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When a dog looks at you with big puppy-dog eyes, it’s hard for you to go away, and you may speak out “Awww” without hesitation. However, there’s a reason why you find a dog’s stare so attractive. That sweet stare actually causes the release of a particular hormone, or chemical messenger in the body. This hormone creates feelings of affection in humans. The same thing happens to dogs when people look back at them. Scientists believe this helps people and their four-legged friends bond, or feel connected. Scientists have wondered what causes dogs to lovingly stare at their owners. To find out, a team of researchers from Azabu University in Japan studied 30 owners and their dogs.

The researchers found that after the pets and their owners spent half an hour together, both showed a rise in oxytocin (催产素). One key role of this hormone in many animals is to promote bonding, like that between a mother and newborn. The increase of oxytocin didn’t happen, though, when scientists repeated the experiment with wolves and the humans who had raised them.

A second experiment also found that if dogs were given oxytocin, they looked at their owners longer. Scientists aren’t sure exactly why, but this reaction occurred only with female dogs. Their owners’ oxytocin levels also rose as a result.

The result of these experiments might help answer an age-old question: How did the fearsome wolf ancestor of modern dogs turn into man’s best friend? Takefumi Kikusui, an animal scientist who worked on the study, thinks that the change happened when dogs first became domestic (驯养的).

According to Kikusui, there may have been a small group of wild dogs that were naturally friendlier. “Humans are very sensitive to eye contact. By using this special communication tool, the dogs are able to win over our hearts. If they are more likely to make eye contact, it would be easier for them to bond with dog owners,” Kikusui said.

【小题1】According to Paragraph1, people say “Awww ” to ________.
A.make the dog stare at themB.express their love for the dogs
C.draw the dogs’ attention awayD.warn the dogs not to approach them
【小题2】According to the passage, oxytocin can ________.
A.reduce animals’ pain of giving birth
B.motivate animals’ desires to protect others
C.help animals to develop a better relationship
D.enable animals to survive more easily from dangers
【小题3】We can infer from Paragraph 3 that ________.
A.dogs given oxytocin react differently
B.female dogs are more popular among humans
C.oxytocin helps dogs become man’s best friends
D.wolves are not likely to be friends with humans
【小题4】The underlined words “ the change” in Paragraph 4 refer to that ________.
A.dogs and wolves are best friends
B.wolves begin to bond with humans
C.dogs became friends with humans
D.dogs were domesticated by humans
【小题5】What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To call on humans to be friendly to dogs.
B.To give advice on how to get along with dogs.
C.To introduce the evolution process of wild dogs.
D.To explain why humans and dogs are connected.
知识点:人与动植物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

On a typical day, off the coast of a small Brazilian island, Joao Pereira de Souza, who was a fisherman, headed out fishing. He was sad to find a lot of oil on the water. Staring at the waves with the oily shine, he decided it was not a good day to fish. But walking along the beach that day, he found a struggling penguin(企鹅), covered with oil and going to die because of hunger.

Pereira took the penguin home, gently cleaned it and spent the next week nursing it back to health. He named it Dindim, a Portuguese word meaning “ice pop”.

Dindim is a Magellanic penguin, a species known for living in the seas of South America. In order to breed(繁殖), he must return to Patagonia, 8,000 kilometers from Pereira’s home. Pereira took Dindim back to the ocean and taught him how to swim again. Soon, it was time for Dindim to return to life in the wild. Pereira watched Dindim swim away, believing it would be the last time to see him.

But the next June, Dindim returned. The two shared a gentle mouth-to-nose greeting (问候), and Dindim stayed for a month, swimming around Pereira’s house. The time to leave arrived, and Pereira thought this surely would be the last time he would see Dindim. But 11 months later, the penguin returned again.

Pereira was unsure whether the returning penguin year after year was the same one. He put a tracking device on Dindim. To his surprise, it was Pereira’s Dindim, returning year after year, for more than a decade.

Pereira and Dindim share a friendship that bridges human life and the natural world.

【小题1】What can we know from paragraph 1?
A.A penguin was freed.B.Pereira caught a lot of fish.
C.The water was polluted heavily.D.Fish and penguins lived peacefully.
【小题2】What did Pereira do for Dindim’s return to the ocean?
A.He took Dindim to a doctor.B.He trained Dindim to swim again.
C.He shared a greeting with Dindim.D.He made Dindim stay for a month.
【小题3】Which can best describe Pereira?
A.Patient and caring.B.Brave and honest.
C.Self-confident and humorous.D.Outgoing and active.
【小题4】Why did Pereira put a tracking device on Dindim?
A.To record how penguins breed.B.To search for more penguins.
C.To find the source of the pollution.D.To find out if the returning penguin was Dindim.

