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Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden in which grew all sorts of fruits. Many beasts lived in the garden and they were permitted to eat the fruits whenever they wished. But they should observe one rule. They must make a low, polite bow to the fruit tree, call it by its name and say, “Please give me a taste of your fruit.” They had to be very careful to remember the tree’s correct name and not to forget to say “please”. It was also very important that they should remember not to be greedy. They must always leave plenty of fruits for other beasts who might pass that way, and to adorn (装饰) the tree itself and to furnish seeds so that other trees might grow. If they wished to eat apples, they had to say, “O, apple tree, O, apple tree, please give me a taste of your fruit.”

In one corner of the garden grew the most splendid tree of all. It was tall and beautiful and the rosy-cheeked fruit upon its wide spreading branches looked wonderfully tempting. No beast had ever tasted that fruit, for no beast could ever remember its name. In a tiny house near the edge of the garden lived a little old woman who knew the names of all the fruit trees in the garden. The beasts often went to her and asked the name of the wonderful fruit tree, but the tree was so distant from the tiny house of the little old woman that no beast could ever remember the long, hard name by the time he reached the fruit tree.

At last a monkey thought of a trick. He went to the tiny house of the little old woman, carrying his guitar under his arm. The old woman told him the long, hard name of the fruit tree, and he made up a little tune to it. He sang it over and over again all the way to the tree.


At last he reached the corner of the garden where the wonderful fruit tree grew.


The monkey returned from the tree and met other beasts in a garden party.

知识点:动物寓言故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Since I began introducing animals into my child psychotherapy(心理治疗) practice fifteen years ago, my life as a doctor has been full of wonders. Animals always help me in my work communicating with children in need.

Diane, a dark-haired five-year-old, came to me with a problem. Although she was a chatterbox(话匣子) in the house and with her family, no one had ever heard Diane say a word outside her home environment. Not one word. Diane’s parents tried to work with her to overcome her selective mutism(缄默症). Yet nothing they did seemed to make any impression on her. Diane refused to talk when she was outside her family circle.

Diane’s parents contacted me and I agreed to see her. It was a Friday afternoon. They were seated in the waiting room when my six-year-old dog, Puppy, and I walked out to greet them. Diane sat with her head down, making no move to look up or acknowledge our entrance.

Puppy went straight towards Diane. Because Diane’s head was bowed, Puppy was just three feet from Diane when the girl finally caught sight of her. Startled by the unexpected sight of a large golden dog, the girl’s eyes became huge and then her mouth curved slowly into a smile. Puppy stopped directly in front of Diane and laid her head in the girl’s lap.

I introduced myself and Puppy, but Diane didn’t respond. Instead, she began to silently pet Puppy’s head, running her hands softly over Puppy’s ears and nose. She was still obviously nervous at my office, but she was smiling and seemed to be enjoying her interaction with Puppy. I was speaking quietly with Diane’s parents when an idea hit me.

I spoke Puppy’s name quietly and gave her a hand signal to come toward me and continue back into the inner office. Puppy immediately started walking toward me. As Puppy walked away, I watched Diane’s face fall and her eyes take on a sad and disappointed look. I said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you wanted Puppy to stay with you. All you have to do for her to come back is say, ‘Puppy, come.’”

Diane’s parents stared at me, their expressions skeptical.
I knew that I had to seize the moment.

It was a fantastic and cheery early summer day. The sun was shining brilliantly, with clouds dancing in the blue sky. The birds were singing merrily and the colourful flowers were in full bloom. There was a warm gentle breeze. Bright green leaves swung in the wind, occasionally falling to the ground, cast off from the trees they trusted.

It was a lovely morning to be outdoors, to enjoy oneself in the splendid beauty of nature. There’s nothing quite as curative as being out in nature. Little Bear hated being locked at home. He wanted to go out to relieve his boredom. While his mother was busy with the daily domestic tasks, Little Bear slipped out through the backdoor. He was so eager for independence that he ignored his parents’ words and raced off into the woods near his home on his own.

As he jogged along the winding path from his home, Little Bear felt like an adventurer. Soon, the stone path ended and he found himself in the forest. He had never been so far from home all by himself. As Little Bear explored the plants of different colors in the abundant green forest, the fear of being alone in the great outdoors began to wear off. He immediately began to regret his careless decision to escape from his parents.

By afternoon, the sun was burning hot. Little Bear was weak from hunger and thirst. He felt tired and hungry. He longed for his mother’s cooking. He longed for his nice cosy bed. He longed to go home. Little Bear scanned the surroundings. Everything looked unfamiliar to him. He was lost! There was not a soul in sight from whom he could ask for directions. Little Bear sat on a rock, alone and depressed. Looking down, all he could see were his little paw prints imprinted in the mud.


An idea suddenly came into Little Bear’s mind.


Before long, he saw his familiar wooden cottage.

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Love is a road that goes both ways. Once upon a time, a little boy named David lived with his mother in a remote and small cottage. They couldn’t afford to live a luxurious life, but were satisfied with the little they had. Every day after coming home from school, David would accompany his mother to the forest to collect what they need, such as wood, wild vegetable, fungi, and so on.

One day, when David was in the forest by himself, he came across a puppy which seemed to be all alone. David looked here and there for its owner but in vain. So he picked it up, put it under his coat and carried it home. Reaching home, he said to his mother, “Mom, I found a little puppy alone in the forest! Can we keep him, please?” Feeling David’s excitement, his mother was in two minds about whether to keep the puppy or not. She told him, “Oh, David, that’s the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen! But we don’t have much. What will we do about his food and sleeping arrangement?” David replied, “It’s OK. Ill offer him half of my meals and let him sleep with me in my bedroom.” Hearing this, David’s mother just nodded. David’s happiness knew no bounds, and he named the puppy Cookie.

From that day onwards, David and Cookie became the best friends. Cookie followed David wherever he went. When David went to school, Cookie would patiently wait outside the classroom till the classes ended. At night, Cookie slept next to David on his tiny bed and dreamed sweet dreams.

One day, Cookie and David went to school together as usual. After school, they were following the familiar routine back home when it rained heavily with thunder and lightning, so that they were running in a hurry, trying to reach home as soon as possible. The roads everywhere turned slippery. Unfortunately, David missed seeing a hole at the side of the road and fell down the hole. He cried for help, hoping to be heard by passers-by. But due to the loud thundering and noise of the heavy rain, no one could hear him. Cookie barked loudly and anxiously, circling around the hole.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Cookie suddenly ran quickly in the direction of home.


David’s mom anxiously looked towards the hole and saw him trapped into it.

