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Jeremy Savage, aged 17, and Ian Marshall, aged 16, went to the Rocky Mountains with their parents for the weekend. On Saturday morning, the two boys decided to climb Cathedral Mountain by themselves while their parents relaxed at the campsite. After three hours, they reached the top with no problems.

However, trouble began when they started the climb down the mountain. On one very dangerous part of the path, Ian fell three metres off the side of the path. Jeremy was able to climb down to where Ian was. Ian was badly injured and could not move. Jeremy had to decide what to do. He needed help, but he did not want to leave his friend. He used water from his own bottle to clean the dirt and blood from Ian’s face and hands. He tried to help Ian stand up, but Ian’s right leg was hurting too much. They had to wait and hope that someone would come and help them.

When the boys did not return to the campsite that evening, their parents became very worried. They got in touch with park workers and began searching for the boys. Soon more than 20 people were looking for the boys.

As night fell, the boys were still missing. While they waited for help to arrive, Jeremy gave Ian his food and water and he let Ian lie on his jacket so he would be more comfortable. As the evening grew darker, Ian told Jeremy to leave him and go back to their parents, but he still did not leave. Jeremy thought it was too dangerous for Ian to be alone. The night was cold and windy, and Jeremy used his jacket and an extra shirt to keep Ian warm.

At sunrise, Jeremy decided that the only way to help his friend was to carry him. So, they started the long climb back to their parents. Sometimes Jeremy carried Ian on his hack. Sometimes he carried him in his arms. Finally, after four hours, they arrived at the campsite where their parents were waiting. “I will always remember what Jeremy did for me,” said Ian. “He saved my life. That is the greatest thing that a person can do for his friend.”

【小题1】What happened to Ian on his way down the mountain?
A.Ian fell three miles off the side of the path.
B.Ian climbed down to where Jeremy was.
C.Ian was badly injured and could not move.
D.Ian decided what to do because Jeremy was injured.
【小题2】Why did the boys’ parents get in touch with the park workers?
A.Because they knew the boys got injured.
B.Because they are worried about their own safety.
C.Because the boys returned to the campsite with wounds.
D.Because the boys did not return to the campsite that evening.
【小题3】What did Jeremy do for Ian while they were waiting for help?
A.Jeremy had Ian’s food and water.
B.Jeremy left Ian alone to find help from their parents.
C.Jeremy let Ian lie on his jacket to make him comfortable.
D.Jeremy gave Ian his jacket and only shirt to keep Ian warm.
【小题4】How long were the boys away from the campsite?
A.Four hours.B.Almost one night.
C.Three hours.D.About 24 hours.
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We are all born social and company to live happy and fruitful life. Healthy and supportive mutual relationships help reduce stress and promote the, physical, mental and emotional well-being by building skills like time management, assertiveness( 坚定自信), sociability and empathy.

Making friends has made me feel secure. However, I have to be cautious to pick up friends sharing similar tastes and values. In addition, having added to one’s circle of friends helps one feel supported.

It is true that finding time to cultivate relationships is all about effective time management. My busy uncle finds time to catch up with family and friends during his tea and lunch breaks. Similarly my friend Somya uses her time on her way back home from work in her chauffeur-driven car to catch up with people. The modern inventions of SMS and e-mail help send wishes for birthdays and anniversaries to show your love and care.

Assertiveness is as much applicable to relationships. My friend Mohana emphasizes that neither being a passive observer nor being aggressive helps relationships. It is assertiveness in our relationships that opens the lines of effective communication. It emphasizes helping friends in need and also strengthens mutually supportive relationships.

It is also true that assertiveness by intuition promotes discretion(自行决定权) of friends and helps Lalitha distinguish positive people from drains of energy. She can easily figure this out by the flow of the conversation, the way each feels understood, accepted and supported, and by how I feel, happy, bored or energized in the relationship. It also helps to know whether all benefit from each other’s positive aspects.

