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The world celebrates Earth Day every year on April 22.But one school in Potomac,Maryland tries to honor Earth Day every day.Very young children are learning about the environment and taking action to show their love for the Earth.

A child’s world is the world of playing.They love being outside in the open air,running,sliding and swinging on playground equipment.But children at St.James Children’s School also add to that fun by picking up rubbish in the school.Inside,they learn to save water and electricity.They also recycle and reuse things.And every spring they get the soil ready to plant flowers and vegetables in the school garden.

The children at St.James range from six weeks to six years old.The environmental study begins at age two.Rebecca Boker teaches the children the importance of taking care of the Earth.Boker says every day at St.James is Earth Day.She points to books in all the classrooms and in the library.Most contain materials that urge children to do something to help the environment and protect the Earth.

St.James children observe the growth of plants from seeds to sprouts(苗,芽) in cups kept in the classroom.Then they watch the plants continue to grow after placing them in the garden.The students also observe the lifecycle of some insects.After that,they know it is their job to respect their home just like they want others to respect theirs.

But do these very young children really get the message that their teachers try to communicate?Ms Boker says yes.On April 22 the kids at St.James will go out to the school’s garden for the yearly clean­up.But for them,Earth Day will continue for the school days ahead as well.

【小题1】Which might be the best title for the passage?
A.Earth Days at St.James Children’s School
B.How to Celebrate Earth Day
C.How to Protect the Environment
D.Young Children’s Love and Respect for the Earth
【小题2】When will the children start the environmental study?
A.At the age of six weeks.
B.At two years old.
C.At age six.
D.At age seven.
【小题3】By observing the growth of plants and insects,the school mainly wants to ________.
A.teach the importance of respecting the Earth
B.help the children write better compositions
C.enrich the children’s knowledge in agriculture
D.let the children enjoy the growth of life
【小题4】What’s Ms Boker’s attitude towards the way of teaching children at St.James?
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More companies and recyclers are taking steps to ensure that old electronic devices such as TVs and computers aren’t sent to poor countries.

The Basel Action Network, a Seattle-based non-profit that largely exposed the overseas discarding (丢弃) of US electronic waste, on Thursday launched a programme to use third-party employees to certify (证实) recyclers who don’t export dangerous electronic waste.

The so-called e-Steward recyclers will also agree not to discard the waste in US landfills and agree to meet other criteria. The certification is intended to provide companies and consumers with some assurance that the waste, which can include toxins (毒素) such as lead and mercury, is disposed of safely.

The Government Accountability Office, in a 2008 report, declared that US electronic waste was often disposed of unsafely in such countries as India. There, workers recycle gold, silver and copper from the waste, often in open-air acid baths.

The Basel Network also says it won assurances from 13 organizations, including Samsung, Bank of America, Wells Far-go, that they’ll use e-Steward recyclers whenever possible. Wells Fargo had already been using recyclers who declared not to export. So far, Basel has certified three recyclers and seven sites.

Before e-stewards, even, companies that wanted to avoid export of electronic waste had to “hope for the best”, when, they handed their waste to recyclers, says Robert Houghton, president of Ohio-based recycler Redemtech. It is an e-Steward that counts major companies among its customers. “Now, they can get some proof,” Houghton says.

Basel’s standards compete with another set launched in January. It was made by industry and backed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

That standard, called R-2, doesn’t ban the export of dangerous electronic waste but requires that it be handled safely. Instead of a ban, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries says, efforts should be made to help poor countries develop safe recycling.

