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How Spies Are Trained

【小题1】 A navy, army or air-force officer who has a gift for language, and at the same time is thoroughly trained in the technical side of his work may be considered for active employment. A businessman who travels a great deal may be considered for active employment. After his background has been thoroughly investigated, a man living abroad may be useful as a spy.

In Britain potential spies are to get through psychological tests. For instance, a candidate can be taken in front of a high barrier of barbed (装有倒钩的) wire and told to cross it safely. Also, a spy must be unusually courageous. 【小题2】 But a spy risks death alone.

The German system of spy training during World War II was more dramatic. After being, given a thorough medical examination, he was led to a shooting range where a machine-gun suddenly opened fire and to his horror a group of men fell to the ground, apparently dead.【小题3】

Today a prospective new comer is sent to what might be called a spy school where his training is more extensive. He must master codes and ciphers(密码)and develop an extremely great memory because writing them down will be too dangerous. He must become a skilled radio operator and be able to repair his own equipment and he must be able to drive any make of car,【小题4】 He must be trained in the art of burglary and be skilled at opening locks.

【小题5】 So it is just understandable that spy schools are not open to everyone. Above all, still another quality is required, He must be a man of moral soundness. Yet he must be prepared to lower himself to the meanest crime in order to complete his Assignment successfully.

A.A soldier fights supported by his comrades.
B.He must become an expert in unarmed fight.
C.A spy must necessarily be carefully selected.
D.The doctor immediately took his pulse and tested his heart.
E.There are several factors causing someone to become a spy.
F.Spying is at any time a confidential, lonely, dangerous and difficult profession.
G.The spy usually contacts no one else, never learning the names of any other spies.
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It's Christmas once again. And you are right there, bothered by a serious question. What do men want for Christmas?

It's the time of year when men are wondering what Christmas gifts they will receive this season. It's difficult to find the right Christmas gift for a man, and definitely a lot more difficult than finding one for a woman. Every man has his own taste in things. And just like women, men have a variety of interests-sports, music, cars, games, gadgets(小器具), etc. The possibilities are endless. You should think of something that caters to his interests and not just something that you see in a hardware store or a sports outlet.

If you are not really familiar with the man you are giving the gift to, that's okay. You can simply choose anything from this list of top Christmas gift ideas we are about to give you to make the receiver feel special.To help you find the best Christmas gift for your father, brother, a guy friend or the friend of a friend, here is our top 10 Christmas gift ideas for him.

Top 1 Leather walletTop 6 Shaving cream
Top2 Screwdriver(螺丝刀)setTop 7 Sports equipment
Top 3 Personal travel caseTop 8 T-shits
Top 4 Towel or bath robeTop 9 Digital music player
Top 5 Bottle opener with key chainTop 10 Electronic gadgets

【小题1】When you buy Christmas gifts for your father, brother, etc, what should you take into consideration?
A.His own taste and interestsB.What he got last year
C.Your interestsD.His age
【小题2】Which of the following is the best Christmas gift for your father who likes fixing stuff(p4 )at home?
A.Leather walletB.Screwdriver set
C.Electronic gadgetsD.Personal travel case
【小题3】Who is the target reader of the passage?
A.Male shoppersB.Female shoppers
C.Men who are considering buying Christmas giftsD.Married women
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Christmas Gifts Make People HappyB.Men's View on Christmas Gifts
C.How to Choose Christmas Gifts for MenD.How to Buy Practical Christmas Gifts

The holiday season is a time for celebrating with friends and family, when people give gifts or decorate their homes. Unfortunately, this can all lead to a lot of waste. However, there are ways to reduce the amount of waste you create.

Use reusable bags for gifts

Gift bags or wrap that can be reused are recommended on the list. You can reuse them the next time you give a gift. You can also wrap gifts in old maps, pages from magazines, and art paper. The person receiving the gift could use the wrap for something else. The Chinese traditional cloth-wrapper is popular wrapping cloth, which is pretty and strong. It can be used for other things, like a colorful scarf or tablecloth, rather than just thrown away.

Choose electronic cards

For many people, sending holiday cards is a tradition. Now people are increasingly accepting electronic holiday cards. “There are so many digital options now, and people get just as much joy out of it,” some people said. These cards offer a range of benefits. With the increasing popularity, electronic cards have become a preferred choice.

Buy a real tree from a local farm

For decorating the home, real trees have become first option rather than plastic ones. Some trees are grown for the purpose of being cut, and new ones are typically replanted every year. So, the cycle continues. Buying local trees means that it doesn’t use much fuel. After the holidays, trees are picked and processed into usable products, like small wood pieces for the garden. What’s more, you can’t beat the smell of a fresh-cut tree.

【小题1】What makes Chinese cloth-wrapper popular?
A.Its fresh smell.
B.The multiple uses.
C.Various digital options.
D.Its original birthplace.
【小题2】What is the benefit of buying local trees for decoration?
A.They match the gardens.
B.They are easier to cut
C.They have better quality.
D.They are environmentally friendly.
【小题3】Where is this passage probably taken from?
A.A novel.
B.A textbook.
C.A magazine.
D.A journal.

Your time is valuable but also limited. Even in the best of circumstances (情况) , managing your work and your life is a big challenge. 【小题1】. Here are some helpful tips on how to start taking control of your time.


Know where you are today and where you want to be in the future. While that might sound very simple, you get to pick the goal, whether it’s what you’re going to finish today, this week or this month. Try to keep the timetable to something that’s manageable.

Create and follow a time management plan

Again, it’s your plan, and you get to choose one that suits your ability. Of course, it has to include all your business. And when you spare time to achieve all your tasks, they start to become more manageable. 【小题3】. If necessary, try to rearrange new demands for your time.

Do the right things by prioritizing (优先) your activities

【小题4】. Prioritizing your tasks, in theory, should be relatively easy once you have your time management plan. Just remember you need to keep a balance between work and life — life can’t be all about work.

Improve your concentration and focus

Avoid distractions like text messages, phone calls, social media, etc., for periods of your work time. Keep devices out of easy reach during the time you concentrate on a task. 【小题5】.

A.Value your own life
B.Establish your goals
C.The key is sticking to the plan
D.Arrange your affairs to support your workmates
E.In fact, most of us spend time trying to find ways to do just that
F.The purpose is not to just get things done, but to finish what’s most important
G.Unless you’re waiting for an important phone call, do not answer during these periods
