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One period of our lives when better results are demanded of us is, strangely enough, childhood. Despite being young we are expected to achieve good grades, stay out of trouble, make friends at school, do well on tests, perform chores at home and so on. It’s not easy.

The good news is that being likeable can help a child perform better. Likeable children enjoy many advantages, including the ability to cope more easily with stresses of growing up. In her book Understanding Child Stress, Dr. Carolyn Leonard states that children who are likeable and optimistic are able to gain support from others. This leads to focus and resilience, the ability to recover from or adjust early to life stress; a child who has adequate emotional armor can continue down the path to success. Much research shows that resilience has enabled children to succeed in school, avoid drug abuse, and develop a healthy self-awareness.

Why does a likeable child more easily handle stress and do better in his or her life? Because likeability helps create what’s known as a positive feedback loop. The positive feelings you want to see in other people are returned to you, creating constant encouragement and motivation, to deal with the daily stress of life.

This feedback loop continues into adulthood. To return once again to the example of teaching, learning becomes easier with a likeable personality. Michael Deluecchi of the University of Hawaii reviewed dozens of studies to determine if likeable teachers received good ratings because of their likeability or because they in fact taught well. Deluecchi found that “students who perceive a teacher as likeable, in contrast to those who do not, may be more attentive to the information that the teacher delivers, and they’ll work harder on assignments, and they will learn more”.

You may have noticed this pattern in your own life when you try to give some advice. The more positive your relationship with that person, the more he or she seems to listen, and the more you feel certain that that person has heard you and intends to act on your words.

【小题1】What does the writer imply in the first paragraph?
A.Children are expected more than we usually think.
B.Life is not easy for every one of us.
C.Better education results in smarter children.
D.To be a likeable child is almost impossible.
【小题2】According to Dr. Leonard, what is one advantage of likeable children?
A.They can cope more easily with stress independently.
B.They know how to avoid trouble and unpleasant events.
C.They are always optimistic and ready to help those in need.
D.They can achieve more and understand themselves better.
【小题3】What’s the main purpose of the studies done by Michael Delucchi?
A.To find if a likeable teacher has a positive personality.
B.To find if a likeable teacher draws more attention.
C.To find how a teacher’s likeability gains popularity.
D.To find how a likeable teacher’s teaching style is formed.
【小题4】What does the passage aim at proving?
A.Likeable people do better in life generally.B.Likeable people do better in their childhood.
C.Social creatures enjoy fewer advantages.D.Likeable people give better advice.
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People have grown taller over the last century. A global study looked at the average height of the 18-year-olds in 200 countries in 1914 and 2014. The results reveal that while Swedes were the tallest people in the world in 1914, Dutch men have risen from the 12th place to claim top spot with an average height of 182.5cm. Latvian women, meanwhile, rose from the 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later, with an average height of 169.8cm.

James Bentham, a co-author of the research from Imperial College, London, says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare. “An individual’s genes have a big influence on their height, but once you average over whole populations, genes play a less key role,” he adds.

A little extra height brings a number of advantages, says Elio Riboli of Imperial College. “Being taller is associated with longer life expectancy,” he says. “This is largely due to a lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease among taller people.”

“But while height has increased around the world, the trend in many countries of north and sub-Saharan Africa causes concern,” says Riboli. While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century, the trend has reversed in recent years, with height decreasing among 18-year-olds.

“One reason for these decreases in height is the economic situation in the 1980s,” says Alexander Moradi of the University of Sussex. The nutritional and health crises that followed the policy of structural adjustment led to many children and teenagers failing to reach their full potential in terms of height.

Bentham believes the global trend of increasing height has important influences. “How tall we are now is strongly influenced by the environment we grow up in,” he says. “If we give children the best possible start in life now, they will be healthier and more productive for decades to come.”

【小题1】What can we learn from the study in paragraph 1?
A.Dutch men were the tallest people in the world in 2014.
B.Swedes were the tallest with an average height of 182.5cm in 1914.
C.There has been little increase in most countries.
D.The increase in women’s height is bigger than men’s.
【小题2】According to James Bentham, how do genes influence the increase of people’s height?
A.They determine people’s height completely.
B.They influence more on an individual than on populations.
C.They have the same influences as nutrition and healthcare.
D.They play a more significant role in females than males.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “reversed” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Grown in the same way.B.Changed in the opposite direction.
C.Appeared a second time.D.Stopped all of a sudden.
【小题4】What is Bentham’s attitude to the influences of the increasing height?

