existing ways to weigh a dinosaur are at odds with each other.
【小题3】How can one accurately measure the dinosaurs according to David Evans?
A.By measuring limb circumference.
B.By combining different methods together.
C.By working out 3D reconstructions of dinosaurs.
D.By comparing the figure of a living animal to a dinosaur femur.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.How to Weigh a Dinosaur Properly
B.The Way to Distinguish the Types of Dinosaurs
C.What Equipment to Be Used in Estimating a Dinosaur
D.The Method of Getting Accurate Data About Dinosaurs

Despite heavy illegal hunting of rhinos, South Africa’s Kruger National Park is still a natural paradise. One of the largest remaining lion populations in Africa lives there. Yet there is something the local animals fear even more than the big cats.

Liana Zanette of Western University in Ontario and her colleagues were able to show that animals react most strongly to human voices and flee in response. For their experiment, the team placed camera traps and loudspeakers at water holes in the national park, which allowed the researchers to influence and record the behavior of a total of 19 mammal species. They played the animals sounds of normal conversations of humans in four South African languages, dogs barking, gunshots and lion sounds.

The study group found that animals were twice as likely to flee and yacated an area faster when they heard human voices than when they heard lions or gunshots. This was true for 95 percent of the animal species observed, including giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudu, warthogs, impalas and rhinos. Only elephants were significantly more likely to run from lions than from humans.

The same was true of the time that animals spent at water holes: they usually stayed longer when lion sounds were played to them than when human voices were heard. Wild dogs, leopards and buffalo were the only animals who stayed at water holes longer when they heard humans, and the difference was not statistically significant for these species. “There is a notion that animals get used to humans when they are not being hunted. But we’ve shown that’s not the case,” Clinchy says. “Fear of humans is deeply rooted and common, so we need to seriously address it for conservation reasons.”

The team is now investigating whether its customized sound systems can be used to help endangered species, such as the southern white rhino, away from known poaching(偷猎) areas in South Africa. Initial tests of keeping rhinos away from such areas through the use of human voices have been successful.

【小题1】What can we know about South Africa’s Kruger National Park?
A.Rhinos are effectively protected in the park.
B.Lions are the biggest threat for local animals.
C.Human voices cause fear in the local wildlife.
D.It is a natural paradise without illegal hunting.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “vacated” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】What did researchers find about animals’ reaction to different sounds?
A.Elephants are more afraid of humans than lions.
B.Giraffes react most strongly to lions or gunshots.
C.Rhinos were more likely to run from lions than gunshots
D.Wild dogs stayed at water holes longer when hearing humans
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Human Voices: a surprising deep-rooted fear in wildlife
B.Lions: the primary source of threat for the local animals
C.Lion Sounds: the potential use for wildlife protection
D.Humans: the impact on decreasing rhino population

With the global warming reaching catastrophic levels, this dramatic climate change is causing the warming up and melting of the Arctic, which has led to other potential dangers for nature there.

The danger is for an increase of pollution as well as exploitation (开采) by resource companies which are looking to drill in the area and approaching new sources of oil, gas minerals and hydropower. Shell has already revealed its plans to drill in the area, and so are other oil and gas drilling companies.

These new sources of fossil fuels will further increase harmful greenhouse gases causing permanent damage to the atmosphere, the weather and to the world and its population. The small and unique population and ecosystems of the Arctic are also threatened by the new dangers of pollution.

Recently Shell said that it is currently stopping is planned project for drilling in the Chukchi Sea, but unfortunately, the dangers are not all gone for this environmentally sensitive area. Another oil drilling company— Italian Eni has announced a 5.5 billion dollar oil drilling project for the Norwegian Arctic area.

Already, the impact on the environment in the Arctic is becoming evident and is being documented. The tundra (苔原) is disappearing rapidly as the frost is melting. The Inuit hunters are worriedly watching the sea ice disappearing, which is making sea animals such as seals change their behaviors and habits.

Overall, the climate changes in the area are now being considered as unpredictable and can cause a serious threat to the infrastructure (基础设施), the local people and the over 21,000 Arctic animal species.

With the increase of global temperature levels by an average of 2 degrees Celsius, this tendency is spreading to the Arctic as well. The level of the sea has risen by about 8cm since 2000. With the melting of the permafrost (永久冻土) in the area, a massive release of methane (沼气) in the atmosphere is expected, which can have a serious effect on the global weather.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “catastrophic” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
【小题2】Where did Shell plan to drill originally?
A.In the Chukchi Sea.B.In the tundra.
C.In the Norwegian Arctic area.D.In the sea ice.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards the global warming?
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.The Inuit hunters make sea animals change.
B.The climate and environment influence each other.
C.The Arctic animal species cause the great changes of the climate.
D.A release of methane has had a serious effect on the global weather.
