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Why do people travel? Well, we usually travel because we want to see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. We travel to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather. However, there are other reasons for adventure travel. Many of today’s adventure travelers are looking for an unusual experience and adventure travel is becoming more and more popular. Here is a quick look at two popular activities: hiking and rafting.

Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or other places. The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hiking in the city.

Another exciting adventure is rafting. A raft is a small boat that you can use to paddle(划桨) down rivers and streams. Rafting is a good way to experience nature. If you want a normal rafting trip, choose a quiet stream or river that is wide and has few fallen trees or rocks. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes. You also need to learn the basic skills, such as how to handle the raft, how to paddle and how to get in and out of the raft. You should not raft unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket.

【小题1】Adventure travelers want to ________.
A.experience something exciting and unusual
B.meet new friends and get away from bad weather.
C.try new kinds of food and see other countries.
D.visit famous sites or beautiful places
【小题2】Hiking is a good way of traveling because ________.
A.you seldom do it in the city
B.you can work out in nature
C.you need a lot of equipment for it
D.you don’t have to consider the safety
【小题3】Before you go rafting, you do not have to _________.
A.learn rafting skillsB.know how to swim
C.put on a life jacketD.wear leather shoes
【小题4】Which word is close in meaning to “rafting” in the third paragraph?
【小题5】The author wrote this passage mainly to introduce ________.
A.something about hikingB.something about rafting
C.the safety rules of travelingD.two exciting ways of traveling
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Best Summer Camps for Teenagers 2022

Catalina Sea Camp

Catalina Sea Camp is an adventure camp in Catalina Island, California. It’s perfect for kids aged 8~17 who enjoy being out in the ocean and participating in thrilling water sports and activities. It also has an educational aspect, focusing on marine ( 海 洋 的 ) biology, making it perfect for those interested in a future career in the field.

Camp Wicosuta

This is a summer camp in New Hampshire. This particular summer camp is intended specially for teenage girls that want to spend a little time outdoors. Each sleep-away camp session is broken down into four individual weeks and the entire program is based on celebrating confidence, competence and communication.

iD Tech Camp

iD Tech Camp is a virtual technology camp for teens. At their online camp, teens receive a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education while making friends with other students. Their expert instructors have years of experience and often come from well-known universities like Stanford, California Institute of Technology and New York University. The vast majority of students who attend the camps take part in STEM programs at universities, making it perfect for high school students who want a future career in the STEM field.

Fusion Academy College Camp

If you’re looking for a different kind of camp experience, Fusion Academy is offering College Admissions Camps this summer, Fusion is a private middle and high school with a personalized learning model. They offer the unique college camp on the Internet, so high school students can attend it from anywhere. Fusion Academy provides a nurturing (培养) environment where students can become the best versions of themselves on an academic and personal level.

【小题1】What can campers do at the camp in Catalina Island, California?
A.Take STEM classes.B.Do water sports
C.Attend job interviews.D.Visit famous universities
【小题2】Which of the following camps is aimed at female teenagers?
A.Camp Wicosuta.B.iD Tech Camp.
C.Catalina Sea Camp.D.Fusion Academy College Camp.
【小题3】What do iD Tech Camp and Fusion Academy College Camp have in common?
A.They are held onlineB.They center on art activities
C.They offer one-on-one instructionD.They are designed for college students

Cassie Thomas thought she was just meeting with the media at her lunch break. Instead, the nurse at Janet Weis Children’s Hospital near Danville got a surprise party from her workmates. It was her first day back to work after a family vacation in Clearwater, Florida, and what a vacation it was!

“Just as I looked up, there was this big pinks lightning that just came down and hit the beach, ” Cassie said. Cassie, her husband, and their two daughters were on their hotel balcony last week when they heard and saw the storm.

After Cassie saw the lightning, she saw two boys lying on the beach. So, she shouted to them. “Then one boy sat up and he just started shouting back, and I said, ‘Jay, call 911; I’m going. ” Cassie said. So the 31-year-old nurse sprang into action. She ran down 16 flights of stairs onto the beach where she found the two boys, Jansen and Cameron, who are from North Carolina. Cameron had no heartbeat.

“I rolled Cameron over and I just started compressing(按压),”Cassie said. She didn’t realize it at the time, but she-was risking her own life to save the teenage boys.

“My daughters were on the balcony and it was a very dangerous situation to put myself in. I just wished to keep me safe because I was going, ” Cassie said. “It just goes to her character to help others. And you know what? When it’s your kid, you’d want someone to be coming in and saving his life, ” one of her workmates said.

Cassie was there when Cameron got out of the hospital. “He just said, ‘Thank you; thank you; thank you.’ He gave me so many hugs, ” Cassie said. “A nurse never truly goes on vacation. I just keep telling everybody the same thing. It’s just what you do. ”

Cassie and two other people got Good Samaritan awards from the Clearwater Police Department for saving Cameron’s life. Cassie’s workmates said they couldn’t be any prouder of this-life-saving nurse.

【小题1】Why did Cassie’s workmates give her a surprise party?
A.To welcome her back to work.
B.To see her off for her vacation.
C.To honor her for her heroic act.
D.To congratulate heron the interview.
【小题2】What happened to the boys?
A.They were pulled into the sea.
B.They were hit by lightning.
C.They fell off from the balcony.
D.They got caught in a rain.
【小题3】What did Cassie do when she saw the two boys?
A.She called 911.
B.She took them to a hospital.
C.She jumped into the sea to save them.
D.She gave first aid to one of them.
【小题4】What did Cassie mean by saying “A nurse never truly goes on a vacation”?
A.Nurses have no time to go on a vacation.
B.Nurses are ready at all times to help others.
C.Nurses don’t like to go on a vacation.
D.Nurses may be called back to work during vacation.

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Free Thursdays, 2-6 pm

The Brooklyn Children’s Museum has something for kids of all ages. With fun, educational exhibits(展览)that teach children about world cultures, history, science and nature, including live animals and a collection of 30,000 historical objects, even parents will enjoy it. There’s also a special area for children under five, with activities for the youngest of youngster.

New York Hall of Science

Free Fridays, 2-5 pm, and Sundays, 10-11 am

Kids get hands-on experience with science and technology at this place that offers more than 450 exhibits. There are a few worthwhile things to spend money on during your visit: a round of Rocket Park Mini Golf, a turn in the 60, 000-square-foot Science Playground and a screening inside the 3-D theater.

Queens County Farm Museum

Grounds free daily (Check to see if a ticketed public event is being held.)

It is one of the longest continually farmed sites in New York State. Feed and pet animals like sheep, ponies and goats, tour farm buildings from three different centuries, and come back during fall when you can go pumpkin picking. Don’t forget to stop by the store on your way out for fresh fruits and vegetables grown on the farm!

Waterfront Museum and Showboat Barge

Free Thursdays, 4-8 pm, and Saturdays, 1-5 pm

Come tour this large history wooden boat that lies in Brooklyn’s Red Hook, not far from the Fairway Market. Check to see if a performance is taking place — perhaps a magic-, music-or history-related event that may cost money.

【小题1】Which of the following provides activities specially created for kids under 5?
A.New York Hall of Science.
B.Queens County Farm Museum.
C.Brooklyn Children’s Museum.
D.Waterfront Museum and Showboat Barge.
【小题2】What do we know about New York Hall of Science?
A.It provides a place for people to watch 3-D movies.
B.It has a collection of 450 historical objects.
C.It offers more performances about magic.
D.It lies in Brooklyn’s Red Hook.
【小题3】Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?
A.A movie poster.
B.A science report.
C.A history magazine.
D.A travel guidebook.
