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Strengthen Your Immune System

One aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic that has kept us guessing since the early days is why some people who get the virus don’t suffer much and others become desperately ill. What factors give some people a stronger immune system than others, regardless of age?

We know that our immune systems slowly decline as we age. The difference in rate of decline between individuals is one of science’s big mysteries. The immune system is complex, but most of us understand the basics: Our bodies detect an intruder(入侵者)– a virus or bacterium, and produce white blood cells to combat the problem.

No one knows why our bodies don’t produce as many immune cells as we get older. Researchers got some insights, especially regarding T cells, which are white blood cells that attack viruses. We possess two broad categories of T cells: “memory” cells that have encountered a certain pathogen(衣原体)and “remember” how to fight it. The other is “naïve” cells, which have yet to fight anything. As we age, it seems that the number of naïve T cells decreases.

And those are exactly the cells needed to recognize newly emerging microorganisms like the Covid-19 virus. This means that when that virus – something our immune systems haven’t seen before – shows up, most of us don’t have memory T cells to use, so the naïve cells have to take on the fight. Since older folks have fewer naïve cells to fight with, as a group they are more vulnerable.

The reasons why these key cells decline over time could be various and genetics plays a part. But it’s debatable how big a part compared with environment and lifestyle.

Chronic low-grade inflammation (炎症) that develops with advanced age can also affect the immune system. Lifestyle factors—poor sleep, ongoing stress, and weight gain – are common causes, as are systemic issues such as autoimmune diseases and decreased liver or kidney function. This inflammation causes the immune system to operate abnormally, which accelerates the aging process and can cause many other diseases.

While you can’t do anything about your genetic makeup, slowing it down can mean a higher immune reserve when you need it most. Fortunately, many factors that positively affect your immune system are within your control, including regular workouts and eating properly. Regular workouts boost immune function and lower inflammation. Exercises strengthen the body and may be the most important lifestyle intervention (干预) you can add. Eating right and avoiding obesity, whose inflammatory effect is deadly, are common sense.

Besides, research has shown that stress can speed immune senescence (衰老). Self-care in this area is critical, from anti-stress activities to asking for help in unresolved stressful situations.

The pandemic has changed people’s lives and it will lead to a new era in immunity research. If we can do a wider search rather than chase after individual diseases, we will handle all immune challenges better.

【小题1】How does the immune system work?
【小题2】Why are the old considered more vulnerable?
【小题3】Paraphrase the underlined sentence “But it’s debatable how big a part compared with environment and lifestyle.
【小题4】Explain how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed your lifestyle. (about 40 words)
知识点:疾病 个人保健 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Parkinson’s is a progressive brain disease which leads to shaky hands and slow movement, and there is no cure. Tai Chi, a traditional Chinese martial art that combines (结合) slow, gentle movements with deep breathing and relaxation, may be an effective means of reducing the suffering. Recently, the researchers say that those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications (并发症) and better quality of life than those who didn’t. Experts say the findings back up previous studies on the benefits of exercise for those with Parkinson’s.

The study, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, monitored the health of hundreds of Parkinson’s patients for up to five years. One group of 147 people practised regular Tai Chi while another group of 187 did not. The researchers found that the disease progressed more slowly in the Tai Chi group on measurements of symptoms (症状), movement and balance. This group also saw fewer falls, less back pain and dizziness, with memory and concentration problems also lower than in the other group. At the same time, sleep and quality of life continuously improved.

Prof. Alastair Noyce, professor in neurology and neuroepidemiology at Queen Mary University of London, called it “an important study”—the positive effects on aspects of motor (运动的) and non-motor functions are impressive — but said there were limitations in its design, and more tests were needed.

“We already recommend Tai Chi, as well as other forms of exercise, but understanding which forms of exercise are most beneficial is an important goal to improve the long-term management of patients,” he said.

