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The mirror self-recognition test was dreamed up in the 1960’s by Gordon Gallup, Jr., a scientist now with the State University of New York. Back then, he was a graduate student taking a course in psychology, and the students were asked to come up with an idea for an experiment.

“I was washing my face in front of a mirror one day, says Grallup. It occurred to me wouldn’t it be interesting to see if other animals could recognize themselves in mirrors?”

Still looking at the mirror, he realized he could test an animal by secretly marking its face with some kind of red dye (染料), to see if it could use the mirror to access these strange red marks.

No such test had been done before, even though people had long observed animals looking into mirrors. Most species tend to treat a mirror image as a stranger to be courted (献殷勤) or attacked. Some scientists thought that primates (灵长类) might do better. Charles Darwin once watched with interest as an orangutan (红毛猩猩) named Jenny made faces at a mirror.

When Gallup started doing experiments with chimps (黑猩猩), a few years after he came up with his test, he found that at first the chimps acted as if the mirror image were another animal. But then, after a couple of days they began using the mirror to examine parts of their bodies like their teeth.

When Gallup put red dye on their faces, the chimps later woke up and reacted to the unexpected mirror image as if they understood that the marks were on their own faces.

In Gallup’s view, only three species have mirror self-recognition: chimps, orangutans, and humans. Others, though, think the list is long. Diana Reiss, a scientist at Hunter College, has tested both dolphins and elephants and beeves that both show signs of recognizing themselves in mirrors.

【小题1】Who first came up with the idea of the mirror self-recognition test?
A.A university student.B.A zoo keeper in New York.
C.A teacher in Hunter College.D.A scientist in a research organization.
【小题2】What did Gordon Gallup intend the red dye for?
A.Marking his image in the mirror.
B.Marking his own face before washing.
C.Marking the face of the animal to be tested.
D.Marking an animal without self-recognition ability.
【小题3】How did chimps react to their image in the mirror?
A.They showed no interest in it.
B.They examined that image carefully.
C.They took it as another animal at first.
D.They immediately recognized what it was.
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Scientists believe they have found a new use for facial recognition technology: saving large ocean animals known as seals. Researchers at Colgate University in the U. S. state of New York have developed SealNet. The system is a database of seal faces created by taking pictures of many harbor seals in Maine’s Casco Bay.

The research team found the tool’s accuracy in identifying the mammals was close to 100 percent. The researchers are working on increasing the size of their database to make it available to other scientists, said Krista Ingram. She is a biology professor at Colgate and a team member.

Increasing the database to include rare species such as the Mediterranean monk seal and Hawaiian monk seal could help efforts to save those species, she said. Creating a list of seal faces and using machine learning to identify them can also help scientists know where in the ocean seals are, Ingram said. She said, “For marine mammals that move around a lot and are hard to photograph in the water, we need to be able to identify individuals. ”

SealNet is designed to identify the face in a picture. It recognizes the seal’s face based on information related to the eyes and nose shape, as it would a human. A similar tool called PrimNet, which is for use on primates(灵长类), had been used on seals earlier, but SealNet performed better, the Colgate researchers said. Seals and other ocean mammals have long been studied using satellite technology. Using artificial intelligence to study them is a way to bring conservation into the 21st century.

Facial recognition technology could provide valuable data, said Michelle Berger, an associate scientist at the Shaw Institute in Maine. Berger was not involved in the SealNet research. “Once the system is perfected I can picture lots of interesting environmental uses for it”, Berger said. “If they could recognize seals, and recognize them from year to year, that would give us lots of information about movement, how much they move from site to site. ”

【小题1】How can the researchers benefit other scientists from the database?
A.By expanding their database.B.By improving its accuracy.
C.By getting closer to seals.D.By using more machines.
【小题2】Why is taking photos of ocean mammals difficult?
A.They always live in large groups.B.They can’t adapt to new equipment.
C.They all have similar eyes and noses.D.They often change their locations.
【小题3】What does Berger think of the new technology?
A.It’s really perfect.B.It’s unreliable.C.It’s of great benefit.D.It’s very interesting.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.New Technology to Protect Ocean Animals
B.Scientists Use Facial Recognition to Study Seals
C.A New System Taking More Pictures of Seals
D.Facial Recognition is Used to Preserve Ocean

Last Friday, Mike Babbitt was about to leave the Bremerton Yacht Club to go gas up when the engine of the boat caught fire.

