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Postmates, an American delivery company, has built a robot, called Serve, which was designed to make short-distance deliveries in cities.

To know what's going on, Serve has a laser radar (激光雷达)sensor on top, in which spinning lasers let it detect objects around it and know how far away they are. Also, behind each artificial eye is a camera, with six more imaging devices spread around the robot. Inside it is another sensor that allows Postmates to know if there is a package in there.

“One of our key decisions early on was to rely heavily on the robot’s ability to see the environment,” says Ali Kashani, the vice president for robotics at Postmates. Since the sidewalk is “a very chaotic environment”,he points out, the robot needs to be able to take it all in and figure out what to do. This robot, and many like it, also must be able to signal their intentions to the pedestrians. For that,it has a number of approaches. One is using its eyes; another is a colorful light ring that goes around the top. “When it wants to make way for a pedestrian, it will use its eyes and look down,” he explains. It can also use the lights on the top as a turn signal,which is obvious, and also look left and right when it’s turning left and right.

Using eye movements and other silent signals is a good idea,” says Aaron Steinfeld, a professor on human-robot interaction (互动).Serve is intended for sidewalks * and Steinfeld says that environment is challenging. People usually walk fast while staring at a smartphone. For a robotthat’s a lot. “We have active research on robot moving socially around walking people,” he says. “And it,s really tricky to do this well. ”

Postmates plans to use Serve in Los Angeles at first, and that its intended task is to move small objects over short distances”. The robot can travel 30 miles on one charge and is able to carry 50 pounds.

【小题1】What was Serve designed for?
A.Object detection.
B.Package transportation.
C.Environment protection.
D.Short-distance communication.
【小题2】What is challenging to Serve?
A.Moving objects.
B.Sending silent signals.
C.Sidewalk environment.
D.Pedestrian recognition.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Calling other robots.
B.Signaling to the people nearby.
C.Making way for the pedestrians.
D.Turning on the colorful light ring.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce a new robot.
B.To explain human-robot interaction.
C.To present different opinions on hi-tech.
D.To advertise an American delivery company.
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Best Inventions

Sun Power

People who buy solar panels (嵌板)for their home hope to help the environment and save some money. But they end up with large metal boxes on their roof. Tesla, a car company, solved the problem. The solution is the Solar Roof. It is a series of tiles (瓦) made to look like traditional roofing material while using the power of the sun. Tesla developed it with SolarCity, a longtime provider of solar panels. It is now available to the public.

Talking Tech

Echo gives users the ability to talk to their tech. Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana do that too. But in many ways,Amazon’s version,Alexa, which is built into Echo,is more powerful. Alexa has grown since it was put on the market in 2014, and today, you can use it to turn on the lights, order a pizza, and more. Echo costs $ 180. Amazon recently developed a junior version, the $ 50 Echo Dot.

Spin and Roll

Goodyear is reinventing the wheel. It introduced its Eagle 360 spherical tire (球形轮胎) in March, 2016. The tires allow cars to move in many directions, including sideways, and at angles to handle slippery surfaces. The key is magnetic levitation (磁悬浮). Tires are fixed to cars, but Eagle 360s float beneath them. They’re meant for self-driving cars of tomorrow.

Cycle Safety

Jeff Woolf had a serious bike crash. If he hadn’t been wearing his helmet, he would have been badly hurt. He wondered why so many riders didn’t wear helmets. That turns out it was mostly because helmets were big and hard to carry around. Woolf, an engineer, came up with Morpher. The helmet is made from interwoven plastics (交错编织的塑料). It is strong, but it’s also flexible enough to fold almost totally flat. That makes it easy to carry. Morpher is priced at $ 119.

【小题1】What we can know about the Solar Roof?
A.It is designed for cars.B.It is currently on the market.
C.It is costly but energy-saving.D.It consists of large metal boxes.
【小题2】What can users do with their Alexa?
A.Chat with their friends.B.Control their tech through voice.
C.Reduce noise in their home.D.Save money on their purchases.
【小题3】What do we know about the Eagle 360?
A.It is fastened to cars.B.It is a self-driving system.
C.It is environmentally-friendly.D.It is intended for autonomous cars.
【小题4】What is good about Morpher?
A.It prevents bike crashes.B.It is conveniently foldable.
C.It can be bought worldwide.D.It is cheaper than traditional helmets.

