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Holly O'Brien didn't know Meagan Hughes, another Korean American nurse working on the same floor at Doctors Hospital of Sarasota. After O'Brien and Hughes finally met, they did begin to notice parallels' in their lives. They were both certified (持证的) nursing assistants. They were both orphans who had been adopted by American families. And their reasons for ending up at the orphanages (孤儿院) were the same: abandonment.

Suddenly, the coincidences seemed more than merely interesting. In fact, for years, O'Brien sensed that she'd had a half-sister in Republic of Korea. Though her mother had disappeared when she was an infant and she was only five when her father was killed by a train, she had a memory of her and her father living, briefly, with his second wife and a baby girl. O'Brien was ultimately adopted by a loving couple from Alexandria, Virginia, but her Korean childhood never left her. She remembered one night, when she was about nine years old, she woke up from a dream and screamed, “My daddy died. I have a sister. I need to find her.” O'Brien's adoptive family contacted the orphanage in Korea for information, but there was no record of a sibling.

Hughes wasn't troubled by lingering memories; instead, she was haunted because she didn't have any. Adopted when she was four by a family in Kingston, New York, she couldn't remember either of her biological parents. “My whole life has been a question in my mind, and emptiness,” she said.

Now the coincidence of meeting O'Brien offered the chance to fill in the blanks. A year ago, the urses decided to take at-home DNA tests and mailed the samples away to be analyzed. Less than two weeks later, O'Brien got an e-mail. Their DNA matched -- they were half-sisters.

“Is this really happening?” said Hughes. O'Brien was shocked but also relieved. “In my heart, I knew,” she said "I knew she was out there somewhere.” After more than for long decades O'Brien had finally found the missing piece of her pest, working just a few feet away from her.

Today, the sisters wear special necklaces, each with a heart-shaped charm, as a symbol of their bond. “She will always be in my heart,” said O'Brien.

【小题1】Which is true about Holly O'Brien and Meagan Hughes according to the passage?
A.They ended up in the same orphanage for the same reason.
B.They were adopted by the same American family.
C.They worked on the same floor in the same hospital.
D.They were both qualified nurses.
【小题2】What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Their parents were both killed in a traffic accident
B.O'Brien's adoptive family treated her in earnest.
C.O'Brien was upset by unpleasant memories but Hughes wasn't.
D.O'Brien remembered she had had a half-sister in another American family.
【小题3】Which of the following is the best to replace the underlined word “lingering” in Paragraph 3?
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Half-sistersB.Special necklaces
C.Two orphansD.Tight bonds
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When someone told 85-year-old Johnny Long that he was called a living legend, he replied, “I don’t know about that, but I’m living, and that’s important.”
Starting in 1949 as a high school band director and later as director of the Troy University band, Johnny Long became known as one of the most inspirational band directors in America. More than three hundred of his students went on to become band directors them-selves. “I have been a band director for more than 60 years and all I know about the word band is that you spell it F-U-N,” Long said. “And if you change that, it’s over.”
Long retired 14 years ago to spend more time with his wife Mary Lynn. But his passion (热情) for bands never went away. He dreamed of forming a top-notch (拔尖的) community band in Troy. But Troy is a small town — with not a ton of top-notch talent. “I didn’t think it would work, I really didn’t,” Long said.
Fortunately, there was one thing Johnny hadn’t considered: the devotion of his former students. Now, once a week during the concert season, they drive in from all over the south and across the decades.
65-year-old Bobby Johnson was in Long’s first college class. He lives in Atlanta and drives 3 hours to practice. Johnson said he does it because Long’s “such a unique character and I just admire him so much.”
Many people do it for the same reason. “He’s the single biggest influence on my career.” “He was a father figure to me. He’s just a genuine person.”
Long said he wanted to be remembered as a teacher. “I think ‘teacher’ is the greatest word in the English language, next to ‘mother’.”
【小题1】What Long got most from bands was ______.
【小题2】Why did Long retire 14 years ago?
A.Because he found no band talent in Troy.
B.Because he was tired of working as a director.
C.Because he hoped to spend more time with his wife.
D.Because he found his students were not devoted to music.
【小题3】The words of Long’s students show that ______.
A.Long treated his students like a father
B.Long was born to be a good teacher
C.Long influenced his students greatly
D.Long was very special as a teacher
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Johnny Long still teaches at the age of 85.
B.A band director had more than 300 students.
C.A band lover organized a band in a small town.
D.85-year-old band director still inspires others.

