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Dr. Nancy Foster was a great marine (海洋) leader, 【小题1】 helped lay the groundwork or today’s network of national marine research. After 【小题2】(graduate) from Texas Woman’s University, she received her master’s degree in marine biology and her PhD from university. Dr. Foster 【小题3】(begin) her career at NOAA (美国国家海洋和大气局) in 1977, where she was responsible 【小题4】 the Sanctuary and Reserves Program. In 【小题5】 mid-1980s, she became chief of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Office of Protected Resources. Besides, she 【小题6】(actual) tried to take part in 【小题7】(vary) marine programs.

She served as Acting Assistant Administrator from January to October 1993, and worked for the National Ocean Service from 1998 until her surprising 【小题8】(die) in 2000. With her 【小题9】(profession) effort for the environment, NOAA 【小题10】(lead) into a modern coastal resource management and conservation to protect the marine environment.

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Yuan Longping, 【小题1】 Chinese scientist who developed many high-yield rice 【小题2】 (variety) that helped feed people around the world, passed away on Saturday at a hospital in the southern city of Changsha. On Saturday afternoon, large crowds honored the scientist by marching past the hospital, calling out “Grandpa Yuan, have a good journey!”

Yuan spent his life researching rice and was a household name in China, known by the nickname “Father of Hybrid Rice.” It was in the 1970s that Yuan achieved the breakthroughs, 【小题3】 made him a household name. He developed a hybrid strain of rice that recorded an annual yield 20% 【小题4】 (high) than other species — meaning it could feed an extra 70 million people 【小题5】 (annual).

Worldwide, 20 percent of all rice now comes from species 【小题6】 (create) by hybrid rice following Yuan’s breakthrough discoveries. His work helped transform China from “food deficiency” 【小题7】 “food security” within three decades, according to the World Food Prize, which was started in 1986 【小题8】(recognize) scientists and others who have improved the quality and 【小题9】 (available) of food.

Yuan 【小题10】 (award) “the Medal of the Republic” for his outstanding contribution to China’s food security, agricultural scientific development and world food supply.
