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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included on December 17, 2020 China's Tai Chi on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was announced during the online meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from December 14 to 19 in Kingston, capital of Jamaica.

“Born in the mid-17th century in a small village named Chenjiagou located in Central China's Henan province, Tai Chi is not only a kind of traditional Wushu integrated with slow movements and deep breathing, but is also deeply rooted in many areas of Chinese culture, such as medicine and philosophy,” Zhu Xianghua says, who is the son of the famous Tai Chi master Zhu Tiancai.

Although it has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, attracting more than 100 million people to practice, the idea that Tai Chi is for the elderly has stopped many young people practicing the ancient Wushu. They think of it as a slow exercise, which is specially made and better suited for their grandparents. Instead, many young people are turning to the Indian practice of yoga to relieve stress, which was placed on the UNESCO's List in 2019.

In order to promote Tai Chi, joint efforts have been made from individuals and the Chinese government in the last decades. Xi'an Jiaotong University requires students to learn Tai Chi. Wang Yunbing, a professor in the university's sports center, stressed that Tai Chi is not only good physical exercise-researchers from the American College of Rheumatology find that it can help manage several diseases but is also conned ted to ancient Chinese civilization. Since 2014, the World Tai Chi Championships have been held every two years by the International Wushu Federation. It provides a platform for communication and learning between the Tai Chi masters and Tai Chi lovers around the globe. In January 2020, Tai Chi became an official event in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.

【小题1】What does Zhu Xianghua say about Tai Chi in paragraph 2?
A.It originated from fast Kung Fu action.
B.It was born around the 1750s in a village.
C.It is related to other cultural fields of China.
D.It integrates Chinese medicine and western philosophy.
【小题2】Why do some young people choose to practice yoga instead of Tai Chi?
A.They think it easier to practice yoga to keep fit.
B.The elderly stop young people practicing Tai Chi.
C.They consider Tai Chi is custom-built for old people.
D.Yoga was included in the world culture earlier than Tai Chi.
【小题3】What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To promote contemporary Chinese civilization.
B.To show many efforts made to popularize Tai Chi.
C.To stress the importance of Chinese Tai Chi masters.
D.To advise people to practice Tai Chi to cure diseases.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Tai Chi Steps on the UNESCO's List.
B.Tai Chi is Competing against Yoga.
C.Tai Chi Has Regained populate Globally.
D.Opinions Greatly Differ on Tai Chi and Yoga.
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Benefits of Sports

Taking exercise is a physical, mental and social adventure. It’s a great way for children to take a break from study and release extra energy. It also helps them lead fuller and happier lives as regular sports have proven to improve general well-being.

【小题1】 Regardless of your fitness level when you start playing sports, you’ll notice an increase in your overall fitness once you take part. Nearly every sport requires physical activity and the skills needed to be competitive. Basketball players focus on strength training. 【小题2】 The training process helps encourage physical fitness and performances in competitions.

【小题3】 Playing sports contributes to mental health, helping to increase confidence and self-worth. A pat on the back, high-five from a teammate, or handshake after a match really raises a child’s confidence. Words of praise and encouragement from the coach, parents and other players raise the self-worth. 【小题4】 So after a game, it’s a better idea to ask “Did you enjoy the game?” rather than “Did you win?”

Children who participate in sports might also benefit from the social aspect, feeling part of a group, building up leadership and responsibility. 【小题5】 Teamwork demands both being dependable as a teammate and learning to rely on your teammates to achieve a positive outcome. Teamwork will raise your responsibility and give you an opportunity to be a leader.

There is no shortage of reasons to find a sport to take part in. Are you ready to go? Pick one and get moving!

A.It’s not just your body that benefits from sports.
B.Therefore, playing sports is going to make you more fit.
C.Football players work on speed while track athletes train through longer runs.
D.Among these, learning how to work as a team is the most important advantage.
E.But remember, a child’s self-worth should not be judged by victory or loss.
F.If you play group sports, you’ll be part of a team that takes direction from a coach.
G.The physical benefits of doing sports are probably the most obvious.

Humans were made for walking. With our upright posture and strong leg muscles, our bodies were designed with walking in mind --- which is what makes it such perfect exercise. 【小题1】And best of all, it’s a great way to see new things and meet new people!

【小题2】Wherever you are, in the city or at the campground, you’ll find plenty of walking going on. Studies have shown that taking a walk every day significantly reduces your risk for heart disease and high blood pressure, and it even lowers stress levels. Recently, science has proved that walking is even good for your body shape and brain.

To get started, sit down with a map and make a plan. 【小题3】Do you want to meet other people? See new places? Get out into the wilderness or explore a city? Knowing your strengths will help you decide on the type of walk you want to do.

If making friends and socializing is your goal, call up your friends and schedule walks with them. Ask your friends where they like to walk and go there, since this will introduce you to new places. Go online and look up your local mall or shopping center. Many malls have groups that come every day, or every weekend, to “walk the mall. 【小题4】

From the benefits to your heart to your overall happiness, walking is just plain good for you.

This month pick up a map and start walking.【小题5】

A.Headed to a new city?
B.It’s good for our bodies and great for our waistlines.
C.This month, why not focus on walking with a purpose?
D.These groups are always happy to include one more walker!
E.You might find open groups of dog walkers at your local park.
F.It’s a fantastic way to get to know the world, using your own two feet.
G.Ask yourself, what do you want to get out of walking aside from the health benefits?

First it was jogging. Then aerobics (有氧运动). Not too long ago, Americans discovered race walking.

Now Americans are into a new fitness craze. They’re taking up bicycling. Over hills and down mountainsides and across quiet country roads, Americans are busily rolling along.

The number of adults who ride for fitness is around 17 million, an increase of 70 percent over four years ago. Twice as many women as men are coming to the sport. Americans are falling in love with biking because it has speed, the benefits of jogging and beautiful scenery.

Bicycling is a very appropriate sport, which is important to people who injured their knees while jogging or whose joints are aching from aerobics. And biking is a real awakening for people who have been into race walking in the past. Race walking is as dull as watching paint dry.

The most popular kind of bicycle for people who are new to the sport is the mountain bike, which has a fixed frame with wide tires and upright handles.

Mountain bikes also have many gears (齿轮) to make it easier to climb hills. About 5 million Americans ride mountain bikes, compared with 200, 000 who rode them only five years ago.

Costs range from about $130 for a bottom-of-the-line bicycle to more than $2,700 for an expensive bicycle.

Mountain biking has attracted some people who race down the sides of mountains like a bat out of hell. But most riders ride slowly and they rarely venture far from home.

The biking craze has brought an unexpected profit (盈利) to clothing and bicycle accessory (附属品) makers. Last year, bikers paid $630 million for biking clothes and accessories.

Bicycling seems likely to continue its fantastic growth.

【小题1】Why is race walking as dull as watching paint dry?
A.Race walking is a slow-moving sport.
B.The number of adults who ride for fitness has grown 70 percent in four years.
C.It has speed, the benefits of jogging and beautiful scenery.
D.Americans are taking up bicycling.
【小题2】Whom has the bicycling craze been a profit for?
A.People who want to ride like a bat out of hell.
B.Bicycle accessory makers.
C.Race walkers.
D.Twice as many women as men.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “bottom-of-the-line” mean?
【小题4】What is the main idea of the article?
A.Riding a bicycle is one of the most dangerous sports in America.
B.Americans are rolling along.
C.Bicycling is the latest fitness craze to hit America.
D.Most people in America want to own a hand-made bicycle that can cost more than $2,700.
