选词填空-短文选词填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷56
A) challenge     B) honor        C)financially          D) shock               E) controlling
F)broaden        G) manage     H) pushed               I) experiences        J)   abroad          K).appreciating

Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and Japan.

“Chinese children hope very much to go abroad to get a wider view, less competition in studying, or family 【小题1】 ” said ChenYi, a Chinese writer, who had lived in the US for 16 years. In the talk, Chen told more than 300 parents and their children that life in foreign countries could be hard for young people. “They have to face a culture 【小题2】 and language problems.”

However, these are not always the most difficult things. To most children, 【小题3】 themselves while studying alone in a foreign country is a big 【小题4】.

Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student entered a high school in Melbourne, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers there hardly 【小题5】 students to study. And usually there wasn’t any homework.

“In this educational system, we have more free time and space to think,” said Zhang. “But if you don’t know how to 【小题6】 your time and money, you will not live an easy life.” Some of his friends spent their whole year’s money in the first two months of the new term. And they didn’t pass their exams either.

“Studying 【小题7】 at an early age can help students learn foreign languages quickly and 【小题8】 their minds. But the students and parents should know about the challenges,” Chen said. “If you want to study abroad, try to talk to someone with 【小题9】 in foreign countries. Make sure that you are ready for it both mentally and 【小题10】

知识点:学习社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
what, that, why, which, where, whether, when, how
Dear editor,

How are you? I am Michael, a senior English teacher in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School in Jiangxi Province. This letter is written to ask for your opinion.

The other day, I met with a multiple­ choice exercise. The teachers argued heatedly with 【小题1】we met. Unfortunately, neither side could convince the other after a fairly longtime argument. There is no doubt 【小题2】the reference answer C is correct. But I don’t think【小题3】it is the only answer to this sentence. Personally, I do think A is also a reasonable choice.

What puzzles me is 【小题4】we should deal with so many multiple­ choice exercises. But being a teacher, you know, it’s very important and necessary to make it clear to students which answer is correct, 【小题5】is more proper, and which is the best one since they keep asking why and why. I can think of many cases 【小题6】students obviously know a lot of English words and expressions but can’t write a good essay or express themselves freely.

In my personal opinion, what I think is 【小题7】multiple­ choice test with more than 75 percent of the total scores in college entrance examination is not a very good and effective testing method. Instead, more subjective testing forms can depend on 【小题8】he or she really knows or not. I don’t know 【小题9】more subjective testing forms will come up in NMET. Do you think so?

I am looking forward to your authoritative opinion. And if you can tell me 【小题10】we can improve our English both in papers and abilities, I will be very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Liao

convince, reject, label, bitter, enthusiastic, academic

Les Brown is one of the world’s foremost motivational speakers and thought leaders on self-improvement and goal-setting. However, it wasn’t always that way for him. Born in Liberty City, Miami on the floor of an abandoned building, he struggled 【小题1】 during his early life.

Les was a struggling student from the beginning. The story goes that during his school days he was 【小题2】 “educable mentally handicapped (智力残障的)” by the 【小题3】 world of his day and then placed back from 6th grade to 5th grade.

One day a teacher asked him to come up and solve a problem on the chalkboard, but Les 【小题4】 the challenge and said that he couldn’t do it. “Of course you can,” the teacher responded encouragingly. “But I can’t,” insisted Les. “I’m educable mentally handicapped.” The rest of the class erupted in laughter. At that point, the teacher stepped out from behind his desk and looked Les straight in the eye. “Don’t ever say that again,” he told him firmly. “Someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” He 【小题5】 Les to believe in himself.

Les never forgot those words, and spent the rest of his life overcoming incredible difficulties and pursuing his goals passionately and 【小题6】. Time and time again, thanks to that one teacher’s powerful inspiration, Les has lived the phrase he’s famous all over the world for: “You have greatness within you.”
