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The gym has never been the sort of place I like to be. 1 don't have fond feelings for the smell of sweaty bodies. 【小题1】 I have long been troubled by arthritis(关节炎).

A few months ago, I had a medical examination. As suspected: 20 pounds overweight and high blood pressure. The prescription? Exercise. The thought of sweating it out in a gym only made me feel more powerless over my body. I felt bad for myself. And then I got angry -----at my condition and my laziness.【小题2】 I decided I wanted to invest in my health. But how?

I was raised in New Jersey and spent summers "down the shore." I had always found water to be healing (治愈的).【小题3】 I loved that feeling, so I decided the pool would be my best bet for exercise. And, not for nothing, the National Institutes of Health says water is one of the best fitness choices for folks with arthritis. So I marched over to the pool during my lunch break.

Three lanes (泳道). Twenty-five meters. Two other swimmers in the water. One was swimming so fast that I thought I accidentally joined a master’s group. The other one was swimming along, carrying tiny water weights. And then there was me. I jumped in and swam a lap.【小题4】 I sucked it up, and did another. Sure, it was hard, but I wasn’t tied to a machine. I was just moving through the water with ease. I fell in love with the water.

I will likely never be the fastest person in the pool.【小题5】 With each swim, I get stronger, more efficient, and more graceful. Exercise stopped feeling so annoying when I decided to work out for my health.

A.But I won't be the slowest either.
B.Swimming offers plenty of benefits.
C.But then that anger turned into determination.
D.In water, I could be weightless and let myself go.
E.There is another big reason I' m not into the gym.
F.I tried to hide my exhaustion at the other end of the pool.
G.Watching other swimmers pass me has become inspiring.
知识点:锻炼/健身(个人) 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Not having done physical exercise for some time, I found myself a little low-spirited and couldn’t study efficiently, so I decided to do some running the next day. At 6:15 the next morning, my alarm clock rang. Unwilling to rise from my bed, I turned it off and went back to sleep. However, 5 minutes later, I struggled to get up. After washing and brushing, I had my sneakers on and went out.

Wow! The air was so fresh that I couldn’t help breathing it deeply. I stretched (伸展) my arms and legs, then started to run. I found all things around me were so attractive. Look, the branches were waving, as if they were welcoming me; the blossoming flowers were bowing, with shyness, just like girls. Listen, the wind was whispering, as if to say “come on, girl”. What’s more interesting was those two birds, perching in the tree. They were scared and flew away when I passed them. “Hey, chaps, relax.” I shouted without stopping running. “Let’s enjoy the beautiful morning together!” Then miracle (奇迹) happened. The two little creatures seemed to understand what I said. They turned back and twittered (吱吱叫) around me. “Are you singing for me?” I asked. They twittered again and again, sounded like “Yes”. I was delighted to hear that. Ah, what a wonderful morning and how beautiful life is!

Actually, there are a lot of charming things around us. Helen Keller wrote in her famous article Three Days to Sec, “The seeing see little”. Indeed, many of us ignore (忽视) the beauty around us, just because we are familiar with them. They always complain that life is boring. But, I just want to say, if you live each day with appreciation of things around, you’ll find life is very charming. So, let’s enjoy life from now on.

【小题1】According to the passage, the writer went running with the purpose of ______.
A.making herself more activeB.seeing the beauty of nature
C.talking with birdsD.breathing fresh air
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The writer hated the singing of the two birds.
B.The writer rose immediately after the clock went off
C.The writer did some warm up exercises before running.
D.The writer felt tired after doing some running in the morning.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence “The seeing see little.” in the last paragraph mean?
A.People who can see rarely find the beauty of nature.
B.Those who can see enjoy nature very much.
C.People who go outside can see more.
D.Those who go out only see little things.
【小题4】The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to tell us that ______.
A.the nature is very beautiful
B.fresh air is beneficial
C.physical exercise is useless
D.we should appreciate the beautiful things in life

For better eyesight (视力), doctors advise limiting (限制) the hours of screen time and encourage having enough eye resting time.

However, another study shows that sitting in front of computer or TV screens for long hours is not the only reason for myopia (近视). An Australian research team studied young children in Sydney and Singapore to find the reasons for myopia. The research team found that there were less children who had myopia in Sydney than those in Singapore, even though they spent more time in front of computer and TV screens. The major finding is that children in Sydney spend longer hours on outdoor sports than those in Singapore.

Indoor and outdoor sports both make the eyes pay attention to more distant (远处的) objects, which stops the eyes from changing original shape. But outdoor sports may be better than indoor sports for myopia. Because natural light is good for eye growth and vitamin (维他命) D from the sunlight might be useful to it. Many doctors suggest that every child get its first eye test when he/she is about two and half years old, and even if his/her sight seems good enough. It is necessary for myopic(近视的) children to wear glasses to stop headaches, trouble reading and so on. It is also important that schools invite doctors to test their students’ eyes.

If that is not possible, school teachers should at least encourage parents and children to have regular eye examination and wear glasses. And parents should remember not only to limit the total screen time for their children, but also to encourage them to spend time outdoors.

【小题1】What did the Australian research team study for?
A.To find the reasons for myopia.
B.To find the ways to treat myopia.
C.To learn to choose right glasses.
D.To improve children’s eyesight.
【小题2】Why are there fewer children with myopia in Sydney than those in Singapore?
A.Because the children in Sydney watch TV less.
B.Because the children in Sydney have more eye resting time.
C.Because the children in Sydney use computer less.
D.Because the children in Sydney do more outdoor sports.
【小题3】What conclusion can we draw from the passage?
A.Sydney children don’t study hard.
B.Singapore children do few exercise.
C.Room light does harm to children’s eyes.
D.Outdoors activities do more good to eyes.
【小题4】Which of the following is true?
A.Children should have eye tests as soon as they reach school age.
B.Looking more at distant objects can help the eyes keep their original shape.
C.Doing outdoor sports with no glasses is good for myopic children.
D.Children should limit their time in the sun to protect their eyes.

How Teens Can Stay Fit

Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. Doing physical exercise is easy, but the difficult thing is that you keep moving!【小题1】, like brushing your teeth, eating, and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own. Keep the following tips in mind:

【小题2】. A good mental attitude is important. Find an activity that you think is fun. You are more likely to keep with it if you choose something you like. A lot of people find it’s more fun to exercise with someone else, so see if you can find a friend or family member to be active with you.

Take it one step at a time.【小题3】. For example, walk or ride your bike to school or to a friend’s house instead of getting a ride. Get on or off the bus several blocks away and walk the rest of the way. Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator.

Get your heart pumping (跳动). Whatever you choose, make sure it includes aerobic (有氧的) activity that makes you breathe harder and increases your heart rate. This is the best type of exercise because it increases your fitness level and makes your heart and lungs work better.【小题4】. Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running, or swimming.

Don’t forget to warm up with some easy exercises or stretching (拉伸) before you do any physical activity.【小题5】. Stretching makes your muscles and joints more flexible too. It is also important to stretch out after you exercise to cool down your muscles.

A.It also burns off body fat
B.Stay positive and have fun
C.Physical exercise can help prevent diseases
D.Small changes can add up to better fitness
E.Exercise should be a regular part of your day
F.This warms your muscles up and may help protect against injury
G.Do the activity as often as possible, but don’t exercise to the point of pain.
