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After a couple has had their first child, to their disappointment they became infertile and couldn’t have more children. Cloning would enable such a couple to have a second child, perhaps a younger twin to the child they already have. Many couples have   difficulty having children, and sometimes it is impossible for couples to have children because they are infertile. Cloning would allow these couples to have children.

It is hard to tell someone that they cannot use cloning to have children when no other possible ways to have children are available. This is one reason why it is difficult to decide whether cloning is moral or not. The following are some of the reasons why cloning should be allowed.

Through cloning, research can progress. We possibly can learn more about cell. We may develop technology to allow easier genetic testing and fixing problems such as spinal cord injuries, cancer, and many more.

Cloning organs for organ transplants (移植) is one of the major practical reasons that cloning should be allowed. There is always a high demand for organs. Some argue for the cloning of humans to create extra body parts. Others talk of just wanting to clone an organ to replace a faulty organ.

Rejuvenation (恢复青春) is also a key argument for advocates (提倡) of cloning. Some scientists believe that injecting cloned healthy heart cells into damaged heart tissue will lead to healing of the heart. By combining the technology for cloning and the technology for growing human stem cells, conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and some other ageing disease may be curable. The possibilities are endless and may be left undiscovered if human cloning is forbidden.

【小题1】The underlined word “infertile” in Para. 1 means “________”.
A.unable to have childrenB.too poor to grow crops
C.poor in pregnant knowledgeD.unable to afford to bring up children
【小题2】How many reasons does the writer give in this passage about why cloning should be allowed?
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Cloning babies for infertile couples is moral.
B.Through cloning, research work in cells can make great progress.
C.Cloning cells can make some diseases concerning ageing curable.
D.Cloning technology may help improve medical technology.
【小题4】From the passage, we can know the writer’s attitude toward human cloning is ________.
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GPS has completely transformed how we get around. But other animals have long had their navigation (导航) systems built right in --- like ants and bees.

“We know their eyes are quite sensitive to polarized light (偏振光), and the sky has a particular pattern of polarized light, connected with the position of the sun.” says Barbara Webb, a bioroboticist at the University of Edinburgh. You can see polarized light firsthand if you take a pair of polarized sunglasses and spin them against the sky --- the light passing through the lenses changes. Webb says the insects have polarization like that built into flat sides of their compound eyes. “You can think of it as the equal of having a little polarization directional filter (滤镜) over them or lots of sunglasses pointed in different directions.”

But Webb was curious about whether there's really enough information in the sky to give insects an accurate sense of direction. So her team built a sensor modeled after a desert ant eye and put it under artificial light meant to simulate the sky. They then fed that sensor input into a model meant to copy the brains of desert ants and other insects with a sky compass. And they found that with the insects' natural sensing and processing equipment, they can likely sense compass direction down to just a couple degrees of error.

A system based on that of insects could someday be a cheap, low-energy alternative to GPS. “Insects have very tiny brains, a brain that's using hardly any energy. And yet they're still able to navigate better than we can with GPS, which is a huge system.” Webb is now working on building a robot that can, like the desert ant, use light to get its direction. Although after sundown, it may have to ask for directions.

