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Match the four tours with proper persons.
A. Amazon Rainforest Tour
B. Machu Picchu Tour
C. Cusco Tour
D. Lake Titicaca Tour

1. 【小题1】

Alessandro, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.

2. 【小题2】

Elisabeth, who has retired recently, is planning for a leisurely vacation. She hopes to visit the museums, buy something special and taste some delicious food.

3. 【小题3】

Mike, a well-paid photographer, has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of birds.

4. 【小题4】

Alfred and his girlfriend hope to have a chance to experience local people’s life, and want to go traveling by boat in a romantic way.
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Technology has blurred the boundaries between work and play, professional and personal, and career and downtime. Whether it’s a digital nomad (数字游牧民) blogging on a Bali beach or a manager checking emails on a Niseko ski lift, people are seamlessly combining work and leisure. The traditional boundary between business and personal travel is fading, giving rise to a new trend known as “bleisure travel.”

Bleisure travel extends beyond the usual practice of bringing a partner to a conference. Professionals worldwide are increasingly adding weekends or even weeks to their work trips, whether they are traveling alone, with a partner, or as a family. According to Jeanne Liu of the Global Business Travel Association, more than one in three business travelers will incorporate a leisure component into at least one of their trips this year. Contrary to expectations, this trend is not limited to entry-level employees; managers and millennials are equally likely to partake in bleisure travel.

Employers are recognizing the benefits of bleisure travel, as it contributes to travel well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity. Taking the opportunity to bring family members along or adding fun elements to a business trip reduces stress and enhances the overall experience. Australians, who face longer working hours and higher travel costs, are particularly receptive to bleisure travel. Guests at business-oriented hotels like Quest St Leonards in Sydney are increasingly opting to have their partners join them for a weekend stay or longer, rather than making quick trips back home.

Richard Tonkin, a general manager who frequently travels for work, always extends his trips to explore new destinations. He carefully researches cities and books bike tours as a way to quickly see the sights and discover places of interest. Tonkin’s wife, Enza, who works part-time, often accompanies him on these trips and explores the local area or indulges in her own activities, such as shopping or visiting galleries and restaurants.

The modern bleisure traveler is typically culturally curious and interested in local cuisine. Hotels like Quest St Leonards ensure their front office staff are knowledgeable about not only popular attractions but also hidden gems and events happening in the area. They provide guests with tailored guides that cater to their specific interests, whether it’s offbeat cafes and boutiques or trendy bars and restaurants.

The main obstacle for most business travelers considering bleisure is time. Paradoxically (自相矛盾的是), while technology enables them to work and play at the same time, it also limits their leisure time. However, as the trend continues to gain in popularity, more professionals are finding ways to strike a balance and make the most of their business trips by incorporating leisure activities.

【小题1】Which of the following is a proper description of modern bleisure travelers?
A.They prefer to travel alone rather than with a business partner or a family member.
B.They tend to be curious about local culture and cuisine, and eager to explore the area.
C.They are more interested in attending conferences and business meetings than travelling.
D.They are more likely to be entry-level employees than company managers or millennials.
【小题2】What can be inferred about “bleisure travel” from the passage?
A.It is primarily embraced by employees with shorter working hours and lower travel costs.
B.Limited leisure time gives professionals a chance to strike a balance between work and life.
C.Its increasing popularity suggests that professionals prioritize personal experiences over work.
D.Family members coming along the bleisure travel will have to follow their partner s schedule.
【小题3】How do some hotels react to the rise of “bleisure travel” according to the passage?
A.They are struggling to accommodate travelers due to limited availability and high demand.
B.They are indifferent to the trend and do not offer any specific services for bleisure travelers.
C.They are discouraging bleisure travel by offering only business- oriented facilities and services.
D.They are training staff to know about local travelling information and offering tailored guides.
【小题4】The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the rise of digital refugees in the workforce
B.the benefits of business travel for professionals
C.the trend of combining work and leisure travel
D.the challenges of balancing work and recreation

I wanted the pleasure of being in Africa again. Feeling that the place was so large that it contained many untold tales and some hope and comedy and sweetness too, I aimed to reinsert myself in the bundy, as we used to call the bush, and to wander around. There I had lived and worked, happily, almost forty years ago, in the heart of the greenest continent.