Handling stress in life is all about cultivating mutually supportive relationships and working on them. Manisha always says she feels great when sharing her feelings after a hard day with people who share similar ideas. Actually we all need someone who would not just hear us, but listen to us, and we need to cultivate the art of listening and understanding people.

【小题1】A busy person can develop his social relationships by________.
A.inviting friends for dinnerB.making friends with strangers
C.working hard for high positionsD.getting together in the intervals of business
【小题2】Which of the following helps build mutually supportive social relationships?
A.Being passive.B.Being assertive.
C.Being aggressive.D.Being relaxed.
【小题3】A person most needs supportive social relationships when he/she is________.
【小题4】From the passage, who can positively get supportive social relationship?
【小题5】What is mainly discussed in the passage?
A.How should we handle our stress in life?
B.What is to be done for applicable relationships?
C.How can we pick up friends supporting us?
D.How people build mutually supportive social relationship?

Working from home has its advantages, but a sense of community is not one of them. Still, feeling connected at work is necessary for our success in our jobs and lives. Research finds that people with friends at work are more satisfied with and perform better at their jobs. 【小题1】

Schedule an informal meeting just to chat.

You can’t build a friendship if you only ever talk about work. One study found that while people feel closer the more time they spend together, this wasn’t true at work. 【小题2】 This is likely because when we only focus on work, we don’t reveal anything about ourselves. If you want to make friends at work, stop talking about work.


Friendship is not built from one interaction; it grows gradually. We unconsciously like those we are more exposed to. Scheduling an informal chat is great, but this chat needs to be repeated for a friendship to develop. The best way to do this is to put a standing meeting on your calendar, perhaps once a week or once a month, depending on preference.

Share more of yourself.

Now that you have stopped talking about work, start sharing stories. Study shows that people like people who share details about themselves. 【小题4】 Use interesting questions to get to know your co-workers. Some good options are: What do you do for fun? What were you like in high school?

Express praise.

We often think likable people are funny or smart, but the secret to being likable is actually to like people. 【小题5】 Co-workers will be more likely to want to be your friend if you show them you like them by doing things like greeting them warmly and celebrating their success.

A.Get intentional with team building.
B.Make informal meetings consistent.
C.People like people who they think like them.
D.Here are some tips on how to make friends at work.
E.It pays to build a network of co-workers who see your value.
F.They will feel closer when people answer a series of personal questions.
G.In fact, people will find more separate when they spent more time together at work.

Great friendships made over time

What kind of relationship do you think will provide you with more life satisfaction, better health and complete happiness? 【小题1】   A familial (家庭的) one? Surprisingly, the answer is friendship.

However, it’s not possible to have true friends without first making regular friends. Have you ever thought about how long it takes to turn an acquaintance (认识的人) into a true friend? 【小题2】 According to lead study author Jeffrey Hall, we need to spend at least 80 hours with another person to create a true friendship with them.

【小题3】 One group consisted of 429 adults who had recently relocated (搬家), while the other was made up of 112 freshmen from the University of Kansas. The results showed that the more time each person spent together, the faster friendship formed in both groups. But it seemed that Hall wasn’t satisfied with the result. 【小题4】 According to the survey, “casual” friends are generally formed after spending about 30 hours together. And people will go from casual friends to regular friends after another 50 hours. However, it takes a lot longer to get really close to someone: A “close” friendship takes about 140 hours to create and “best friends” need about 300 hours.

But spending time together isn’t the only factor (元素) when it comes to making friends. “It’s not so important to just be in the company of someone… 【小题5】,”   Since time is precious, Hall suggested taking advantage of our school years by making as many friends as we can.

A.Watch a movie together ?
B.It matters how you spend the time.
C.Hall surveyed two groups as they began new chapters in their lives.
D.A romantic relationship?
E.You can engage (参与) in friendly competition by playing video games.
F.A new study published recently might have the answer to that question.
G.He wanted to find out exactly how many hours it takes to form a friendship.