【小题1】What make(s) it possible for ants and bees to sense the direction?
A.Flat eyes.B.Polarization.
C.A directional filter.D.Polarized sunglasses.
【小题2】Why did Webb and her team build a sensor?
A.To copy the brains of desert ants.
B.To model after the desert ant eye.
C.To satisfy their desire for answers.
D.To test an accurate sense of direction.
【小题3】What is the future navigation system supposed to do?
A.To save energy.B.To be a substitute for GPS.
C.To guide the blind.D.To help GPS work better.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce an invention.
B.To praise a scientific achievement.
C.To present new scientific findings.
D.To encourage people to learn science.
A.The great impact and progress in genetic engineering
B.Worries about privacy protection
C.Worries about medical use of genetic engineering
D.Genetic knowledge helps to predict diseases
E.Genetic knowledge may not be properly used
F.The application of genetic engineering in the medical fields
Current research into the human gene system is helping us understand why people have predispositions(易患某病倾向)to certain diseases.Knowing our genetic makeup can help us to judge whether or not we may be stricken by particular illness, such as cancer.Even before birth, we are able to do genetic screenings to determine what a child's genetic disorder will be.Scientists have already isolated and identified the genes responsible for the more than 4,000 genetic diseases that affect human beings.
The implications of this knowledge are astonishing. In addition to predicting genetic predisposition towards diseases, gene therapies may provide new treatments or cures for serious diseases.Millions of people already use genetically engineered drugs to treat heart disease, cancer, AIDS, and strokes (中风). But with the research that is now being conducted, we may find cures to many more diseases.In the near future, genetic experimentation will also allow parents to select the traits of their children. Genetic traits that determine height, weight, eye and hair color will be able to be controlled, and many parents are excited about this potential.
Many people, however, are unwilling to accept the possibilities genetic research allowsFor example, one reason some women do not use the largest genetic testing for breast cancer is because they are afraid they will be discriminated against.Another problem is that many people do not want to discover their weakness.What if they learn that they have a disease for which there are no medical cures? How will such knowledge affect their lives? Do people really want to know what they will die of?
Many people believe that history has not always shown human decision-making to be bright when it comes to ethical(道德的)choices. Jeremy Rifkin is probably the most well known opponent of genetic engineering. He believes that humans are not responsible enough to experiment with genes and should not “play God” He asks, “Just because it can be done, does that mean it should be done?” He points out that our society will eventually look and act the same if parents select the traits of their children, and he questions the desirability of such a society.
One of the fears expressed about genetic experimentation involves privacy. Already blood sample taken from patients in hospitals have been used for genetic research without the patients’ permission. Most people would agree that one’s health and genetic makeup are private concerns. But if insurance companies gain access to this information, it could have a large impact on insurance coverage or costs; if employers gain access to the information, it could have a large impact on hiring or promotion decisions. The possibilities for discrimination are obvious.

Walking through an airport is never easy. Now imagine doing it if you were blind. That’s the challenge faced by Chieko Asakawa, a computer scientist. Asakawa often flies between the US and Japan. If traveling alone, she has to be helped at both ends of the flight, which sometimes includes endless waiting. In order to search for a better way, Asakawa has invented a high-tech suitcase that helps get her to the destination with no risk and without difficulty.

Packed with cameras and sensors, the suitcase uses artificial intelligence to map the environment around it. A mobile phone app is used to design a computer program of a destination into the suitcase, which plans a route and directs the user through vibrations(震动) in its handle. The suitcase also features facial recognition technology, which can inform the user if a friend is nearby. It can also flag shops and other places of interest nearby and direct the user to them if necessary.

As a keen runner, Asakawa had Olympic dreams as a child, but a swimming accident at age 11 caused her to gradually lose her sight. As an adult she is already thinking about developing accessibility technology. “I never relax when I travel alone,” she says. “I always think about what technology will help me travel more easily, quicker and more comfortably.” It was this restlessness that led to the AI suitcase.

The suitcase has other applications and could be used to help visually impaired people navigate(导航) cities, while its object-recognition technology can be used to identify colors—useful when buying clothes. Perhaps its best benefit is that it allows users to devote mental energy to other things. With AI providing space awareness, a blind person can do many other things: take a call or listen to the birds. Public spaces become places to be enjoyed, not just navigated. “It will open up many doors for blind people, because we’d be able to go anywhere by ourselves,” says Asakawa. The technology will naturally develop, she predicts, as components(组件) become smaller, lighter and more powerful.

Without new technology, we wouldn’t change our society. A smart suitcase is a great showcase for how AI and technology can change the lives of people with visual disabilities.

【小题1】Why did Asaka invent robot suitcase?
A.To offer help to the blind.
B.To make her journey safe and easy.
C.To avoid endless gates in the airport.
D.To search for the charm of technology.
【小题2】What is used to program a destination into the suitcase?
A.A camera
B.A sensor.
C.A mobile phone app.
D.Facial recognition technology.
【小题3】What’s the greatest advantage of the robot suitcase?
A.It can guide ways for users.
B.It allows users to enjoy their life.
C.It can help users recognize colors.
D.It permits users to devote mental energy to other things.