In those old undramatic days of my school teaching in the bundu, folks lived their lives on bush paths at the end of unpaved roads of red clay, in villages of grass-roofed huts. They had a new national flag, they had just gotten the vote, some had bikes, many talked about buying their first pair of shoes. They were hopeful, and, so was I, a schoolteacher living near a settlement of mud-huts among trees and fields—children shouting at play; and women bent double—most with infants on their backs—hoeing(锄地) the corn beans; and the men sitting in the shade.

The Swahili word safari means “journey”, it has nothing to do with animals, someone “on safari” is just away and unobtainable and out of touch. Out of touch in Africa was where I wanted to be. The wish to disappear sends many travellers away. If you are thoroughly sick of being kept waiting at home or at work, travel is perfect: let other people wait for a change. Travel is a sort of revenge(报复) for having been put on hold, or having to leave messages on answering machines, not knowing your party’s extension, being kept waiting all your working life. But also being kept waiting is the human condition.

Travel in the African bush can also be a sort of revenge on mobile phones and email, on telephones and the daily paper, on the aspects of globalization that allow anyone who chooses to get their hands on you. I desired to be unobtainable. I was going to Africa for the best of reasons—in a spirit of discovery—simply to disappear, to light out, with a suggestion of I dare you to try to find me.

Home had become a routine, and routine made time pass quickly. I was a sitting duck in this predictable routine: people knew when to call me, they knew when I would be at my desk. I was in such regular touch that it was like having a job, a mode of life I hated. I was sick of being called up and asked for favors, hit up for money. You stick around too long and people begin to impose their own deadlines on you.

【小题1】What did the writer expect from his journey?
A.To have a variety of enjoyable experiences.B.To see how Africa had changed.
C.To see impressive scenery.D.To meet some old friend.
【小题2】Forty years ago, how did the writer feel about the future of the country where he was living?
A.Little was likely to change.B.Things were likely to improve.
C.Women would do most of the work.D.People’s expectations were too limited.
【小题3】In Paragraph 3, what reason does the writer give for wanting to travel to Africa?
A.He wanted a change of activity.B.He wanted people to be unable to contact him.
C.His health was suffering from staying at home.D.He had been waiting to return to Africa for long.
【小题4】The writer says “I was a sitting duck” in Paragraph 5 to show that _______.
A.he was boringB.he was easy to find
C.he is fond of ducksD.he was always lending money

Want to travel to some wonderful places? Here are just a just a few recommendations to eco-destinations:

Africa Madagascar

Home to a huge group of animals found nowhere else on the planet. Madagascar is a must-go destination for anyone impressed with, or even slightly interested in, the natural world. Some of the unique flora and fauna can be found on this wonderful island.

America St John (US Virgin Islands)

Though it’s the smallest of the US Virgin Islands, St John has surprisingly varied scenery. Virgin Islands National Park makes up two-thirds of its land, where visitors can hike in deep valleys, over mountains and across dry coastal areas.

Europe Iceland

As one might expect from a country whose name is “ice”, Iceland’s scenery is rough. Take a hike past lava fields, glaciers and waterfalls and feel amazed at the wildlife and natural wonders. Visit between fall and spring to catch a sight of the Northern Lights.

Asia Laos

Visit Laos for a look at Southeast Asia before the tourism industry exploded. Laos is slowly paced so visitors can view the varieties of historic sights and explore the jungle and mountain scenery away from the madding crowds. Bird-watching is excellent here.

Oceania Australia

Visit here and you’ll find the Great Barrier Reef, which is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. It is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visible form space. Discover more about Australia’s greatest natural wonder,. Here you can also see great coral.

【小题1】The purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.tell you how to get to some places
B.suggest tourists going to some wonderful places
C.remind you of some places of interest
D.discuss the scenery in Asia and Europe
【小题2】Tom is studying species and he now wants to do some research into unique flora and fauna, so he should go to ________.
A.MadagascarB.St JohnC.IcelandD.Laos
【小题3】The only living thing visible on earth from space is situated in ________.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.St John has wide-ranging scenery.
B.It’s better to watch Northern Lights in Iceland in summer.
C.Laos is a country in Southeast Asia.
D.Oceania Australia enjoys one of the seven wonders.