【小题1】Why was the study conducted?
A.To find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.
B.To improve the sleep quality of Parkinson’s patients.
C.To remove the misunderstanding of the previous studies.
D.To research the benefits of Tai Chi for those with Parkinson’s.
【小题2】Which of the following is not the researchers’ finding?
A.Concentration problem was lower in the Tai Chi group.
B.The disease progressed more slowly in the Tai Chi group.
C.Patients in the non-Tai Chi group continuously fell down.
D.Back pain and dizziness were relieved in the Tai Chi group.
【小题3】What can we learn from Prof. Alastair Noyce’s words?
A.Tai Chi should be given more preference.
B.Finding the most beneficial exercise is of importance.
C.It is unnecessary to do more related studies.
D.Improve the long-term management of patients is impossible.
【小题4】What is Prof. Alastair Noyce’s attitude towards the study?

Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s what Becky’s life is like.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a reading a newspaper article which mentioned that it was impossible for people to remember the details of their life in the first three years.

“What nonsense!” she thought, because she could clearly remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and laid her down for a photo. But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people suffering from a mysterious condition called HSAM(超忆症).

Becky’s unusual case was shown on a program called 60 Minutes, where reporter Allison tested her ability by asking her about her favorite book series, Harry Potter, Allison would pick up a book and open a page and read her a line. Immediately Becky would name the book, chapter number, copter name and could recite every word until Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little detail is great, but as every HSAM suffer will tell you, it’s also tough to deal with it. We always forget things to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s something that people like Becky can’t do. Even walking on the street and lightly knocking into somebody can bring some me bad memories from Becky’s childhood. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM never do well in school, because they have problems picking up the important information from what they've learnt.

Becky’s great brain could help scientists find a cure for terrible mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症).Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even preventing Alzheimer’s.

【小题1】What did Becky do on 60 Minutes?
A.She retold the story of Harry Potter.
B.She recited the key part of Harry Potter.
C.She answered any question about Harry Potter.
D.She recited Harry Potter without opening her eyes.
【小题2】To Becky, forgetting painful experiences of her life is     .
A.a heavy burdenB.a happy thing
C.a great abilityD.a big chance
【小题3】Why does Becky do poorly in her school work?
A.She is always absent—minded in class.
B.She feels sad every time she begins to study.
C.She can't remember the important knowledge.
D.She is overloaded with information and can't tell which is important.
【小题4】What does the author want to say in the last paragraph?
A.There is a cure for Becky's illness.
B.Scientists have found a cure for Alzheimer’s.
C.Becky will suffer from another mental illness.
D.Becky’s case is helpful for scientists to treat Alzheimer’s.

You should always seek professional medical help as soon as you are able to , but following correct first-aid steps can be the difference between life and death. Here are some suggestions about how to care for an unconscious(不省人事的) person.

Determine responsiveness.

If a person is unconscious , try to awake him by gently touching his hands and feet or by speaking to him.【小题1】, determine whether he is breathing.

Check for breathing and a pulse.

If the person is unconscious and unable to be awoken, check for breathing ;look for a rise in the chest area.【小题2】.Feel for air using the side of your face. If no signs of breathing are clear , check for a pulse.

If the person remains unresponsive , prepare for CPR (心肺复苏).

Unless you suspect a spinal (脊柱的) injury , carefully roll him onto his back and open his airway.【小题3】, leave the person where he is , provided he is breathing. If the person begins to vomit, move him over to his side to help prevent choking.


Check these three things frequently as you give the person first-aid CPR.

●Airway. Does the person have a clear airway?

●Breathing. Is the person breathing?

●Circulation. Does the person show a pulse at major pulse points?

Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help.

Cover a towel or a blanket over the person if you have one. However , if the person has heatstroke,do not cover him or keep him warm.【小题5】.

A.Remember your ABCs of CPR
B.If you suspect a spinal injury
C.Instead, try to cool him by fanning him and damping him
D.The ABCs of CPR refer to the three critical things you need to look for
E.Perform chest compression 30 times and rescue breathing twice as part of CPR
F.Listen for the sound of air coming in and out
G.If he does not respond to any activity, sound, or touch
