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Kids should learn when they should call 911 because sometimes accidents happen.I will never forget the day when I first called 911.

One day I was sitting on a rock watching my mom train a horse.Suddenly, the horse kicked (踢) and she fell off the horse.She landed on the ground, rolled over, got up on her knees, and held her face in her hands.The horse ran off.

I was in a bit of shock. I shouted to my mom and asked if she was all right. She didn’t answer. Instead, she ran into the house. I was scared, but I knew my mom would want me to make sure the horse was safe. I found the horse and led him back to the barn (畜棚).

After I put him in the barn, I ran into the house.My mom did not look OK.I called 911 and told the operator what had happened.Soon an ambulance came.It drove us a short distance to where a plane was waiting to take my mom to the hospital.In the ambulance, I called my mom’s friend, who came and took me to the hospital, too.

On the way to the hospital, I was scared and started to cry.Would my mom be OK? Luckily, after five days in the hospital, she got well and came home.She said I was a brave girl.I was so happy to have her back.She was riding and training horses again after about six weeks.

【小题1】The second paragraph mainly tells us_______.
A.how the accident happened
B.how the writer's mother trained horses
C.how the writer felt when the accident happened
D.what the writer was doing when the accident happened
【小题2】What did the writer do after her mom ran into the house?
A.She called 911.B.She stood there quietly.
C.She went to find the horse.D.She followed her into the house.
【小题3】We can learn from the last paragraph that the writer's mother_______.
A.never trained horses againB.stayed in hospital for five days
C.sold the horse that made her fallD.didn’t allow the writer to ride horses
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While I was working at a French school, I was often preparing my work in the staff room. Sometimes I would hear the school secretary talking. At first I thought she was talking to me, as there was no one else in the room except me, so I tried to respond to her. However, I soon realized that in fact, she was talking to herself. I noticed a lot of people do this in France. In the UK, people might think you’re a bit strange if you talk to yourself at work, but there it seemed quite normal. It really did confuse me at times, because I was not sure whether people were talking to me or just talking to themselves.

Another area of confusion involved the French language. In French, there are two ways to say “you”: “tu” is the informal form while “vous” is the formal form. This is an aspect of French which, even now, I do not really understand. When I learnt French, I was taught to call everyone vous unless they were my family or friends. So I was surprised that virtually everyone in France used the informal tu all the time. School children used tu when they stayed with their teachers and all the staff called the head teacher tu. But I continued to use vous because I didn’t want people to think I was impolite.

As you might know, school children in the UK traditionally wear school uniforms but in France pupils do not wear a uniform. It was a culture shock for me to see children wear Spiderman T-shirts and baggy (宽松的) blue jeans in the classroom.

I found the differences puzzling at times, but I couldn’t deny what a great opportunity it was to live and work in another country. The UK and France are only separated by a small channel of the sea, but there are many differences between the two countries.

【小题1】In the staff room, the school secretary ________.
A.always chatted online
B.interrupted the writer
C.talked to herself often
D.always made speeches
【小题2】Why did the author always use “vous” when talking to others?
A.She tried to be polite to others.
B.She couldn’t tell tu from vous at all.
C.She didn’t have close friends in France.
D.She couldn’t understand French very well.
【小题3】How did the author feel seeing French kids wear Spiderman T-shirts at school?
【小题4】What made the author feel happy to live in France?
A.Experiencing different cultures.
B.Communicating in an informal way.
C.Traveling along the channel of the sea.
D.Having a chance to work with French teachers.

When Stephen Mills spotted a dusty old safe (保险箱) in a museum in Canada, he thought he'd try to crack the code (破解密码),"just like in the movies". But when he began turning the dial, he wasn't expecting a Hollywood ending.

For years, anyone who visited the Vermillion Heritage Museum in Alberta would have passed by a large, black metal box. Staff knew it had come from the long—gone Brunswick hotel and was donated to the museum in the 1990s,but its code and contents remained a mystery for decades- until Mills unexpectedly cracked the code.

Mills,who lived in Fort McMurray, Alberta, was visiting the museum with his family last month over a holiday weekend. As they wandered around the exhibits with the museum guide, Tom Kibblewhite,they spotted the safe.

Kibblewhite told the family what he told all other guests: the 900kg black box with a silver dial had remained closed for generations. For years, the safe has confused volunteers at the museum. The manufacturer was unable to provide advice on how to open its thick door.

A locksmith (锁匠) once suggested that years of inactivity might have slowed down the gears, making it inoperable. But Mills, who is a“mechanically-minded person”, asked whether he could give it a try.“Kibblewhite kept saying no one had opened it and that it was a mystery what was inside,”Mills said.“I thought this would be a great thing to do for a laugh for the kids. Maybe they can find some interesting historical things in it—like a time capsule.”

After pressing his ear against the cool metal, he began spinning the dial. With numbers ranging from zero to 60,he turned clockwise (顺时针方向地) three times to 20,counter-clockwise two times to 40 ,and then clockwise one time to 60. He was astonished to hear a click.“I jumped up and told everyone I' m buying a lottery ticket (彩票),”he said.

【小题1】What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph mean?
A.He didn't think he would open the safe.
B.The museum trip was like a Hollywood film.
C.He didn't want to turn the dial in the beginning.
D.It was unbelievable for him to win a lottery ticket in the end.
【小题2】What do we know about the safe?
A.The dial on the safe was broken.
B.It was a donation from a rich businessman.
C.It has been long closed since it was brought to the museum.
D.It was one of the most valuable exhibits ever in the museum.
【小题3】What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To tell people an interesting story.
B.To inform people how to open a safe.
C.To promote the tourism to a museum.
D.To encourage people to learn mechanism.
【小题4】What does the story tell us?
A.A safe is not always that “safe”.B.Life is just full of surprise.
C.Success is for the prepared ones.D.Everyone can do something great.

Tom walked into a shop . It is a sign outside: "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold ." He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner(店主)of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."

" What !" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth(值) at least five dollars."

"No," said the man, "they aren't worth a cent more than two dollars."

"Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."

Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say .

【小题1】At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________ .
A.wanted to steal the trousers
B.wanted to buy the trousers
C.wanted to fool him
D.wanted to sell the trousers
【小题2】The owner of the shop_______  for the old trousers .
A.would pay five dollars
B.would pay three dollars
C.would give Tom two dollars
D.would give Tom six dollars and a half
【小题3】The shop owner insisted (坚持认为)that the trousers were worth
only two dollars because ____ .
A.he wanted to sell them cheaply (廉价地)
B.he wanted to buy them cheaply
C.he didn't like the trousers
D.they were old and dirty
【小题4】From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.
A.the owner sold the trousers two dollars
B.Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half
C.the owner bought the trousers three dollars
D.Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half
