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Every year on April 22,Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.It gave a voice to an emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet.The founder was Gaylord Nelson.

What moved Gaylord Nelson to action was the1969massive oil spill(溢出)in California,the largest oil spill in the United States at that time.The spill proved to be an environmental nightmare as it had a strong impact on marine life,killing an estimated3,500sea birds,as well as marine animals such as dolphins,elephant seals and sea lions.Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that period of time,Nelson found it was a right time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection.He decided that it was time to educate the Americans on the need to protect the environment.Thus,Earth Day was born in1970,and public environmental consciousness took centre stage.

On 22nd April 1970,millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy,sustainable environment and thousands of students marched in protest of the terrible situation of the environment.Businesses were forced to follow environmental standards if they wanted to continue their operations.The year1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more countries around the world.It helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,bringing together many nations,for a joint effort towards protecting the environment.In 2009,the United Nations decided to officially set April 22 as Earth Day.

For his role as founder of Earth Day,Gaylord Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom(1995),the highest honour given to civilians in the United States.We honor the man,as the fight for a cleaner environment continues.

【小题1】What can we learn about Earth Day?
A.It was founded at the end of 1970s.
B.It was first celebrated in Rio de Janeiro.
C.People will march on the street on this day.
D.It arouses public environmental awareness.
【小题2】What did Gaylord Nelson do to make Earth Day possible?
A.He reduced the loss of the oil spill.
B.He participated in an antiwar movement.
C.He set environmental standards for business.
D.He involved more people in environmental issues.
【小题3】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The focus of Earth Day.
B.The development of Earth Day.
C.The world 's concern on the environment.
D.The joint efforts of different countries.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Gaylord Nelson?
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Nine years ago, a few days before Christmas, I was a director at a company in San Francisco, and I was called into a meeting that was already in progress. That meeting turned out to be my exit interview. I was 64 years old at the time. It wasn’t completely unexpected. I signed a pile of papers and left the company.

So, 40 plus years of employment was over. I had a good reputation and background. Retirement was not a choice for me. I wanted to do something. And then an idea came into my mind, born from my concern for our environment. I wanted to build my own business, designing and producing biodegradable(可生物降解的)packaging from waste. This is called clean technology, and it was really meaningful to me. It could help reduce billions of pounds of single-use plastic packaging wasted each year.

Five years later, I’m delighted and proud to share with you that our income has doubled every year and we have no debt. Meanwhile, I have a wonderful partner, and we’ve won more than 20 awards for the work that we’ve done.

And I am doing the most rewarding and meaningful work of my life right now. But what I really long for is to find other first-time entrepreneurs(企业家)who are my age. I want to connect with them.

So I want to do something about that in a few years. I want us to start talking more about people who don’t become entrepreneurs until they are seniors. And then connecting all of them across industries, regions and countries—building a community.

【小题1】What happened to the author nine years ago?
A.He retired from his former company.B.He failed an interview.
C.He had a good family background.D.He changed his job to a better one.
【小题2】Why was the new business meaningful to the author?
A.It was beneficial to the environment.
B.It developed a clean technology.
C.It provided jobs for lots of people.
D.It brought in quite a lot of money.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude to the development of his own company?
【小题4】What does the author plan to do in the future?
A.To do something else about environment.
B.To help people who want to become successful.
C.To meet more people from different backgrounds.
D.To build a community for senior entrepreneurs.

In a paper published in Nature Communications, a team led by scientists from the University of California, using climate models and satellite data, reveal for the first time how protecting tropical forests can yield climate benefits that enhance carbon storage in nearby areas.

Many climate scientists use computer simulations (模拟) to mimic the planet's climate as it exists today and how it may exist in the future as humanity keeps emitting greenhouse gases. Such models rely on accurate measurements of all the moving parts of the climate system, from how much sunlight hits and warms the climate, to the response of forest biomass (生物量) to changes in temperature, rainfall and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

Jim Randerson, UCI professor of Earth system science, said, “This paper shows that avoiding deforestation yields carbon benefits in nearby regions as a consequence of climate feedbacks.”

He explained that for a new patch of deforestation in the Amazon, the regional climate changes that happen as a result led to an additional 5.1 percent more loss of total biomass in the entire Amazon basin. In the Congo, the additional biomass loss from the climate effects of deforestation is about 3.8 percent. Tropical forests store about 200 petagrams of carbon in their aboveground biomass. Since 2010, deforestation has been removing about 1 petagram of that carbon every year. (One petagram is equal to 1 trillion kilograms.)

Until now, climate modelers have, for lack of data, not considered tree mortality (死亡率) in their climate simulations. But by combining satellite data with climate variables, they obtained information about how sensitive carbon stored in vegetation is to climatic changes that result from tree mortality and fire.

【小题1】What determines the results of the models?
A.Accuracy of computer simulators.
B.Precise calculations by researchers.
C.Precise measurement of the climate system.
D.Accurate measurement of global temperature.
【小题2】How did Jim Randerson explain the effects of deforestation?
A.By simulating climate changes.B.By giving warnings.
C.By analyzing reasons.D.By listing figures.
【小题3】Why is tree mortality not considered in the climate simulations?
A.Because it is of little value.
B.Because of data shortage.
C.Because of lack of enough trees.
D.Because it is up to his expectation.
【小题4】What might be a suitable title for the text?
A.Protecting Tropical Trees Is Beneficial To Humans
B.Tropical Trees Are Experiencing Severe Damages
C.Computer Simulations Can Predict Climate Change
D.Protecting Tropical Trees Makes For Carbon Storage

Plants were expected to get larger with increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but changes in temperature, humidity(湿度)and nutrient availability seem to have trumped the benefits of increased carbon dioxide” said researchers from the National University of Singapore.

45 percent of the species studied now reach smaller adult sizes than they did in the past. The researchers pointed out that warmer temperatures and changing habitats, caused by climate change, are possible reasons for shrinking creatures.

“ We do not yet know the mechanisms(机制)involved, or why some organism are getting smaller while others are unaffected,” the researchers said. “Until we understand more, we could be risking negative consequences that we can’t yet quantify. ’’

The change is big in cold-blooded animals. Only two decades of warmer temperatures are enough to make retiles (爬行动物)smaller. An increase of only 1 degree centigrade caused nearly a 10 percent increase in metabolism(新陈代谢). Greater use of energy resulted in tiny tortoises and little lizards. Fish are smaller now too. Though overfishing has played a part in reducing numbers, experiments show that warmer temperatures also stop fish growing.

Warm-blooded animals aren’t immune(免除)from the size change caused by climate change. Many birds are now smaller. Soay sheep are thinner. Red deer are weaken And polar bears are smaller, compared with historical records.

This is not the first time this has happened in Earth’s history. 55 million years ago, a warming event similar to the current climate change caused bees, spiders and ants to shrink by 50 to 75 percent over several thousand years. That event happened over a longer time than the current climate change.

The speed of modern climate change could mean organisms may not respond or adapt quickly enough, especially those with long generation times climate change will be shown in the future.

【小题1】What does the text mainly talk about/
A.Why some species become smaller.
B.How climate changes in Earth’s history?
C.Climate change has many negative effects.
D.Species are becoming smaller as climate gets warmer.
【小题2】The underlined word “trumped” m the first paragraph probably mean     .
【小题3】Researchers from the National University of Singapore believe that      .
A.they have found the exact causes for creatures getting smaller.
B.increase in energy use can lead to creatures getting smaller.
C.climate change has more negative effects on warm-blooded animals.
D.all the animals on the earth have become smaller.
【小题4】What does the author feel about the climate change?
