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A father has been given a very unusual birthday gift from his two sons. Since Chris and Mike both live in Florida, they felt upset that they could not be with their father in Linwood, New Jersey for his special day.

As kids, they would always celebrate their father's birthday by going out to dinner and "play a trick" on him. Because they could not continue their mischievous (恶作剧的) tradition, they decided to seek some outside help.

Their father, Christopher Ferry, totally didn't know their plan until last week when he woke up to a text message from a number he did not recognize. The first text said, "Happy Birthday." And then another one said, "I read it on a billboard (广告牌)."

Sure enough, Chris and Mike had taken out an entire billboard reading "Wish My Dad a Happy Birthday—Love, Your Sons." The billboard also featured Christopher's name, face and phone number. Originally, they only expected their father to receive birthday wishes from friends and family members who recognized his face, but with the billboard hanging above the Black Horse Turnpike in Atlantic City, his phone quickly became flooded with messages and voicemail from total strangers wishing him a happy birthday. The billboard has made Ferry something of a local celebrity, too. Ferry said, "The waitress recognized me and she said, 'Oh, you're the billboard dad.' And that's my new title. I'm the billboard dad. I love it. It's really coo1."

Though a large number of wishes have made Christopher's phone temporarily unusable, he said that he was filled with joy and pride.

【小题1】Why did Chris and Mike feel upset?
A.Their father was not willing to ask for help.
B.They weren't invited to attend a birthday party.
C.Their father didn't want to live with them in Florida.
D.They couldn't stay with their father on his birthday.
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word "celebrity" in Paragraph 4?
C.Famous man.D.Successful man.
【小题3】What is the best title for the text?
A.The billboard dadB.Two ambitious sons
C.The kindness of friendsD.A special tradition for Dad's birthday.
知识点:家人和亲人 记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Perhaps the most quarrelsome issue between fathers and sons is the question of work and how to be successful in the real world. Right from the beginning, I thought I should start at the top. I was a talented young man and I thought everyone around me should realize this. With growing pride, I did not believe that I should have to pay my dues like other people. As a result, I constantly tried to find a short cut to the big time.

My father is a good example of the American dream coming to life, a self-made man who achieved success through hard work. Focusing on the promise of college, Dad won a scholarship to Brown University. Digging into his studies while forming a group of close friends, he achieved a lot at Brown. As the years passed and children were born, Dad worked with an unchanging dream, becoming a respected partner of the firm and the head of the sales team. He worked hard, but was also creative, and eventually became a famous expert in raising capital when others failed.

In contrast to my father’s hard-earned success, I grew up as a privileged Upper East Side New Yorker who expected everything to be handed to him. I went to Brown where I majored in literary theory, and partied until the morning. After college, I headed out to Los Angeles where I fed into the dream of selling a big screenplay (剧本). Although my partying became habitual and out of control, I always thought the next big script sale would change everything.

Seeing my attitude, my father told me that there were no short cuts. I never listened. Eventually, I lost my house and my marriage. Never listening to the sound advice of my father and insisting on following my own path toward self-destruction, I ended up in a terrible place.

My father, however, never gave up on me and has been remarkably supportive to me. With the faith of my family and the support of my father, I have been able to pay my dues and launch my career as a technical writer. Like my father tried to teach me, there are no short cuts.

No matter how talented or fortunate you may be, success is the product of sweat in the form of hard work—showing up each day and doing your job to the best of your abilities.

【小题1】At first, the author and his father disagreed about ________.
A.the appreciation for being helpedB.the approach to success
C.the spirit of game winningD.the quality of being an expert
【小题2】What do we know about the author’s father from Paragraph 2?
A.He studied hard but had few friends at college.B.He achieved success with the help of his parents.
C.He was a top student when he was at college.D.He went to America as a foreigner and realized his dream.
【小题3】The author’s father can be best described as ________.
【小题4】What can be inferred about the author from the passage?
A.He bought a new house with the help of his father.
B.He became a renowned expert in his field.
C.He put his heart into his work after losing everything.
D.He learned a lot from his father but still disagreed with him.
【小题5】Which of the following proverbs can we get from the passage?
A.You harvest what you sow.B.All roads lead to Rome.
C.He who has health has hope.D.Two heads are better than one.

There is a country — I read about it once — where the local custom is that if you go to a house and praise some small possession, the owners feel obliged to offer it to you as a gift. The only other place I know of with such a custom is my mother’s apartment.