Listening to birds and water can lower stress and improve mood, study finds. Researchers have long known there are benefits from being in nature. Living around trees can help you live longer. Walking in the woods is good for your mood. Being near water can have positive effects on your well-being.

A new study finds that natural sounds offer health benefits too. There is plenty of evidence that spending time in natural areas is good for our health — but typically this research is done from a visual perspective, but we are curious what the role is of sounds we hear in these spaces.

Some examples they found reported in those studies included decreased pain, lowered stress, improved mood, and better cognitive (认知的) function. With these results in hand, they then listened to audio recordings from 251 sites in 68 national parks across the United States.

The sites with the most natural sounds and the lowest man-made sounds were located in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest and were far from urban areas. Only three locations with high natural sounds and low noise pollution were within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of urban areas.

However, despite human-made noises being heard most of the time at sites in urban locations, birds were still heard about 60% of the time and geophysical sounds like wind and rain heard about 19% of the time.

Not all natural sounds deliver the same benefits, the researchers found. For example, they discovered that the sounds of water had the largest impact on improving positive emotions and health outcomes, while bird sounds ease stress and annoyance. And the sounds of both birds and water were heard more than 23% of the time in the national park recording sites.

Interestingly, there was also some evidence that natural sounds have benefits over silence. There was also evidence that more different types of natural sounds — more types of birds singing rather than just one type of bird— have benefits over fewer sounds.

【小题1】What does the new study focus on?
A.The effect natural sounds have on health.
B.The harm man-made sounds do to health.
C.The benefits natural sounds bring to the environment.
D.The effect nature has on people from visual perspective.
【小题2】What is an ideal site according to paragraph 4?
A.It is away from cities.
B.It has no noise pollution.
C.It has bird songs most of the time.
D.It is within 62 miles of urban areas.
【小题3】What brings more benefits to people?
A.The silence of nature.
B.The sounds of water.
C.The diversity of natural sounds.
D.Natural sounds mixed with noises.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.It Is Beneficial to Live Close to Water
B.We Are Surrounded by All Kinds of Sounds
C.The Sounds of Nature Affect Your Well-being
D.Man-made Noise Pollution Is Harmful to Our Health

A recent Auburn University study provides some real numbers to back a theory we’ve all known was true for some time—planting a shade tree near your home reduces energy bills significantly in the spring and summer months. The study, conducted in Auburn,
Alabama, included 160 homes with different levels of shade. Each home’s energy usage was monitored and compared to other houses with similar energy— using patterns, size, type of cooling system, etc. Here are some highlights from the study:
Houses with trees on the west side of their home had a “much lower power bill”.
Older homes had the most shade coverage, because people did not use to rely on air conditioning as much to keep them cool.
Children under age 12 consume the most power in a home as they watch television, play games and frequently leave lights on.
Fall and early winter are the perfect seasons to plant a tree. This time of year many nurseries(苗圃)are trying to reduce their inventory of trees heading into the winter, so you may find a deal on trees easily to plant around your lot.
While you have the spade out, consider planting a tree near your outside air conditioning unit. The shade will keep the unit cooler and help it operate more efficiently. Be sure to plant far enough from the unit to allow proper airflow, and account for the tree’s growth over time.
It actually hurts to watch the trees being knocked over when land developers plan neighborhoods because trees could provide much needed shade to new homeowners, reducing their electric bill and the amount of energy they consume. Hopefully this study, and more like it in the future, will encourage developers and builders to plan around trees as much as possible to offer homeowners a shaded lot.
【小题1】What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A new study about planting trees.
B.Planting trees to reduce your power bill.
C.Houses with trees on the west side.
D.Don't cut trees down when planning neighborhoods.
【小题2】The underlined word "inventory" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.
【小题3】According to the passage, ____ might spend more energy cost.
A.houses with trees on the west side of their home
B.older houses with the most shade coverage
C.houses with different levels of shade
D.houses with the children under age 12
【小题4】Which is NOT the benefit of planting a tree near the outside air conditioning unit?
A.The shade will keep the unit much cooler.
B.The shade helps the unit operate more efficiently.
C.The trees stops the unit having proper airflow.
D.The shade prevents the sunlight from shining on the unit.
【小题5】What c we learn from this study?
A.The study is carried out by the students at Auburn University, Alabama.
B.While planning new neighborhoods, developers often cut down the trees there.
C.Houses with trees on the east side of their house had a lower power bill.
D.The study will prevent developers and builders from planning more trees.
