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A new study has found that braving the cold maybe a good way to help burn off some fat.

The research was carried out by scientists at Canada’s Laurentian University and focused on high-intensity interval training(HIIT). This format has grown in popularity of late due to the fat-burning benefits it brings, and the team set out to explore how temperature might influence its effects.

The study involved 11 overweight adults who took part in two HIIT sessions a week apart. One of these was carried out in a “thermoneutral” environment with temperatures of around 70 °F(21℃),and the other at a cold 32 °F(0℃). The sessions consisted of 10 separate cycling race at 90 percent effort lasting one minute, followed by 90-second “recovery” periods of cycling at30 percent intensity.

After each session, the participants cooled down by gently cycling or walking, ate a nutrition bar before going to sleep and enjoyed a high-fat breakfast the morning after. During these sessions, the scientists monitored skin temperature, core body temperature, heart rate and the amount of oxygen. Blood samples were also drawn to help calculate fat burning rates following the breakfast the next day.

“The present study found that high-intensity exercise in the cold increased lipid oxidation (脂质氧化) by 358 percent in comparison to high-intensity exercise in a thermoneutral environment,”the team writes.

The authors also note that the idea that cold temperatures help us burn more fat during exercise will need further investigation (调查), though the first-of-a-kind study does indicate it’s a possibility worth pursuing.

【小题1】What is good for burning off fat according to the study?
A.Cold food.B.Low temperature.
C.Hard workout.D.Cycling race.
【小题2】What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Introduction to the study.
B.Some data in the study.
C.The participants in the study.
D.The process of the study.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Further study needs to be done.
B.Doing exercise burns more fat.
C.The efforts of scientists are in vain.
D.The study result is unreasonable.
【小题4】What of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.High-intensity Workouts Help Burn off Extra Calories
B.Cycling in the Cold Is a Great Way to Build upYour Body
C.Study Shows Fat-burning Potential of Exercising in the Cold
D.Researchers Have Found More Fat-burning Workouts
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There is virtue in working standing up. It sounds like a fashion. But it does have a basis in science.

That, by itself, may not be surprising. Health ministries ask people for decades to do more exercise. What is surprising is that long periods of inactivity are bad regardless of how much time you also spend on officially approved high-impact stuff like pounding treadmills(跑步机) in the gym. What you need instead, the latest research suggests, is constant low-level activity. This can be so low-level that you might not think of it as activity at all. Even just standing up counts, for it invokes muscles that sitting does not.

Researchers in this field trace the history of the idea that standing up is good for you back to 1953, when a study published in The Lancet found that bus conductors, who spent their days standing, had a risk of heart attack half that of bus drivers, who spent their shifts on their backsides. But as the health benefits of exercise and vigorous(强度大的) physical activity began to become clear in the 1970s, says David Dunstan, a researcher at the Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, interest in low-intensity activity --- like walking and standing --- became weaker.

Over the past few years, however, interest has been excited again. A series of studies, none big enough to provide convincing evidence, but all pointing in the same direction, persuaded Emma Wilmot of the University of Leicester, in Britain, to carry out a meta-analysis. This is a technique that combines diverse studies in a statistically meaningful way. Dr Wilmot combined 18 of them, covering almost 800,000 people and concluded that those individuals who are the least active in their normal daily lives are twice as likely to develop diabetes(糖尿病) as those who are the most active. She also found that the immobile are twice as likely to die from a heart attack and two-and-a-half times as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease as the most mobile. Crucially, all this seemed to be independent of the amount of vigorous, gym-style exercise that volunteers did.

【小题1】The surprising thing mentioned in Paragraph 2 is that ______.
A.Low-level activities are better than high-level ones.
B.Long periods of inactivity are bad to people’s health
C.The benefits of high-impact exercise are not highly approved by people
D.Strong physical activities cannot make up for the bad effects of inactivity.
【小题2】Why did people lose interest in low-intensity activity in the 1970s?
A.Researchers didn’t devote much to studying their health benefits.
B.The health benefits of high-impact exercise were widely recognized.
C.It was believed to be unable to invoke all the muscles of the body.
D.It was proved not so effective in reducing the risk of heart attacks.
【小题3】The findings made by Dr Wilmot ______.
A.disagreed with her assumption
B.consisted with the results of the 1953 study
C.changed her original research objectives
D.confirmed David Dunstan’s research results
【小题4】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The history of the theory.
B.The benefits of standing up.
C.Low-level activity and health.
D.A series of epidemiological studies.