There can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you. It brings comfort and a silent promise that says, “I am here and you are not alone.”

When my children were born, I memorized every detail about them: the skin that felt so, soft, the lips that looked like a pink flower, and the eyes that looked deep into my soul. And, of course, their hands.

As babies, they reached for me whenever they were hungry or tired or just needed to be held. Sometimes, if they woke in the night, just the touch of my hand would case them back to sleep. They clung (抓住) to me when they took their first ’steps and we held hands when crossing streets and walking from the car to their classroom on their first day of school.

My hands picked them up when they fell, and clapped louder than anybody else at their sports games and plays. Their hands waved at me from the window of a school bus, the stage of an auditorium (观众席), and from the bottom of a pool.

As they grew older and more independent, I noticed that they didn’t hold my hand much anymore. I told myself it was part of growing up, and I should just be glad they could do things on their own now. But when you’ve been needed so much for such a long time, it’s hard to step back and feel unnecessary.

Then one day. I was visiting my oldest son in New York, where he was working as an actor on a TV show. As we were about lo cross a busy street that was filed with traffic, he grabbed my hand and shouted, “Hang on 10 me, Mom,” then led me safely across.

At that moment, I realized two things. First, my boy had become mature. Second, it was clear that our roles had changed. We still needed each other but in much more different ways than before.

That scene has replayed in various ways with each of my three children. They have all taught me to lean on them just as they once leaned on me, and that we can always lean on each other. We live miles apart, but stay in touch every day, There is magic and comfort and healing in the touch of a hand that loves you, even if it “touches” you from afar.

【小题1】How did the author get along with her children when they were young?
A.She was very strict with them.
B.She overprotected them.
C.She was too busy to take care of them.
D.She developed a close bond with them.
【小题2】How did the author feel when her kids became more independent?
A.She found it hard not to be needed anymore.
B.She felt lonely when living apart from them.
C.She was worried that they couldn’t manage themselves.
D.She was pleased to be able to step back and enjoy herself.
【小题3】The underlined word “mature” in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ________.
【小题4】What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To explore how to interact with children.
B.To describe the growth of her children.
C.To show the power of the touch of a hand.
D.To present how parents influence their kids.

Seventy-year-old Tububatu and his wife live in a village on the edge of Badain Jaran, China’s third-largest desert. Since their retirement, they’ve been spending every day fighting the advancement of the desert with the help of plant-life. Others had tried fighting the desert and failed, but they just wanted to know if they could make a difference.

Relying only on their pensions, the retired couple have been slowly and steadily growing their little desert forest. They started out by planting just 50 trees, but kept doubling their efforts to the point where they now plant thousands of trees a year. Even though they mostly plant drought-resistant species, they still water them at least once a day to make sure they grow better. Their small desert forest now covers over 266 hectares and numbers tens of thousands of trees.

The couple stay behind in their village, nearly 100 kilometers away from the nearest town, despite their children’s efforts to get them to move with them to a more comfortable home. They’ve been ridiculed by members of their own community who believed their efforts to fight the desert were sure to fail, but they haven’t let that prevent them making their efforts. They may very well fail, but at least they’ve given it their all.

Over the last 19 years, the couple have planted over 266 hectares of desert and have no plan of stopping anytime soon. China Daily reports that Tububatu and his wife have so far planted over 70, 000 trees and spent more than 1 million yuan of their savings in the process. The bad conditions have caused a lot of damage to their health, they look older than their age, and they both have been battling serious health conditions, but they refuse to abandon their battle against the desert.

【小题1】What did Tububatu and his wife do after they retired?
A.They moved to the town.B.They planted trees in the desert.
C.They donated their pensions.D.They worked for China Daily.
【小题2】What have Tububatu and his wife achieved after the efforts of many years?
A.They’ve developed new tree species.B.They’ve grown a small forest.
C.They’ve inspired their own community.D.They’ve changed the desert climate.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The neighbors’ tease.B.The advancement of the desert.
C.A comfortable home.D.The unpleasant weather.
【小题4】Which of the following words can describe Tububatu and his wife?
A.Ambitious and selfish.B.Cautious and independent.
C.Humorous and outgoing.D.Determined and hard-working.
