阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用11 组卷302

Cyber bullying (网络霸凌) is a form of bullying but because it happens online or on mobile phones it can happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are being bullied at school you can usually get away from the bullies when you are at home. 【小题1】 Cyber bullying can be done anonymously(匿名). Cyber bullying is very serious. It can make you feel afraid and uncomfortable. You might feel like it will never end.

【小题2】 We want you to know there are things you can do to make it stop. You shouldn't have to deal with bullying alone, so think about talking to someone you trust like a parent, carer or teacher. 【小题3】 Having someone to talk things through with is really important—it can make you feel more confident about dealing with the situation.

It is a good idea to keep a copy of the abusive (辱骂的) texts, emails, comments or messages that you receive and record the date and time they were sent. 【小题4】

You should not reply to any messages you receive because it can encourage the bullies and end up worrying you more. In addition, you must never give out any personal details on the Internet. 【小题5】 You can block email addresses or chat users if you are being bullied by email or instant (即时的) messenger.

A.They can be there to help you.
B.It is a good idea to check your phone.
C.But with cyber bullying there is no way out.
D.No one has the right to make you feel this way.
E.Keeping records can be useful when it comes to reporting the bullying.
F.When bullying happens at school, it's usually a small group of people.
G.Such information includes your real name, address, age or phone number.
知识点:方法/策略社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The term “liberal bubble” (自由泡沫) suggests that people usually surround themselves with those who hold similar opinions to them. Think about your own social media platforms (社交媒体平台)—who your Facebook friends are, and who you follow on Instagram and Twitter. You probably share a lot of opinions with most, if not all, of them. However, if you’re used to everyone agreeing with you all the time, it becomes difficult to have a good conversation with someone who disagrees.

The world is full of experiences, realities, and history. It would be naive (幼稚的) to believe that only your views are correct. We should always make space for the possibility that someone who looks different might have something valuable to offer the world. Carefully listening and being curious about different perspectives, in most cases, can help build bridges instead of walls. We all benefit when we listen carefully—even if we finally conclude that we disagree.

The world we live in is increasingly divided, especially on social media, which means that for most, the only opinions we hear are ones that agree with our own thoughts. So how can we have productive discussions with people who think differently than us? First, follow people who don’t look like you on social media.Follow people with different skills. Follow people of many different nationalities. Just reading their day-to-day thoughts, in addition to seeing their bigger moments, will help you learn about worlds you didn’t even know. It’ll help you understand where people are coming from when they do or say something you might push back on at the beginning. As far as having productive discussions, don’t try to win others over to your side. Just listen to each other. Respect your differences. Another way is to join a club or organization where many people have different views and are willing to debate with love.

【小题1】What are people very likely to do when communicating on the Internet?
A.Ignore views that disagree with theirs.
B.Fall into the trap of poor conflicting opinions.
C.Follow various friends on different platforms.
D.Share their opinions with people who disagree.
【小题2】What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?
A.How to make sure your views are correct.
B.The reasons why people have different views.
C.The importance of being exposed to different views.
D.How to communicate with people who disagree.
【小题3】What does a productive discussion mean according to the text?
A.The two sides always reach an agreement.
B.The other finally agrees with your thoughts.
C.You discuss with people who are wiser than you.
D.You get valuable information during the discussion.
【小题4】What does the text suggest people do about having productive discussions?
A.Keep away from social media.
B.Get involved in others’ daily lives.
C.Avoid expressing your own opinions.
D.Realize why people behave in a certain way.

The thought of a natural disaster can be frightening, but preparing for the most likely disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, and winter storms, is necessary. 【小题1】You can develop an emergency plan for your family in case of a natural disaster, including household information, out-of-town contacts and school, workplace, and childcare contact information and emergency first aid. Add your evacuation routes and shelter plans as well.

More importantly, you have to monitor potential (潜在的) disasters. 【小题2】 Watch news and weather reports in your region so that you can be aware of potential disasters in the area. You can also download apps for your smart phone that will warn you of potential disasters near your location.

【小题3】 If your family is at risk for exposure to a natural disaster, explain to them what’s happening. Review your emergency preparedness plan so that everyone knows what to do in the event of a disaster.

Thirdly, track the progress of forthcoming disasters. Check back with your news station frequently so that you’ll be aware of changes in weather or conditions that could alter the course of a disaster. 【小题4】 In this way, you’ll be well informed of what’s happening.

Finally, evacuate before disaster strikes, if possible. If danger is coming in your area, evacuate before it strikes. 【小题5】 So be sure to follow their instructions. If you aren’t able to evacuate, shelter in place until it’s safe to leave the area.

A.For instance, creating a plan is a good idea.
B.Make a contact card for each member of the family.
C.Secondly, prepare family members for what may happen.
D.You may not know what kind of disaster is about to strike.
E.To achieve this, firstly, identify potential threatening situations.
F.Your local authority may order evacuations if a natural disaster is coming.
G.Sign up to receive alerts or updates from your local government or weather service.

Behave Kindly and Positively

Smile. Look at people in the eyes when you give them a smile. This is such a simple way to spread kindness, and it’s free! Be generous with your smile and put feeling into it. Smile at store clerks, waiters, mail carriers, and other people you come in contact with. 【小题1】

Mind your manners. 【小题2】 Treat others respectfully, as well or even better than you’d wish to be treated. Aim to be cooperative and thoughtful. If you borrow things, don’t forget to give them back. Try to extend invitations to people who have previously invited you to an event.

Express gratitude. Tip generously when you can. 【小题3】 Be appreciative and express your respect and admiration for others. Try telling someone in your life, “You inspire me to be a better person through your...”. List specific things you appreciate about that person. If you don’t feel comfortable saying it in person, tell them through a note or online message.

【小题4】 Open and hold doors for people. Use shopping carts politely. Always keep your cart to the side of the aisle so that people can get around you without having to wait for you to move. Offer your help if you see someone with their hands full, for instance an elderly person with a lot of items to load in their vehicle. 【小题5】 Planning a little extra time can make it less stressful when you have to search for a parking spot or wait in store lines.

A.Be a kind shopper.
B.Chat with other shoppers.
C.This easy gesture can brighten people’s day.
D.Everyone should pay attention to his or her manners.
E.Tell your loved ones why you’re grateful for them.
F.Good manners are the art of making people feel at ease.
G.If you see someone else competing for the same parking space, let them have it.