Reasons why you should learn how to surf

It gives you an exciting experience.

The feeling of riding the waves is one you can never describe until you have experienced it. While surfing, you’ll be in a peaceful state as you wait for the next big wave. It can be difficult to explain why, but the whole experience is indeed calm and exciting at the same time.【小题1】, as if you’re running away from all your worries in life.

It’s good exercise.

Surfing is a physically challenging sport that requires you to use your entire body, making it almost an extreme fitness activity. Every surfing session will certainly make you exercise your whole body. So, expect to have aching muscles after your first surfing session. 【小题2】

It helps build your confidence.

There is no denying the fact that healthy and fit people are confident with their bodies.【小题3】Nevertheless, surfing promotes confidence that isn’t necessarily rooted in how you look or boost your ego (自我). It takes time to learn and even master.


Learning a new skill with a group leads to a sense of accomplishment, and learning how to surf is no different. Although it’s natural to go surfing alone at times, no surfer has surfed without acquaintances (熟人), friends, or club mates. It’s a given for people who surf to share experiences with others, both locally and globally.

It gives you moments with nature.

Like some other sports, surfing allows you to have time with nature.【小题5】With surfing, you’re able to observe nature from a different viewpoint. This is an ideal time to be one with nature, so grab the chance to broaden your horizons (视野) as a part of this beautiful planet we live on.

A.These two qualities come hand in hand
B.It allows you to grow your social circle
C.Surfing also gives you a sense of freedom
D.Don’t worry, though, as this feeling is entirely natural
E.It has a rich and varied history and contemporary culture
F.That will translate to how you handle your personal and professional life
G.When people learn to surf, they become more connected with the natural environment

Though diet and exercise are recommended as ways to improve health, new UC Riverside research in mice is the first to examine the long-lasting, combined effects of both factors when they are experienced early in life.

“Any time you go to a doctor with concerns about your weight, almost without fail, the doctor recommends that you exercise and eat less,” said researcher Marcell Cadney. “That’s why it’s surprising that most studies only look at diet or exercise separately. In this study, we wanted to include both,” he said.

The researchers found that early-life exercise led to reduced anxious behaviors and an increase in adult muscle and brain mass. When fed Western-style diets high in fat and sugar, the mice not only became fatter, but also grew into adults that preferred unhealthy food.

To obtain the findings, the researchers divided the young mice into four groups — those with access to exercise, those without access, those fed a standard, healthy diet and those who ate a Western diet. Mice started their diets immediately after weaning (断奶), and continued with them for three weeks until they reached adulthood. After an additional eight weeks of “washout”, during which all mice were housed without wheels and on a healthy diet, the researchers did a behavioral analysis and measured levels of several different hormones (激素).

One of those they measured, leptin, is produced by fat cells. It helps control body weight by increasing energy consumption and signaling that less food is required. Early-life exercise increased adult leptin levels in adult mice, regardless of the diet they ate. Previously, the research team found that eating too much fat and sugar as a child can change the microbiome (微生物群) for life, even if they later eat more healthily. Going forward, the team plans to study whether fat or sugar is more responsible for the negative effects they measured in Western-diet-fed mice.

This study offers great opportunities for health interventions in childhood habits. “Our findings may be related to understanding the potential effects of activity reductions and dietary changes associated with overweight,” said Marcell.

【小题1】What is special about the new UCR research?
A.It finds the relation between health and diet.
B.It is the first to study the effect of exercise.
C.It takes both exercise and diet into account.
D.It gives equal importance to physical and mental health.
【小题2】What may early-life exercise contribute to?
A.Stronger bones.B.A peaceful mind.
C.A desire for healthy food.D.The various microbiome for life.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “leptin” in the last but one paragraph refer to?
A.A diet.B.A mouse.C.A behavior.D.A hormone.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Early-life health habits matter.
B.It’s never too late to make a change.
C.A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
D.Dietary habits make a difference to children’s behavior