A computer programme can identify breast cancer from routine scans with greater accuracy than human experts, some researchers said. They hoped what they developed could prove a breakthrough in the fight against the global killer.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, with more than 2 million new diagnoses last year alone. Regular screening is vital in detecting the earliest signs of the disease in patients who show no obvious symptoms.

In Britain, women over 50 are advised to get an examination of a breast every three years, the results of which are analyzed by two independent experts. But interpreting the scans leaves room for error, and a small percentage of all mammograms(乳房X光检查) either return a false positive—misdiagnosing a healthy patient as having cancer—or false negative—missing the disease as it spreads.

Now researchers at Google Health have trained an artificial intelligence model to detect cancer in breast scans from thousands of women in Britain and the United States. The images had already been reviewed by doctors in real life but unlike in a clinical setting, the machine had no patient history to inform its diagnoses. The team found that their AI model could predict breast cancer from the scans with a similar accuracy level to expert radiographers.

Further, the AI showed a reduction in the proportion of cases where cancer was incorrectly identified—5.7 percent in the US and 1.2 percent in Britain, respectively. It also reduced the percentage of missed diagnoses by 9.4 percent among US patients and by 2.7 percent in Britain.

“The earlier you identify a breast cancer, the better it is for the patient,” Dominic King, UK lead at Google Health, told AFP. “We think about this technology in a way that supports and enables an expert, or a patient ultimately, to get the best outcome from whatever diagnostics they’ve had.”

【小题1】What’s the text mainly about?
A.Regular screening. is important for women who are over 50.
B.AI is more powerful than experts in diagnosing breast cancer.
C.Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women.
D.The earlier you identify a breast cancer the better the result is.
【小题2】What is of great importance in discovering breast cancer at an early stage?
A.Daily scanning.B.Human experts.C.Regular screening.D.A computer program.
【小题3】What can we infer about breast cancer from the third paragraph?
A.It may be connected with age.B.It can be cured in most cases.
C.The patients tend to be negative.D.It is frequently misdiagnosed.
【小题4】What’s Dominic King’s attitude toward the new technology?

Telling jokes requires intelligence, creativity, imagination and the ability to tell a story, while listening to jokes is more passive behaviour but one that demands attention, intelligence and being in the right mood in order to enjoy jokes. Besides, there are also clear similarities between joke tellers and appreciators. A new study takes this further and tries to find other connections between creating humour and appreciating humour.

The author carried on the cartoon caption (字幕) task. 159 participants were shown more than 30cartoons without captions and were asked to come up with a funny caption for each one of them. Later, independent judges classified those captions based on how funny they were.

The results showed that those who produced the funniest captions also produced more captions overall. What was more interesting was that creating funny captions was negatively related to appreciation of humour. In other words, funny people tend to find jokes less funny than other people do. It is not clear why this is the case, but it might be because creators of great humour have higher standards of humour creativity and expect higher levels of creativity from people who tell jokes, compared to those who are not so good at creating humour.

Moreover, outgoing people and those who are open to new experiences found the cartoons funnier, but surprisingly, outgoing people are less likely to be funny. This is consistent with my own research that comedians were more introverted than the general population. They usually don’t like to express themselves in social situations.

Appreciation and production of humour are two different cognitive (认知的) tasks, each with unique characteristics. This is why when someone tells you he or she has a great sense of humour, you may ask, “Are you good at telling jokes or do you tend to laugh more?”

【小题1】What qualities do joke tellers and appreciators have in common?
【小题2】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The results of the study.B.The process of the study.
C.The judgement of the study.D.The importance of the study
【小题3】According to the text, outgoing people         .
A.are good at appreciating humourB.are more likely to be comedians
C.are more likely to be funnyD. are unwilling to express themselves in social situations
【小题4】What does the underlined word “introverted” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Being very successful.B.Being easy to talk to.
C.Being quiet and shy.D.Being kind to others.
