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Information on school visits to Kew Gardens

Enjoy yourselves in a wonderland of science with over 50,000 living plants and a variety of educational events or amusing activities. Here is essential information about planning a school visit to Kew.

Educational course prices

You can plan a self-led visit or book one of our educational courses. Students will take part in the educational courses in groups of 15. Prices vary according to different situations.

EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to Key Stage 4:

45-minute course: 35/group        90-minute course: 70/group

Key Stage 5:

Half day (one course): 80/group       Full day (two courses): 160/group

Teachers and adults:

Up to required key stage proportions (比例): Free

Adults needed for 1:1 special educational needs support: Free

Adults above the required proportions: 11/person

The payment will due within 28 calendar days of making the booking.

Health and safety

Required supervising (监护) adult-student proportions:

Key Stage 1: 1:5        Key Stage 2: 1:8

Key stage 3: 1:10        Key Stage 4: 1:12

Key Stage 5: 1:12

The group sizes should be controlled if you are visiting potentially busy areas such as the glasshouse and other attractions. The maximum number of students visiting the glasshouses is 15 per group and each group to Kew shops should include no more than 10 students.

If there is an emergency, please contact the nearest Kew staff member or call Constabulary on 0208 32 3333 for direct and quick support. Please do not call 999.

Planning your visit

Your tickets and two planning passes will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment. You can complete your risk assessment with the passes, ensure you bring your tickets and the receipt document and show them to the staff members at the gate on the day of your visit.

Recommended timings

The Kew Gardens opens at 10 am. You are recommended to spend at least three to five hours on your visit. The closing time varies throughout the year. But the earliest is 3:30 pm. We have a fixed schedule for educational courses, which is from 10:30 am to 2:20 pm.

【小题1】How much should a group of 15 Key Stage I students and 4 teachers pay for a 45-minute course?
【小题2】What should one do in an emergency?
A.Check the risk assessment.
B.Call 999 immediately.
C.Ask adults or teachers for help.
D.Seek help from the staff member nearby.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce Kew Gardens.
B.To give tips on visiting Kew Gardens.
C.To attract potential visitors to Kew Gardens.
D.To inform coming activities in Kew Gardens.
知识点:学校活动应用文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

If you make a list of the world’s top ten most challenging jobs, chances are that being a teacher will not be included among them. But what millions of educators are facing each day is really challenging when they attempt to change a group of kids difficult to educate into intelligent, well-rounded individuals.【小题1】

Unfortunately, we seldom pay enough attention to these all-important individuals in daily life. 【小题2】That was what Project Ed and Participant Media’s teaching campaign asked filmmakers of all ages to film for their recent activity.

The theme of this activity was A World Without Teachers which was to inspire more young people to become teachers.【小题3】They reminded us of how serious things would be if we didn’t have these selfless teachers guiding us through life. We needed someone to tell us what to do.

【小题4】A high-school student Savannah Wakefield showed what art would be without teachers in the world. Los Angeles-based Miles Horst, who won the 1,000 USD prize for his best work in the adult group, imagined a world where teachers were replaced by a “brain box” in his fun lively entry.

Marina Braham also described a fact we all know but often forget. Teachers don’t just teach. 【小题5】So the next time when you think your teacher is being “mean” for trying to guide you in the right direction, imagine a life without teachers. We feel it not optimistic when they disappear! This can affect your work.

A.What else is more important than teaching?
B.Students shared the same idea in the video.
C.But what if they disappeared from our lives?
D.We even would rather that teachers disappeared.
E.That surely has to be the toughest job in the world!
F.Sixty-two amazing videos were shown in the activity.
G.They can educate students on something that no electronic device can do!

History Fair Competition

Understanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation. History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting, engaging, and fun!

This Year’s Theme

All participants must address how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for Americans throughout history. To many people, technology means computers, hand-held devices, or vehicles that travel to distant planets. However, technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem, touching lives in countless ways.

Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories:

· Performance

· Documentary

· Essay Writing

Category Requirements

Performance: A dramatic presentation of the topic no more than 10 minutes long. If special clothes are used, they should truly represent a given period.

Documentary: A visual presentation (such as a video, slide show, or computer project) no more than 10 minutes long. A desktop computer, screen, projector, and loudspeakers will be available. Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday, March 23.

Essay Writing: An academic paper of 2, 000 to 2, 500 words. No illustrations (图解) are allowed. Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included.

Important Dates

January 5Submit a topic proposal to your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.

February 5       Submit a first draft of your essay, performance script, or documentary highlights.

February 19       A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions. Students then have an opportunity to improve their products.

March 9     Submit a final draft of your essay.

March 15        Performance and documentary committee preview

March 24            Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition

7:00A. M-9:00A. M       Participants signing in at the gym

10:00A. M. -6:00PM.       Competition and judges’ review

7:00P.M.            Awards ceremony and picnic

【小题1】According to Paragragh 1, what is the major goal of understanding history?
A.To preserve national traditions.B.To prepare for a history competition.
C.To better know the present and future.D.To further explore historical mysteries.
【小题2】What is the theme of this year’s competition?
A.How has technology developed in America.B.How has science interacted with technology.
C.How has science made the study of history easy.D.How has technology improved the life of Americans.
【小题3】What would a participant have to do with an essay of 1,500 words to meet the category requirement?
A.Include more information in the essay.B.Remove the references.
C.Provide a cover for the essay.D.Explain the details with illustrations.
【小题4】What will the committee of teachers do on February 19?
A.Preview performances and documentaries.B.Make comments on the materials.
C.Improve the participant’s first draft.D.Collect a second proposal from the participant.
Learning Zone

This is a place to help you with homework, meet new friends or just chat. Textbooks, comics and magazines are available.

When? Lunchtimes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Where? Room 303

Who for? Open to all ages.

Who can help? One teacher and two assistants (助手) are there to help.

Computer Club

In the club, you have the chance to develop your IT skills in multimedia presentation (多媒体演示), web design and programming. You can check your email or use the Web to find information for homework. You’ll also be able to help with the school’s website.

When and where? Lunchtime: Mondays in Room 106; Thursdays in Room 115.Also open after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Who for? Open to all pupils.

Kung Fu Club

When and where? Coaching available every day except Saturday and Sunday from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm in the gym.

Who for? Open to all pupils.

Costs: $2 a week. Chances to enter competitions at local and national levels.

Dance Club

Each dance group meets once a week after school in the gym and works on a number of modern dance routines. There are plenty of chances to perform at public shows if you wish, or you can just enjoy the fun.

When and who for? Friday s 4:15—5:15 for Years 6 to 8; Tuesdays 4:00—5:30 for Years 9 to 12

【小题1】What makes the Learning Zone different from the others?
A.It is free all year round.B.It is open to all ages.
C.You can do what you like here.D.You can learn many skills here.
【小题2】What can you do in the Computer Club?
A.Learn some IT skills.B.Build the school’s website.
C.Do your homework online.D.Enter programming competitions.
【小题3】Which club is open most often?
A.Learning Zone.B.Computer Club.C.Kung Fu Club.D.Dance Club.