【小题1】How were most electronic wastes dealt with before?
A.They were thrown into US landfills.
B.They were buried in the desert m die US.
C.They were exported to poor countries.
D.They were reused by families in poor countries.
【小题2】E-Steward recyclers, main job is probably to ________.
A.prevent old devices from open-air acid baths
B.dispose of electronic waste safely
C.collect more electronic waste for profits
D.assure America’s leading rule in the electronic market
【小题3】People in India import electronic waste to ________.
A.get rid of toxinsB.learn how to make devices
C.recycle valuable metalsD.make cheaper products
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.how to deal with old electronic products
B.the development of recycling in the world
C.how to fight against electronic pollution
D.safer treatment of electronic waste

If, for some reason, you had 2,010 empty plastic bottles, what would you do? You’d probably sell them cheaply, right? But Xia Yu collected 2,010 bottles and built a boat with them. As you read this, Xia is, in fact, on a river somewhere in Anhui, slowly going towards his destination: the Expo Garden in Shanghai. 2,010 plastic bottles were to celebrate Expo (世博会) 2010 Shanghai. On the opening day of the Expo, Xia, together with five friends, went on a 1, 500km journey from Xiangtan to the Expo Garden, in spite of the doubt whether they’ll make it. After all, the boat they are on can hardly be called a boat. It cost only 2,000 yuan to build in a month.

What’s keeping Xia going is a major cause behind the trip. “We are examining water pollution through our journey and trying to promote a low-carbon (低碳) lifestyle. Before we started, no one believed we could sail the boat to the Dongting Lake. But we made it.” But as they expected, the journey has not always been smooth. Of the six from Xiangtan, four gave up. As of the press time (到发稿时), only Xia and his friend Huang Ying were on the boat. Huang suffered from a disease when they reached Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, Xia said, “There are so many things that can stop us from making it to Shanghai, like the weather, health, and sometimes swift river water”.

The boat was produced in a factory according to our design, and perhaps it’s not in a very good condition. But, Xia said, “we are wearing life jackets. Some boats passing by offered help”. What is more of a reward for Xia and Huang is that the Yangtze River turned out much cleaner than they had expected. Although Xia and Huang are uncertain about the journey ahead, they are quite happy with what they have already achieved. After all, it’s not the destination that counts. It’s always the course that matters the most.

【小题1】Xia Yu doubts the success of the journey because of    .
A.such a long journey on the river
B.the poor boat and the bad weather
C.few people taking part in the journey
D.the seriously polluted river in some parts
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the journey?
A.To examine water pollution.
B.To celebrate Expo 2010 Shanghai.
C.To win a race on the water.
D.To promote a low-carbon lifestyle.
【小题3】From the text we know that   .
A.they stay on the boat at night
B.three people gave up due to their bad health
C.Xia Yu and his mate have arrived in Shanghai
D.Huang suffered from a disease on the journey

Most of us don’t like to think too much about rubbish.【小题1】. However, household waste is a major contributor to our planet’s waste problem. Like it or not, it needs to be managed if we are to have a brighter green future.

When it comes to being responsible for our own rubbish, the best way to approach it is by following the three golden rules of waste management, or the ‘3 Rs’-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

“The order is important.【小题2】 ,” says Eugene Tay, Director of Green Future Solutions in Singapore. “Recycling still affects the environment and should be done last after reduce and reuse.”

But, when our efforts to reduce and reuse still result in an overflowing rubbish bin, the advantages of recycling cannot be ignored. “【小题3】,” says Amy Ho, Managing Director of World Wide Fund For Nature in Singapore. “The damage to our environment could then be slowed down as a result. ”

In fact, by recycling just one plastic bottle, you are saving not just the material to make a new one, but you also stop it from getting thrown into a landfill(垃圾掩埋场)for up to 700 years-and that’s before it even starts to rot. 【小题4】.

Recycling is so important that we really have no excuse not to do the simplest of household tasks that will make a difference.

【小题5】 , ”says Ho. “Starting with recycling grey water for gardening purposes, to recycling materials such as glass, paper and iron-it all reduces the use of raw materials.”

A.We put it in the bin and don’t think too far beyond that
B.The collective action of individuals can make a significant effect
C.It‘s important for every household to make good use of grey water
D.Waste reduction and reuse is usually the best way to decrease waste
E.The three rules of waste management should be followed by every household
F.Recycling reduces the use of raw materials and so protects our natural resources
G.Recycling just 10% plastic bottles would keep 90 million kilograms of plastic out of landfills
