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Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling.

Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak.

In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night.

The doctor told him that they did not know how to cure Mr. Cousins’ problem and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead,he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.       

He began to experiment on himself while still in hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that 10 minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days,Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television,reading funny books,and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks,he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for exercise.

After a few months,Mr. Cousins returned to work. He has laughed himself back to health.

【小题1】Why did Norman Cousins get sick?
A.He did not rest enough.B.He traveled too much.
C.His body chemistry changed.D.All of the above.
【小题2】What part of his body was affected by the illness?
A.The bones in his feet.B.His mind when he slept.
C.The material between his bones.D.His stomach.
【小题3】What did Mr. Cousins think caused his illness?
A.Bad food.B.Too much laughter.
C.Unhappy thoughts.D.The doctors.
【小题4】Where did Mr. Cousins go in order to cure himself?
A.To a hotel room.B.To the beach.C.To the hospital.D.To the USSR.
【小题5】How long did it take before Mr. Cousins went back to work?
A.A few weeks.B.A few months.C.A few hours.D.A few years.
知识点:疾病 记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

As leaves fall and temperatures drop, the winter blues are setting in. The winter blues are very common, with many of us experiencing depression and sadness for no reason. 【小题1】:

●Recognize the symptoms. The most common signs are general sadness, a lack of energy, oversleeping and overeating. Other signs include loss of interest in activities you typically enjoy. 【小题2】

●Be exposed to the sun. According to mental health experts, the winter blues happen because we get inadequate sunlight in the winter than we do in other seasons. 【小题3】. Getting extra sunlight each day can help brighten your mood and lift your spirits.

●Get some exercise and consume healthy food. A brisk walk or some exercise will make natural “eel good” chemicals called endorphins (内啡肽) flow through your body. Avoid having too much sugar. If you are crazy for sweet food like cookies candy, it may be a sign that you need more protein (like meal, chicken, or fish).

【小题4】. Cut back on your study load if you have too many things to do. Make sure you set-aside some quiet time to yourself. Studies show that most teens need about nine hours of sleep each night. The average high school students, though, get only six or seven hours.

Seek for help. 【小题5】—from work to relationships, you may have a bigger problem than the winter blues. Chances are that you may be suffering Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Turn to an adult you trust and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

A.Find a treatment that works for you
B.Strike a balance between study and rest
C.Here are steps to relieve the winter blues
D.Sunlight shortage adds to depressed feelings
E.Worse still you may get tired easily most of the day
F.If your winter blues start affecting all aspects of your life
G.Be generous to yourself, and allow yourself to make mistakes

Treating Rarer Cases in First Aid Situations

Help someone who is having a seizure

Seizures (疾病突发) can be scary things for people who have never experienced them before. Luckily, helping people with seizures is relatively straightforward.

·Clear the surroundings to protect the person from hurting themselves.

·Activate (激活) emergency medical services if the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or if the person is not breathing afterward.

·After this period of time has ended, help them to the floor and put something soft or flat under their head. Turn them on to their side to ease breathing, but do not hold the person down or try to stop their movements.

·Be friendly and reassure them as their consciousness (意识) returns and do not offer food or water until they are fully alert.

Help someone survive a heart attack

It helps to know the symptoms of a heart attack, which can include rapid heartbeat, pressure or pain in the chest, a sore throat, general unease, and sweating. Rush the person to the hospital immediately while giving them an aspirin, which the person should chew.

Identify someone having a stroke

Again, knowing the symptoms of a stroke is important. They include temporary inability to talk or understand what is being said, confusion, loss of balance or dizziness, inability to raise their arms and severe headaches with no warning, among others. Rush a person that you suspect has had a stroke to the emergency room immediately.

【小题1】Which of the following treatments is proper to save people with seizures?
A.Protecting them against injuries from others.
B.Having the meat or drink nothing before recovery.
C.Keeping their facedown to make sure of their breath.
D.Contacting doctors the moment the condition happens.
【小题2】What is a symptom of a heart attack?
A.Loss of balance.B.Confusion.
C.Slow heartbeat.D.A sore throat.
【小题3】Where is the text most likely taken from?
A.A magazine for seniors.B.A website about health.
C.A brochure for visitors.D.A guidebook about animals.

Experts are warning about the risks of extreme picky eating after a teenager developed permanent sight loss after living on a diet of chips and crisps.

Since leaving primary school, the teen had been eating only French fries, white bread, as well as an occasional slice of ham or a sausage.

The adolescent, who cannot be named, had seen his doctor at the age of 14 because he had been feeling tired and unwell. At that time he was diagnosed with lack of vitamin B12 and put on supplements, but he did not stick with the treatment or improve his poor diet.

Three years later, he was taken to the Bristol Eye Hospital because of progressive sight loss. Dr Denize Atan, who treated him at the hospital, said: "His diet was only a portion of chips from the local fish and chip shop every day. He also used to snack on chips, white bread and sometimes slices of ham or sausage, and not really any fruit and vegetables."

The teen explained this as a dislike to certain kinds of food that he really could not tolerate, and so chips and crisps were really the only types of food that he wanted and felt that he could eat.

Dr Aan rechecked the young man's vitamin levels and said "he was low in B12 as well as some other important vitamins and minerals - copper, selenium and vitamin D. He was not over or underweight, but was severely malnutritional from his eating disorder. He had lost minerals from his bone, which was really quite shocking for a boy of his age.”

"He had blind spots right in the middle of his vision," said Dr Atari's assistant. "That means he can't drive and would find it really difficult to read, watch TV or recognize faces, but he can walk around on his own because he has got peripheral(周边的)vision.

The condition the young man has is treatable if diagnosed early. Left too long, however, the nerve fibres in the optic nerve(视神经)die and the damage becomes permanent.

Now he has been put on vitamin supplements and sent to a dietitian and a specialist mental health team.

【小题1】What can we know about the boy?
A.He didn't see a doctor.B.He can not see anything now.
C.He has a normal body shape.D.He insisted on taking supplements.
【小题2】What kind of food does the boy refuse to eat?
A.Crisps and chips.B.white bread
C.Ham and sausage.D.fruit and vegetables
【小题3】What can we learn from Dr Atan's words?
A.Vegetables and fruit are the only source of vitamins.
B.Lack of vitamins and minerals may lead to the loss of sigh.
C.The more vitamins we take, the betterr.
D.Loss of minerals from bone causes blindness.
【小题4】What column does the passage belong to?
