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Maybe there is a Father Christmas!

Anna stood anxiously staring at the pouring rain while little Molly looked up at a pretty doll in the window of the toy shop on the edge of town. "Mummy, "Molly said, "that's the doll I would like Father Christmas to bring me." A tear rolled down Anna's cheek and she knew it would be impossible this year. They were supposed to start a new life in Spain one and a half years ago before her husband Tim was cruelly taken from them by a car. Their small amount of savings were quickly spent on Tim’s funeral costs and necessities, leaving her in heavy debt.

To her relief, the local people had helped to support her through these difficult times and especially Juan, owner of the local grocery store, a single man, who would often put something special into her shopping bag, even though he himself had been going through a difficult period — his mother died of cancer and he was busy handling the sale of his mother’s house on the edge of town.

As the rain stopped, Anna and Molly started walking home. She was thinking about buying an umbrella after paying the rent with her upcoming wage when Molly shouted excitedly, "Mummy, what’s that on the road?" Anna looked down and saw a bag lying in the water, which was obviously lost because of the sudden rain.

They got home and dried themselves before Anna focused on the bag. Opening it and seeing bundles of money inside, she stood back in shock and cried, "Is this a present from kindness? I can pay off my debt, buy Molly’s favorite doll and my new umbrella ...” Then reality set in, Anna was a very moral person and would never steal even the slightest little thing, let alone bundles of money. She went to bed with all thoughts in her mind.

Paragraph 1
Early next morning, Anna headed where she decided to go.
Paragraph 2
At supper, Anna had an unexpected visitor—Juan with gift boxes in his hands.
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Every Saturday afternoon, Jimmy and his dad would go to the park to play baseball. They always walked past a homeless man who always sat at the same street corner. Jimmy’s dad always gave the man some money. “Someday, I’ll pay you back, John!” the man said. “Sure, Wayne,” Jimmy’s dad replied.

One day, Jimmy held his dad’s hand, asking, “Dad, how does that man know your name?” John answered, “Oh, when I was in college, I knew Wayne. He was on the brink (边缘) of a big discovery that could bring him a patent. Anyway, things didn’t go well for him. So whenever I see him, I give him some money. And he tells me he’s using it for lab supplies. I don’t think it’s true, but I pretend I do. And when he tells me he’ll share the profits of his discovery, I tell him I believe it, too.”

Jimmy didn’t understand anything his dad was saying, but he felt the compassion(同情) in his voice. So he stopped his dad and gave him a big hug. Jimmy didn’t know it was his last hug. That night, while Jimmy’s dad was out for his evening run, his heart stopped beating.

The only person Jimmy was living with was his grandmother, Wendy. And they ended up living in an old small house. Life got very tough for them. Although Wendy was old, she found a cleaning job. But her health started to fail and Jimmy was very worried about her.

Jimmy became very quiet. To cheer him up, one Saturday, Wendy went to the park and threw the ball around with Jimmy. After that, they came out. And there at the corner, Jimmy saw his dad’s homeless friend, Wayne.

“Wait, Grandma!” Jimmy cried. “There’s something I have to do!” Jimmy walked up to Wayne and turned his pockets inside out. He said to Wayne, “Sorry, but I only have twenty cents.” “That’s okay. Every cent helps!” Wayne said. “How’s your dad? I haven’t seen him for a while.”


“He’s dead!” Jimmy cried.


On year later, Wayne drove to Jimmy’s house in a pretty car with a check for $5 million.


Tim and his wife went shopping for some supplies during last month’s deadly storm in Texas.

Tim immediately regretted the trip when he saw the line of people outside, waiting to enter the Leander H-E-B Plus. But the couple wanted to be prepared in case conditions worsened. They had shopped for about fifteen minutes before the store suddenly lost power and light went out.

Customers continued shopping until a store manager asked them to head to the checkout counter. Tim and his wife joined what he thought to be a few hundred people in a long check-out line.

When the couple arrived at the checkout counter, the cashier let them through saying there wasn’t time to bag anything. Tim thought the store would collect his information for payment later. Yet when he and his wife asked about paying, the cashier said, “Just go ahead and be safe driving home.”

“I saw all these people going out with carts and it kind of surprised us. Wow! They are letting everybody leave with free groceries,” Tim said.

Touched by the unexpected act of kindness they experienced, many customers decided to pay it forward as they left the store. Out in the parking lot, complete strangers helped each other to put unbagged groceries into cars.

“This older woman couldn’t get her car moving because of the ice,” Tim said. “She looked worried, so I knocked on her window and three or four of us actually pushed her and got her moving.”

On the ride home, the couple thought about their experience and were deeply moved.

To show their thanks, they planned to give what they would have spent on groceries to an H-E-B supported charity.

“I think everybody thought it was a nice act for a company,” he said. "And it makes you want to help other people too.

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Hearing his words, his wife nodded firmly.
After doing everything they could do, they drove home merrily.

Jimmy, who has a good heart, is an automotive mechanic (修理工), but unfortunately, he lost his job a few months ago. He was caught in a dilemma (困境), wanting to find a new job but fearing applying for a new job.

One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview for a position in a well-known company, whose recruitment (招聘) advertisement said it needed someone who was skilled, but more importantly, kind-hearted. His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car, wearing a worried expression. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. To Jimmy, it was an easy job though it took some time.When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview. It’s the least I could do. Please, I insist.” Jimmy agreed. When Jimmy told the old man where he would go, the old man showed a smile and said, “I know the company. By the way, young man, you can call me Anderson.”

Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease (机油) on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed look on their faces. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself, feeling his heart sinking.


Finally his name was called.


Disappointed, Jimmy left the office and unexpectedly met with Mr. Anderson.

