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A study shows that about two-thirds of typical Chinese Internet users use the computer for news,often entertainment-related, or for online games, music or movies, all of which can be downladed for free. Most people prefer messages to e-mails, and seldom do online shopping at all.
Although they are now depending on the Internet more often than before to communicate with others who have the same professions, hobbies and interests, online shopping still remains unpopular in China. Three-quarters of users surveyed have never bought anything over the Internet, and 10 percent do shopping even once a month.Among those who do buy online.most pay for entertainment while others buy phone cards, or computer hardwares or so of iwares.
"Many people don't trust the quality of goods bought online," the researcher said. "If they buy something in a store and don't like it, they can easily bring it back."
The survey was done in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Changsha. There-
sults do not necessarily show the situation countrywide because internet use in the countryside is lower than in cities. The study showed that the typical netizensc网民) in the five cities are richer and more highly educated. Males make up two-thirds of the group, and more than 80 percent of users are under 24. As the age increases, the percentage of netizens decreases.
China has more than 20 million people online, however, forty-two percent say they do not use search engines.Others seek entertainment news, as well as information useful for work or study online. Baidu.com is used by half of those surveyed, compared with a quarter forGo-ogle, the leading search engine in the United States.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about        
A.shopping onlineB.Internet use in China
C.the typical Chinese netizensD.popular search engines
【小题2】A typical Chinese lnternet user will be the one who        
A.likes to send e-mailsB.likes to buy goods online
C.likes to pay for entertainmentD.likes the games sites
【小题3】Online purchases still remain unpopular in China mainly because        
A.it is more difficult to return the goods
B.most people haven't got computers
C.people can't have a look at the goods
D.goods bought online are of good quality
【小题4】Which is NOT the character of most typical "netizens" in the five cities?
A.Well educated.B.Richer.C.Female.D.Young.
【小题5】Which picrure shows the right relation between online people and their ages?
知识点:信息技术 社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Social media are a powerful tool, and the go-green movement is becoming popular in the social media world. A new Facebook app is exercising this power to help people get back to work or even land their dream job.【小题1】

With an unemployment rate of 9.7 percent in January 2010,there were nearly 15 million Americans out of work of whom 6.3 million had been jobless for 27 or more weeks. It is likely that these people have used the most traditional methods to find a job. 【小题2】As you can see, the name of the app is Hire My Friend, not Hire Me【小题3】One of the most important parts of getting a job is who you know. Reach out to your network of friends and you will find more opportunities than applying for a job in a newspaper advertisement. As a writer, I know that networking is the key to opening doors and getting new opportunities.

When you place the Hire My Friend app on your Facebook page, you can present your friend's job-related facts and then this information is shown through a live feed post(实时发布).【小题4】In addition to the app itself, the Hire My Friend Facebook page has lots of useful resources for those who want to find a job. One tab(标签) has the latest jobs that are being posted on Twitter, another powerful social media tool.【小题5】The developer of the app encourages people never to give up. If you know of someone who is out of work, I encourage you to try the Hire My Friend app.

A.That is Hire My Friend.
B.Therefore, it is designed for you to help a friend get a job.
C.But now it's time to get creative and Hire My Friend can help people do that.
D.Besides, many other job searching apps provide useful information for the jobless.
E.Then your entire network of Facebook friends can see what your friend has to offer.
F.Social media enable people to communicate with each other by sharing information online.
G.Another tab has a list of job searching blogs and major job search sites for the jobless.

Many students have difficulty keeping their things organized. What can we do to assist them? Learning Management System (LMS) is an app teachers can use to upload and present all the information students need: documents, grades, the assignment calendar, etc. 【小题1】

Track assignments and calendars. Teachers can create calendars or charts in their LMS showing the upcoming schedule for projects and readings, which allows students to see clearly what assignments are left to complete and when they're due. 【小题2】Instead of digging through their backpacks for homework, now, students can quickly tell the teacher exactly what they have done.

Follow teachers' feedback. With an LMS, students can submit a typed document and receive direct feedback from their teachers in comments typed on the side of the doc. The comments are tied to specific phrases in the students' text. Students can easily access them, and better yet, they can then respond to the teacher's comment, creating a dialogue or conversation that the student can refer back to later. 【小题3】

【小题4】In the past, after receiving the dreaded red-pen comments on their essays, students would have to scrawl out corrections on the messy draft and then write a whole new draft on a separate piece of paper. 【小题5】 Students struggling with writing production, expressive language, and attention issues should have an easier time with this kind of work using formats like Word, Google Docs, and PowerPoint.

We now live in a digital world. Thankfully for our students, especially those with learning challenges, LMS helps them become more independent and confident in their studies.

A.Edit and rewrite.
B.Practice writing properly.
C.In the convenience of LMS, things are different.
D.It can even generate an "upcoming assignments"   notice on the home page.
E.It's an effective system for students who have trouble with classroom organization.
F.Below are some uses of this system for students struggling with classroom organization.
G.This is a simple but effective way for the student and teacher to engage with each other.

Is there a link between social media and depression? Do social media have a negative impact on your mental health? It’s complicated.

In a recent study, the investigators compared social media use and depression between teens.

【小题1】Specifically, for every hour per day that one teen spent on social media more than her peers, she likely had a 0.64 point higher depression score.

A different study published in 2018 identified five distinct types of social media users. The finding was that "problematic social media use" was one of the main themes for people whose mental health was affected by social media. You can have alcohol in your life without it being a problem, or your alcohol use may become problematic. 【小题2】

There's one important thing to remember about survey research just because two things happen together, it's not necessarily true that one causes the other. 【小题3】For all we know, it could be that people who are already more depressed choose to spend more time on social media.

【小题4】If you think that we shouldn't paint social media with one broad brush, you're on the right track. On the one hand, participants often described social media as a valuable way to cope with stress. On the other hand, cyberbullying via social media was also a common experience for participants. Some also said that constantly checking their own social media profile was stressful.

It’s certainly possible that experiences like cyberbullying, comparing yourself to idealized images, and constantly monitoring your profile, are bad for your mood. It's also true for many that social media offer community support and positive messages. Given the inconclusive research, it's safe to say that at least we shouldn't write off social media altogether. 【小题5】Anyway, you cannot use it as a crutch for coping with other stressors and mental health problems.

A.It's the same with social media.
B.Social media can be a double-edged sword.
C.People get more opinionated about the potential problems of social media.
D.They found that those who used social media more had higher depression scores.
E.They reviewed all existing research and found that there were both benefits and drawbacks.
F.The key to benefiting from social media may lie in using it in moderation and staying socially connected.
G.For example, just because higher social media use co-occurs with higher levels of depression doesn't mean social media use causes depression.