Knowing Mama, I have always been careful with my compliments, but that doesn’t stop her. If she catches me staring at anything small enough to put in a grocery bag, she hands it to me as I leave. It would do no good to protest. “I was merely staring at that photograph of Mount Hood because I have one exactly like it in my living room.” Mama would only nod and say, “Of course. You were thinking how nice it would be to have a set. If a mother doesn’t understand, who does?”

As far as I can remember, Mama was telling people they were in the wrong line of work and suggesting alternative careers. My turn came when I grew up and became a housewife. “You missed your calling,” Mama sighs, examining the doodles (涂鸦) on my phone book. “You should have been an artist.” Later, I tell her how I returned rancid fish to the supermarket and demanded a refund, and she links this to lawyer. I know it’s horsefathers, but I like it.

I have been worrying for weeks now about what to give my mother for Mother’s Day. There is always the danger that a gift given to Mama will bounce swiftly back to the giver. If I buy her something wearable, she perceives in an instant that it could be let in here, let out there, and it would fit me perfectly. If I give her a plant, she cuts off the top for me to take home and root in a glass of water. If I give her something edible, she wants me to stay for lunch and cat it.

Papa, a sensible man, long ago stopped trying to shop for Mama. Instead, on Mother’s Day, her birthday, and other appropriate occasions, he composes a short poem in which he tells of their life. After nearly 30 years of poems, Papa sometimes worries that the edge of his inspiration has dulled, but Mama doesn’t complain. She comes into the room while he is struggling over a gift poem and says, “It doesn’t have to rhyme (押韵) as long as it’s from the heart.”

This year, finally, I think, too, have found a painless gift for Mama. I am going to give her a magazine article, in which I wish her “Happy Mother’s Day” and tell her there’s nothing Papa or I could ever buy, find, or make her that would be half good enough anyway.

【小题1】What can be learned about the “my” mum from Paragraph 2?
A.She doesn’t like “my” complements.
B.She doesn’t think I am careful enough.
C.She will give “me” whatever she thinks “I” like.
D.She takes it for granted that “I” love what she has.
【小题2】By “it’s horsefeathers” (paragraph 3), “I” imply that ______.
A.being an artist has always been “my” dream
B.what “my” mother says makes no sense
C.“my” mother knows well about “me”
D.“my” mother is too involved in “my” choices of job
【小题3】Why am “I” worried about “my” gift for Mother’s Day?
A.It may well end up in a dustbin.
B.It will hardly satisfy “my” mother.
C.It may be returned to “me” in some way.
D.It will be given to someone else in the neighbourhood.
【小题4】What can be concluded from the passage?
A.“I” love “my” mother very much.
B.Being sensible is important for an adult.
C.“My” mother dreams of becoming a poet.
D.“My” father no longer gives “my” mother any gift.

When you sleep somewhere else — like at summer camp or a friend’s house — you know you’re in for a fun time. It can be exciting to get away from the same old bed in the same old room in the same old house. But fun as this is, for some kids being away from home can be scary and sad. They want to go and have fun with their friends, but once they’re there, they start to miss their good old bed, their good old parents, and all that everyday stuff at home. It’s called being homesick (想家的).

Homesick means you’re upset, sad, and maybe scared. But don’t feel surprised. A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. When you’re used to having certain people and things around you, it can be scary when they’re gone. When you’re dealing with other problems, you will feel homesick, too. Some kids may feel more homesick than usual if their parents are getting divorced or if someone they loved has recently died.

Here are some ideas to help you feel less homesick.

Bring a little bit of home with you. If you’re going away from home, bring your pillow or pictures of the people you’ll be apart from and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. The more fun stuff you do, the less time you’ll have to feel homesick. Try to join in activities wherever you are.

Stay in touch. You can make a plan for when you’ll call your mom or dad. You can also email or text message to stay in touch with family and friends. When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things you’re doing!

Talk to someone where you are. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

【小题1】One feels homesick doesn’t mean he is ________.
【小题2】________ is NOT right according to the passage.
A.Kids can keep in touch with their family with telephone
B.You can tell friends you are feeling homesick
C.Bringing some familiar things with you can help to feel less homesick
D.Only kids get homesick, grown-ups never feel homesick
【小题3】Kids won’t feel homesick when ________.
A.they are dealing with the problems
B.the people and things they get used to are around them
C.someone they loved has recently died
D.their parents are getting divorced
【小题4】The best title for this passage is “________”.
B.Why Do You Feel Homesick
C.How to Be Less Homesick
D.When Will Kids Feel Homesick
