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Handwritten thank-you letters are such a simple way of making other people feel good, it is strange that so few people write them anymore. At work, a thank-you letter to employees is unbelievably effective. It costs little and has no side effects. The effort involved in writing letters very low. The pleasure on receiving them is very high. 【小题1】

Doug Conant, manager of Campbell’s Soup Company since 2001, knows the power of thank you letters. He said that every day he works with an assistant, searching the company for people deserving thanks. 【小题2】 Over the past 10 years he has sent 30, 000 thank-you letters to his employees — more than 10 each day. The reward is huge: his company has remained one of the most successful in its field for years.

【小题3】 There seem to be three reasons. Firstly, chief executives (主管) running companies think their own work is more valuable than that of others. 【小题4】 Secondly, they aren’t close enough to the business to know who deserves thanks. Thirdly, they have forgotten the strange human truth that almost everyone would do almost anything in return for a few words of appreciation.

In these days of such busy schedules and people running all over the place and trying to get ahead, sometimes we forget the simplest things in life are the most powerful and rewarding. You need to think to yourself about a time someone sent you a thank-you and how much it meant to you. 【小题5】

A.He then writes them a thank-you letter.
B.Why are thank-you letters so important?
C.You may ask what side effects exactly mean.
D.This makes them an excellent way to reward and motivate staff.
E.But if these letters are so inspiring, why don’t more managers write them?
F.Always remember to “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you!”
G.Since no one ever writes them thank-you letters they don’t write any themselves.
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Kindness is something that leads you to do what can help other people. With kindness, you can show your willingness to contribute something good to the lives of others. 【小题1】

Create a sense of belonging

The feelings of loneliness destroy a person’s mind. However, when you develop a habit of exhibiting kindness, you will be amazed to see how strong connections you have made and how these connections benefit a huge number of people. 【小题2】

Reduce bad feelings

【小题3】 Exhibiting kind manners results in good feelings. On the other hand, getting anxious gives a feeling to the mind like hitting a hammer on your body. It means that bad feelings can severely affect your mental happiness. When you get into an act of kindness, bad feelings like sadness, anger, and fear can be reduced.

Come back around

If you showed kindness towards somebody in the past, the particular person may remember you. The probabilities are high that he will help you in the future.

Encourage you to live life happily

The acts of kindness together can improve the feelings of happiness. Aiding others can make you live with confidence. 【小题4】 In the end, it uplifts (使振奋) everyone’s spirit.

Strengthen connections

【小题5】 For most people, showing kind behaviors explores many possibilities to begin a social connection with somebody. Kind acts like helping your friends or relatives in their bad days can strengthen your connections with them.

A.Don’t expect anything in return for your kindness.
B.Without social connections, life seems plain and boring.
C.Here are five ways to show what kind gestures (姿态) can help you.
D.The act of kindness could be small or big but both are powerful.
E.Feelings are the ones that influence a person’s mind and body.
F.Volunteering and helping others let you enjoy spending time with them.
G.Others around may be encouraged to follow suit (仿效) by your kind gestures.

Whether we’re making small talk with a waiter, or meeting up with a close friend, we may hope to make a connection, only to leave the conversation feeling that our minds have failed to meet. 【小题1】.

Ask questions

If you want to have a meaningful dialogue with someone, then you should make the effort to ask some questions. 【小题2】. A follow-up that requires more information about a previous point is more appealing than a “switch” that changes topic, or a “mirror” that simply copies what someone has already asked you.

Be cautious about empathy(同理心)

We are often told to place ourselves in other people’s shoes. But our empathy is rarely as accurate as we think it is. 【小题3】. “It’s when I’m using my own experience, my own mental states, as a representative of yours,” says Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioural science. “And we fail to differentiate sufficiently between the two.” In general, it’s far better to ask someone what they actually think and feel than trying to guess it.

Favor familiarity over originality

【小题4】? The drawback of novelty arises from the “informational gaps” in our conversation. If we are talking about something completely new, our audience may not have enough knowledge to understand everything that we are saying. If we are talking about something already familiar to our audience, however, the listeners can fill in those gaps themselves.

Don't be afraid to go deep

This need for common ground should not limit our conversation to dull small talk. 【小题5】. And most people appreciate the chance to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, even if they are talking to perfect strangers.

When practicing each of these steps, you should always remain conscious of the other person’s mood and comfort. With a little strategy, sensitivity and a genuine interest in the people around you, you may often find that greater social connection is easily within your reach.

A.One reason for this is being self-centered
B.But not all questions are equally appealing
C.If this rings true for you, help may be at hand
D.How about our choices for the topic of conversation
E.That will make us become a considerate and sympathetic person
F.Why do people tend to talk with each other about the things they both like
G.On the contrary, many shared human experiences can be incredibly meaningful

That day, after church my son told me his two friends were very hungry. After careful consideration, I took them to a cafeteria within a store for lunch. It's really affordable though I'm not all that comfortable in supporting my family. However, when I got to the cashier(收银员), I found my wallet missing.

The cashier had pity on me and helped me think through some ideas for paying the bill. Then the cashier offered to pay for the meal first and then have me reimburse her through a payment app. So, I stood to the side to download the app. But because my phone was an old one and there were tech problems, this was taking me a very long time. Everything was loud; it got so hot there; and I was uncomfortable. But,                    the boys were jumping round and screaming. I came so close to be mad. So I sent them on various errands(差事)to keep them busy. And then I remembered to breathe.

Seeing me still having trouble downloading the app, the cashier called me back and handed me a receipt(收据), telling me, "Here you go. It's on me. Enjoy your meal." I was touched and thanked her. The cashier didn't know my son's friends hadn't eaten yet, and that this meal was likely to be their only one that day. The cashier not only simply saved me from the embarrassment(窘迫)of a missing wallet, but also made sure these boys had food for the day.

After our meal, I planned to go back to the cashier to thank her and pay back the money, as I'd finally gotten the app working on my phone. But she was gone, and the other workers weren't sure of her name because she was new, But I didn't plan to make this wonderful cashier unknown to her boss and her colleagues. She should be praised.

【小题1】What does the underlined word "reimburse" in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Guide around.B.Pay back.
C.Wait for.D.Think of.
【小题2】Which of the following can describe the cashier properly?
A.Patient and honest.B.Smart and confident.
C.Kind and thoughtful.D.Generous and proud.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The author finally had his phone fixed.
B.The cashier had a bad relationship with her colleagues.
C.The cashier got off work early to refuse the author's money.
D.The author would make the cashier's good deeds known at her workplace.
