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The darkness was gathering as she wobbled(颤颤巍巍)in high heels along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of...get out and walk.

It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward.

The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. “Maybe he will stop,” she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next instant, the cab door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

I woke up in a cold sweat, alarmed. Was that a dream or was it a vision? It was unbelievably real, and the girl was my daughter! I jumped from my bed and ran to her room. Her bed was empty.

I stood in horror trying to think why she had not come home. As the mental fog began to lift, I remembered she was visiting her friend that evening. Perhaps she stayed there for the night. It was 1:30 am, but I raced to the phone and dialed a number.

“Hello?” The voice was heavy with sleep.

“Hey. Sorry to wake you. Becki didn’t come home tonight and I was wondering if she stayed at your place?”

“No, she left here a few hours ago. She should have been home at least by midnight!” The voice on the other end began to reflect my own panic.

Over the next forty-five minutes I alternated between lying in pray and pacing the floor in anxiety.

At 2:15 am lights appeared as a car turned up our long driveway. I could tell immediately that it was not my daughter’s car.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:

My face pressed against the window and found it hard to breathe.

Paragraph 2:

“Mom, she gave me a ride home,” Becki said.

知识点:生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Colin, a young boy with autism (自闭症), has a special love for card tricks. These aren’t just any tricks; theyre just his way of dealing with a world that can often be stressful. Cards, in Colin’s hands, become more than pieces of paper; they are instruments of focus and bridges to connect with others.

As the family checked into the hotel, little did they know that this would be the setting for a heartwarming story that would touch the hearts of many.

Colin, with a heart full of innocence and curiosity, approached the front desk. Standing behind that desk was Kahlief Hill, a 39-year-old hotel clerk, a kind and warm-hearted man. Colin looked up at him, his eyes bright with excitement, and asked a simple question: “Would you like to see a card trick?”

What Kahlief didn’t know at that moment was the great impact of his response. He didn’t know that Colin had autism, and for Colin, card tricks were more than a hobby. They were his shelter, a way to quiet his mind and keep his hands engaged. Colin had lost his father a few years before, leaving him with a gap where a male figure and role model should be.

His mother didn’t know that Colin had been waiting for a “big brother” for over two years, living with just his mom and sister. And Kahlief didn’t know that he was becoming that male figure Colin longed for.

Despite not knowing any of this, Kahlief’s   response was a simple and warm “yes”. He allowed Colin to take center stage, performing his card tricks with patience and enthusiasm. It wasn’t just about watching; Kahlief also shared some tricks of his own, bringing about a magical exchange of wonder and smiles.

This beautiful connection didn’t end that night. The following evening, when Colin and his family returned to the hotel after dinner, Kahlief was there, manning the front desk once more. And when he saw Colin walking to him, he extended the invitation once again: “Would you like to come and practice more card tricks?”


Without hesitation, Colin rushed to his room.


In the following days during their stay, Colin often went to play cards with Kahlief.


One day in December, Alvin, 66, was deep in the woods in Louisiana, when something caught his eye. As Alvin approached, he saw that the object was a broken balloon. Attached was a piece of paper decorated with sparkly star stickers. It was a child’s Christmas wish list.

“Dear Santa,” the handwritten note read. “My name is Luna. I am four years old. I live in Liberal, Kansas. This year I have been nice. I would like candy, Spider-Man ball, Frozen doll, puppy. With love, Luna.”

Alvin’s heart hammered in his chest. Ever since he was a child, he had dreamed of this very scene. “I’ve always wanted to find one.” He believed this was his childhood wish coming true. And he knew he was going to make Luna’s wish come true too.

Liberal, Kansas, is more than 650 miles from his hometown. But Alvin’s wife, Ann, was not discouraged by the distance. She posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas list on his Facebook page, asking for help locating the sender. Just in a few hours, the number of people sharing her post creep into the hundreds, “My hope grew into expectations,” Alvin says. “I knew we were going to find Luna.”

Meanwhile, Gonzalez, the mother of four-year-old Luna, had no idea that such an effort was underway.

It had been a hard year for Luna and her family. As COVID-19 spread, they felt lonely, scared, and separated. Before December, Gonzalez had come up with the idea of having the girl send letters to Santa by balloon. She told her that Santa would grab the balloons while he flew through the air on his sled (雪橇).

She took Luna outside to release their wishes to the universe.“Bye. balloons!” Luna called, waving as the balloons floated away, sailing above the trees and into the sky.

The family was enjoying a modest Christmas together when they heard a knock at the door. Luna and her mother ran to the door together.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As the door opened, Alvin and his wife appeared with 3 lovely puppy.______________________________________.
Later, both families sat down together to enjoy the meal._________________________________________________.

It was about ten years ago. It was a cold, wet and dark winter day. A fine rain was falling, which left my clothes wet through and froze my bones. I was walking over to visit my Dad. Although his house was only a short walk from mine, I was already wet and suffering. I knocked on his door and stepped in. A warm steam was floating from the kitchen. It touched my nose and suddenly I was eight years old again. Dad was making Grandma’s special sauce (酱料).

When I was growing up, every Sunday Grandma would make us an Italian feast. She would cook her spaghetti (意大利面) sauce for hours. Then she would drop in potatoes, chicken, meat balls, sausage and sometimes even steak (牛排). It always left our stomachs full, our hearts happy, and the house smelling sweet.

I sat down while Dad made me a plate. It felt so good having a meal like I used to when I was a boy. We talked about those old times and laughed over the memories both good and bad. And I noticed something to. I didn’t feel cold anymore. Oh, my clothes were still wet from the rain but my heart was warm, my spirit was light, and both my face and stomach were smiling.

Dad and Grandma have been gone for years now. I still miss them both every single day. And although my daughter and I both know how to make Grandma’s special sauce, we don’t cook it as often as we can. Maybe it is because no matter how hard I try, I can never get it 100% right. I think that maybe I am missing a material. Or maybe it was just the Love with which Grandma and Dad cooked it that made it so delicious.


I decided to make the food filled with love at last.


I want to give a taste of love to the seniors in the nursing home nearby.

