阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷67

For parents the most stressful years in parenting are perhaps the time when their kids turn into teenagers. Some parents have a strong belief that a strict approach to parenting the kids is a must. Others believe that it is best to give teenagers a free hand. 【小题1】 The best way to parent teens is to use a mix of both. Read below for more tips on parenting teens.

Encourage discussion.

Make use of the problem areas in your teen's development as an opportunity to teach him or her tricks of good decision-making. 【小题2】. The only way in which you can do so is treat your kid as an adult. That is why it is very important to discuss the matter with your teen as you do with any other adult.

Follow rules.

If you have set rules for your teen to follow, then make sure you are strict in them. A teen who knows that there are certain rules that cannot be overlooked will make an effort to follow them. 【小题3】. Award your teenager when he or she follows the rules, but don’t forget to punish him or her each time a rule is broken.

Do not ignore your teenager’s unfriendly attitude or regard it as normal teen behavior. If you ignore this at the start, then you will have to face all the more difficult situations later. Mind signs which can point towards such behavior as sleeping late, missing classes, etc. 【小题4】 Be observant (善于观察的), but don’t let it become obvious.

Help set goals.

Parents often make the mistake of setting unreasonable goals for their teens. The expectations you have should be dependent on the abilities of your kids. Never shout at them if they fall short of their goals. 【小题5】. Only then are they able to reach their goals next time.

A.Instead, encourage them and help them to find their faults and weaknesses.
B.However, the teen will not act this way if you are not firm about the whole thing.
C.Parents should enjoy some sports with their kids.
D.Parents should recognize that teen years are the time when kids want more personal space.
E.Both these approaches are, however, right and wrong.
F.This will turn him or her into a responsible adult.
G.If you see any such sign, talk to him or her without overreacting.
知识点:家人和亲人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
When my son was just learning to talk, I carried him around the house in my arms and pointed out things to him. “Look, David, a clock. ”He’d smile and point as I did and say “clock”. David was quick at connecting the shape of things to their words.
When my son was about four years old, I walked with him to the backyard. I knew that there was an ant colony under one of the slate stones in the walkway near the shed, so I said to David, “Come on. I want to show you something. ”
As I showed David the ants that were crawling around the slate stone, he crouched down on his legs and looked with great intensity at the ants.
For days after that, David wanted to look under every rock in the garden, and we often found worms, ants and so on. I recognized that David loved to look at things closely and observe how things moved, and so I continued to point things out to him as he grew older: planes, cars, shells etc. . David was a keen observer, and I just gave him the suggestions as to where to look.
Today David is a medical doctor at Columbia University Center. I did not know that David would someday be a doctor, someone who has to pay close attention to what he sees, and yet I felt compelled when he was a boy to encourage his enthusiasm for observation.
That is what teachers and parents do: encourage a child’s enthusiasm for a particular interest: music, swimming, art, reading. And we provide tools for the children. If a child likes to draw, give him brushes, pens, and paper. If a girl likes to tap on the table top, give her a drum. If a child wants to sing, give him a microphone and a Frank Sinatra recording.
【小题1】The author wrote the passage to     .
A.recall the happy times he spent with his son
B.tell us that children are full of curiosity
C.tell us how to let children love nature
D.advise us to develop children’s interest or talent
【小题2】The author showed David the ants to     .
A.prevent him from becoming bored
B.develop his enthusiasm for observation
C.teach him some new words
D.arouse his interest in creatures
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the author’s viewpoint?
A.Make children have their own hobbies.
B.Teach children to be independent as soon as possible.
C.Satisfy children’s interest by possible means.
D.Hobbies can determine one’s future.
【小题4】The underlined word “intensity” in the third paragraph probably means“     ”.

Not every man is cut out to be a father. If the thought of fatherhood fills you with fear, maybe it isn’t for you or maybe it’s a sign that you take the responsibility of fatherhood seriously.

As a parent, you are always going to have to trust your instincts (本能). There’s no comprehensive rule book on parenting. You’ll screw up sometimes. (Hopefully, your husband or wife will be there to nudge (用肘推) you in the right direction. ) And, as in many other aspects of life, doing the right thing will rarely make you popular. Your kids will need limits and discipline, and some days they will get angry with you for it. But the kids know on some level that they need limits and that the responsible parent who is setting and enforcing them is doing so because he or she cares. It’s the children whose parents allow them to do anything they want who often harbor doubts about whether they are really loved.

Certainly, we can find meaning in a lot of places in life. But for most of us who have seen the emergence of a small baby, fatherhood gives life unparalleled meaning. Parenthood, for a lot of us, may well be an antidepressant—not because you always feel good, but because you no longer have any time to sit around feeling bad. Your kids will always need you in one way or another—first for bottle-feeding, then as fellow pretend superheroes and to apply Band-Aids to skinned knees, and then, when they are teenagers, as a free personal Uber service or, once in a great while, for unexpected deep talks about the meaning of life.

I know what I did with my kids day after day, night after night, year over year, mattered so much. I won’t pretend to have everything figured out about life, but I did figure out the immeasurable value in being one link in a great chain of family, stretching back to our ancestors and continuing into the future, into whatever the world throws at us next.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “screw up” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Mess up.B.Feel down.C.Stay strong.D.Get inspired.
【小题2】Which statement will the author probably agree with?
A.Parenting books are essential for parents.
B.Strict parents are popular with their kids.
C.Disciplining kids is a way to show love.
D.Kids seldom understand parents’ intentions.
【小题3】Why does the author mention the things a parent does for kids in paragraph 3?
A.To share some parenting tips.
B.To stress the difficulty of parents.
C.To recall the growth of his kids.
D.To show the value of being a parent.
【小题4】How does the author mainly feel about fatherhood?

How to Improve Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

You don't always get on well with your daughter. She might be busy with her things while you might be busy with yours. When you try to talk to her, she doesn't listen. Does either of these situations sound like you? 【小题1】

Set aside time to spend with her.

【小题2】 Pick a certain day of the week or time of the day when both of you are free, like Saturdays or Sundays. It's good to do it the same day and time so you and she can remember when your special time together is. Summer is a great time to do things together. During that time your daughter will likely be out of school. However, on weeknights, she will probably be quite busy with her schoolwork. 【小题3】


Not only should your daughter listen to you, but you must listen as well. If you don't, she'll think it's okay to not pay attention. She'll be aware that you aren't truly listening and it isn't a pleasant feeling. While you are listening, look at her and have good eye contact with her. 【小题4】 Listen to what she wants to do. For example, if your daughter wants to go to a movie, don't just say "No" right away. See what you can do; look at what movies are playing, or ask her what movie she wants to see.

Trust your daughter as best you can.

Trust can be difficult, but it's the key basis of any relationship. 【小题5】 If you lie often and catch her lying a lot, for instance, start being honest yourself. Always keep your promises. If something comes up that prevents you from keeping a promise, be sure to let her know about it.

A.Try to find time in your schedule.
B.Spare your time at any moment if it is needed.
C.Respect that, and find a different time to spend together.
D.Your daughter will never listen to you during your talking.
E.If so, you need to improve your mother-daughter relationship.
F.To show that you are listening, ask her questions that you have.
G.If you find yourself doing untrustworthy things frequently, stop.