I believe these ingetions can inspire you a lot.


More than 50 million tons of electronic waste, such as used smartphones, is created each year. But Fairphone makes phones from eco-responsible materials. Made of up to 40% recycled plastic, Fairphone has an expected life-span of five years. It has replaceable parts. You can change your battery, screen, or camera by yourself. It’s hoped that it can be marketed in the near future.


This headset lets you communicate with a computer without touching a keyboard or speaking. Want to task, such as searching for a weather forecast? Ask the question to yourself silently. Sensors read signals from your face. Then the device uses a web connection to complete the task or your smartphone. Experiments have found that it understands 92% of what its user said, and it’ll be improved before going to the market.

Meeting Owl Pro

It is a 360° tabletop camera. It changes its lens and microphone to whoever is speaking. In online classes, participants will have a better feeling for what’s happening in the room. “It’s able to follow the conversation,” says Max Makeev, who is a cofounder of Owl Labs. It’s widely used by K-12 schools.


Guduru created a bottle cap. It uses cleansing UVC light. It sanitizes (消毒) water in 60 seconds. It has two settings, One purifies water from taps and fountains. The other purifies water from streams and ponds. The cap is rechargeable. People can use it conveniently especially when they’re on the go. It’s supposed to reach consumers soon.

【小题1】What’s special about Fairphone?
A.It’s completely from plastic.B.It is environment-friendly.
C.It can be update y soon.D.It is cheaper than a smartphone.
【小题2】What’s the disadvantage of AlterEgo?
A.It requires its user to speak aloud.
B.It needs is user to avoid its sensors.
C.It doesn’t fully follow the user.
D.It sends limited information.
【小题3】Which of the inventions is on the market?
A.Meeting Owl Pro.B.СrаzуСар.C.AlterEgoD.Fairphone.

The kitchen inventions throughout history have paved the way for safer meals. However, do you know how the following kitchen aids came about?

The Oven

Historians owe the invention of the first ovens to ancient Egyptians. The earliest ones were taller and made of baked clay. Inside, they were divided into separate upper and lower chambers(室). The oven was heated by burning wood in the lower chamber. Food to be baked was put into the upper chamber through a hole at the top of the oven.

The barrel

According to historical records from the first century, the first wooden barrels were produced by people who lived in the Alps, Europe’s highest mountains. For centuries, such barrels have been used to store and transport dry goods as well as wine and beer. Because of their curved(弯曲的) sides and round tops and bottoms, barrels can be rolled, which makes them easier than boxes to handle. Today, metal barrels are widely used to store oil and other liquids.

The egg carton

Back in 1911, an argument in British Columbia, Canada, led to a useful invention. Eggs shipped by a local farmer to a hotel owner often arrived broken, and each blamed the other for the damage. To solve the problem, Canadian newspaperman Joseph Coyle invented a paper carton with small and hollow(空的) spaces that cushioned the eggs and kept them separated. Coyle’s invention was so successful that we still use it today.

The knife

Many believe the knife is mankind’s oldest tool, with the earliest forms made from flint(燧石) or a glass­like rock and then from metal around 2500 BC. Through the years, the cutting device evolved into the handy tool we use today.

While we take these inventions for granted now, our lives would be very different without these kitchen aids.

【小题1】How did the early oven bake food?
A.By baking the food in the two chambers in turn.
B.By burning wood in the lower chamber to bake.
C.By putting the food in the upper chamber to cook.
D.By burning the upper chamber through the hole on top.
【小题2】According to the text, what makes barrels easier than boxes to handle?
A.Their size.B.Their material.
C.Their weight.D.Their shape.
【小题3】What do we know about Coyle’s carton?
A.It was invented to win a big prize.
B.It kept the right temperature for eggs.
C.It prevented eggs from hitting each other.
D.It was later made perfect by local farmers.
【小题4】We can learn from the text that ________.
A.the first ovens are similar to what they are today
B.Ancient Egyptians invented the first wooden barrels
C.the earliest form of the knife appeared around 2500 BC
D.Coyle ended the conflict between the farmer and the hotel owner
