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A lot of people are afraid of spiders — even the small ones. But a big tarantula (狼蛛) is much more terrible for many. Now, scientists in Sri Lanka have discovered a huge species (物种) of tarantula that’s about the size of a person’s face.

Although it is very big, is there a real reason to be afraid of one? Maybe. This tarantula has enough poisonous fluid (液体) to kill mice and small birds and snakes — but its bite wouldn’t cause the death of most humans.

Tarantula was first seen in 2009, when a villager in Sri Lanka found the body of a male Tarantula and brought it to a Sri Lanka research organization.

An examination of the body proved that it was a type of tarantula scientists hadn’t seen before. So the scientists carefully looked through the Sri Lankan forests to try to find more of the spiders.

It’s still too early to know whether this species is in danger. But researchers fear that the Tarantulas’ natural habitat (栖息地) is slowly being destroyed.

“They prefer old trees, but due to the widespread removal of trees, the number has dropped,” the scientists said in an interview.

Tarantulas have eight legs and two body parts. They are different from insects, which have only six legs but three body parts. Tarantulas have hairy bodies and are usually larger than other types of spiders. Some species of tarantulas can live up to 25 years.

While Tarantula is very big, the largest one is the Goliath bird-eater. Found in the rainforests of South America, its legs can be up to 10 inches long. But don’t worry if you ever see one. Its poisonous fluid isn’t really dangerous to humans.

【小题1】Which of the following is most likely to survive a bite from tarantula?
A.A small bird.B.A little child.C.A small snake.D.A small frog.
【小题2】What is causing the number of the tarantulas to drop?
A.They have too many natural enemies.B.Some people are killing them illegally.
C.More and more forests are disappearing.D.The global climate has changed.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Tarantula was first seen by a scientist in Sri Lanka.
B.None of the insects are bigger than tarantulas.
C.Scientists have discovered that all of the tarantulas live in the Sri Lanka forest.
D.People knew little about tarantulas until the body of a male tarantula was discovered.
【小题4】Which section of a newspaper is the text most probably taken from?
【小题5】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To inform the readers of a huge species of Tarantula.
B.To entertain the readers with a discovery.
C.To educate people to protect the environment.
D.To remind people to keep away from spiders.
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Honey is not only a good source of natural sugar; it is also delicious. Most people and many animals like eating it. Unless people build beehives, however, the only way for them to get honey is to find a wild bees’ nest and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper - a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax in the bees’ honeycomb. The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees’ nest. So when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, constantly waiting for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey and the wax always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know how the honey guide digests the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a local beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives.

If a person follows a honey guide to a nest, the bird is especially sure of getting a good share. Tribesmen in Africa are very grateful to the honey guide for leading them to good sources of honey, but they are also afraid of the little bird. They believe that if they do not open a bees’ nest and leave some honeycomb for the honey guide, the next time the bird cries to them through the forest, it will lead them to a snake in revenge. So they should consider the share of the honey guide seriously.

【小题1】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.What living habits the honey guide has.
B.Where the honey guide finds the honeycomb.
C.Why the honey guide gives a loud cry in the forest.
D.How the honey guide helps people and animals get honey.
【小题2】From this passage, we can know that _________.
A.curious animals often destroy the honeycomb
B.the honey guide often flies inside the bees’ nest
C.the honey guide probably has a good sense of smell
D.scientists did some research on the honey guide’s digestion
【小题3】What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.In punishment.B.In reward.C.In vain.D.In doubt.

Scientists estimate that over 500 million species have died out throughout evolution. Here is a list of 4 incredible extinct animals.

Pinta Island Tortoise

The giant tortoise of Pinta lived on the island Pinta of the Galapagos Islands,Ecuador. By the end of the nineteenth century,most of the Pinta Island tortoises had been wiped out due to hunting. The last known individual was a male named Lonesome George who died on 24 June 2012. In his later years,he was considered the rarest animal in the world.

Falkland Islands Wolf

The Falkland Islands wolf was the only native land mammal of the Falkland Islands. The animal was hunted for his beautiful fur,and the shepherds(牧羊人),considering it a threat to the sheep,poisoned him. On the islands,there were no forests in which the species could take shelter,and its lack of fear towards man made it easy prey to kill. The last known individual died in the late 19th century on the western island.

Caucasian Wisent

The Caucasian wisent which went extinct in 1926 inhabited(栖息)the Caucasus mountains. In 1910 their numbers were estimated in the hundreds. When state authority collapsed after the First World War,the remaining population fell victim to hunters. The decline can also be contributed to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease that was introduced with cattle.   

Javan Tiger

The Javan tiger is an extinct subspecies of the tiger that was native to the Indonesian island of Java. Very little data was gathered about their behavior before they were driven to extinction. The reduction of its two main prey species,and the modification of its habitat led to the extinction of the subspecies in the 1980s.

【小题1】According to the passage,which shows the correct order of the animals' extinction?
① Pinta Island tortoise                           ② Falkland Islands wolf
③ Caucasian wisent                              ④Javan tiger
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the reason for extinction of the animals?
C.Hunting.D.Habitat loss.
【小题3】Where does this article probably come from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A news report.
C.A nature magazine.D.A biology textbook.

Researchers have discovered a unique group of polar bears who’ve survived in the absence of sea ice: by hunting from the ice that breaks off glaciers (冰川). The bears live in southeast Greenland and are a genetically(基因地) distinct subpopulation, which suggests they’ve been separated from other polar bears for around 200 years, according to a paper published this week in Science.

“The findings show us how some polar bears might survive under climate change. but I don’t think glacier habitat is going to support huge numbers of polar bears,” said Kristin Laidre, a polar research scientist at the University of Washington. “There’s just not enough of it. We still expect to see large declines in polar bears across the Arctic under climate change.”

When temporary ice sheets form on the ocean during each fall’s freeze, the bears walk across it in search of food, often by sitting next to gaps in the ice and waiting for seals to come up for air. When the ice melts (融化) in spring, polar bears typically survive between 100 and 180 days without food until the ice forms again. As temperatures rise, however, that period is becoming longer, which is harming the bears and pushing them toward starvation. The bears living in southeast Greenland go even longer without sea ice—around 250 days. But they’ve been able to continue bunting during that period by using large pieces of ice that break off from glaciers into the water.

There are roughly 26, 000 polar bears remaining across the globe. Though the southeast Greenland bears have adapted to surviving in their surroundings, rising temperatures may ultimately cause their glacial ice to shrink, too. As Steve Armstrup, a scientist with Polar Bears International says, the study “is not some kind of effective rescue for polar bears”. While the southeast Greenland bears are able to hunt through glacial ice today, he says, “In the future, that will change unless we arrest the rise of global greenhouse gases.”

【小题1】What do we know about the newly- found polar bears?
A.They exist in large numbers.B.They have genetically changed.
C.They do better in hunting seals.D.They survive longer without food.
【小题2】What is Steve Armstrup’s advice?
A.Keeping global warming under control.
B.Moving many polar bears south.
C.Preventing glacial ice breaking.
D.Finding new habitats for polar bears.
【小题3】What is the best title of the text?
A.Polar Bears Find New Opportunities
B.Polar Bears Suffer From Lack of Ice
C.Polar Bears Survive in Iceless Regions
D.Polar Bears Decline With Climate Change
【小题4】In which section of a website can you read this text?