“The wind was blowing from the North. It would have blown the boat into the yacht (快艇) club so I just gave it all the power I could to get it away from the yacht club,” he told Komo News. However, that wasn’t the end of Mike’s mission (使命). Still on the boat were his two bulldogs Pearl and Hootie. He placed the dogs on a paddleboard before jumping into the water himself.

He explained to Komo News that he didn’t even have time to grasp a life coat or his oxygen. Mike served in the army for five years in a special police unit in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his time in the army, he suffered a pancreatic (胰腺的) attack that forced him to rely on oxygen treatment for the rest of his life.

Still, he succeeded in doing the unthinkable. “I just slid into the water and started paddling away from the fire and I could still feel the heat from the fire,” Mike told the news reporters. Mike was then rescued by some friends and later transported to a nearby hospital, where his wife Jamie met him. The fire is especially heartbreaking for Mike and his wife as the yacht was their only house. They had early sold their home and saved up in order to live a life on the water.

However, Mike is just happy to have survived. “I think it is the gift of God watching over us,” Mike told Komo News. “You have to put it exactly that were still alive and we’re still together.” A GoFundMe has since been created to help the Babbitts following the fire.

【小题1】Where was Mike going when the yacht caught fire?
A.The club.B.The boat.
C.A police unit.D.A filling station.
【小题2】What did Mike do in the end?
A.Got a life coat.B.Pushed the boat away.
C.Put out the fire.D.Saved Pearl and Hootie.
【小题3】By writing Paragraph 3, the author intends to ________.
A.sum up the paragraphs before itB.continue talking about the incident
C.add some background informationD.introduce a new subject for discussion
【小题4】What probably is continued with the passage?
A.Opening up about the terrible fire.B.Raising money to help the Babbitts.
C.Being thankful for what God gives.D.Realizing a dream of living on the water.
【小题5】Which of the following best describes Mike?
A.Brave and kind.B.Confident and calm.
C.Positive and devoted.D.Generous and grateful.

A group of scientists at Georgia Tech University have recently studied the ways that elephants use sucking power when eating. Along the way, the scientists have learned a number of other surprising things elephants can do with their trunks.

Elephants' trunks are incredible. They weigh over 91 kilograms, but there are no bones in an elephant's trunk. That helps explain how they can bend and twist, and be used in so many different ways.

Elephants use their trunks to breathe, to smell and to make sounds. Though trunks aren't connected to elephants' stomachs, they are used to grab around 180 kilograms of food every day and bring it to elephants' mouths. Elephants also use their trunks to suck up water to squirt(喷射)into their mouths or on their backs.

But elephants' trunks are also strong enough to be used for fighting. They're made of pure muscle, and can lift items as heavy as 350 kilograms. The scientists wanted to learn more about how elephants' trunks handle small things that don't weigh much.

For African elephants, part of that answer lies in the two finger-like tips they have at the end of their trunks, which allow them to grab things. The scientists studied the African elephants at Zoo Atlanta. They gave the elephants small cubes of a vegetable called a rutabaga. If there were just a few cubes, the elephant would use its fingers to pick them up. But if there were 10 or more cubes, the elephant would suck the cubes up with its trunk and then put them in its mouth.

The elephants could even use suction to lift up something as thin and fragile as a tortilla chip(圆饼片)without breaking it. They did it the same way a person might lift a piece of paper with his mouth by sucking in. That gentleness is surprising in a tool as powerful as an elephant's trunk.

【小题1】Which is the feature of the elephant's trunk?
A.It's unique and precious.B.It's both strong and flexible.
C.It's connected to the stomach.D.It's made of muscles and bones.
【小题2】What is an elephant's trunk usually used for according to the text?
A.Smelling and tasting its food.B.Storing a large amount of water.
C.Carrying objects while traveling.D.Feeding food and helping drink water.
【小题3】How did the elephant grab a tortilla chip in the test?
A.Catching hold of it with its mouth.B.Sucking it up gently with its trunk.
C.Picking it up with the tips of its trunk.D.Breaking and lifting it with great power.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The Elephants,Big Creatures with Curiosity.
B.An Elephant's Trunk Is Important to the World.
C.Scientists Test the Suction of Elephants' Trunks.
D.Elephants' Trunks,Amazing and Surprising Tools.
