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The Onion was started by two university students in 1988. They said their paper was “America's finest news source”. For the first few years it enjoyed local popularity. Then in 1996 the Weekly Onion entered cyberspace. The new humorous online magazine became very popular. The website said The Onion had three million readers every week. The popularity of the online magazine led to increased interest in the print version. The Onion print magazine said it had almost one million readers each week.

The Onion covers all kinds of subjects and uses a kind of humour called satire. They use serious, journalistic language and style to make fun of people's ideas and activities.

For example, once an Onion online cover showed a picture of a dissatisfied young man in his disorganized home. The headline read, “Plan to straighten out entire life during week-long vacation yields mixed resuts.’ The report that followed was written in newspaper style, but, of course, this man's problems were not really worthy of newspaper coverage!

The Onion includes features found in a real newspaper. For example, there is a section called American Voices. It includes photographs of several people who have been stopped on the street. They provide their opinions on whatever subject they are asked about. They are very funny, but what is funnier is that The Onion uses the same photographs every week, but changes the names. So, readers realize quickly that the joke is on them.

Onion Editor-in-Chief Scott Dikkers has published several books of collected Onion reports. The most recent is called Embedded in America. Not everyone likes The Onion. Some people find it offensive. Others do not recognize it as a humour magazine and sometimes Onion stories are reported by real news organizations as real news reports.

【小题1】According to the passage The Onion _______.
A.was very popular with college students when it was first started
B.has more readers online than those who read the print version
C.was first read online in 1988
D.published its print version after setting up its website
【小题2】In Paragraph 3, the author gives an example to show _______.
A.that The Onion is offensive
B.what American men's problems are
C.how The Onion uses a style of news report to make fun of people's ideas
D.how the cover has a great effect on The Onion
【小题3】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.An Introduction to The OnionB.The History of The Onion
C.Opinions on The OnionD.Why The Onion Is Popular?
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Despite the anxiety that the first digital novel caused in 1993, publishers weren’t too concerned that e-books would one day replace printed books. However, that attitude was changed suddenly in 2007 when Amazon Kindle came onto the market, which led to e-book sales jumping up to 1,260%. Since then, e-books’ popularity has continued to rise steadily. The publishing industry seemed to have lost all possible ability to regain its position. Will printed books eventually become a thing of the past? According to Mike Shatzkin, founder and CEO of the Idea Logical Company, printed books just for reading will, in 10 years from now, be unusual. “Not so unusual that a kid will say, ‘Mommy, what’s that?’ but unusual enough that on the train you’l see one or two people reading something printed, while everyone else is reading on a tablet computer screen.” And Shatzkin believes that the demise of print is sure to happen, though such a day won’t arrive for perhaps 50 to 100 or more years.

Robert Stein, founder of The Institute for the Future of the Book, however, believes that books won’t disappear entirely, at least not anytime soon. “Print will exist, and it may have an artistic value,” he says. He predicts that the distance between writers and readers will be made less obvious by a social reading experience in which authors and consumers can digitally interact with each other to discuss any passage, sentence or line.

Should print really disappear entirely? According to Maryanne Wolf, director of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University, electronic reading can negatively affect the way the brain responds to the text, including reading comprehension and the ability to pay attention to details like the order of events. “My worry is that we’ll have a short-circuited(短路的) reading brain, excellent for gathering information but not necessarily for forming critical, analytical deep reading skills,” Wolf says. He hopes that we continue to keep a “bi-literate” society — one that values both the digital and printed words. “A full reading brain circuit is a huge contribution to the intellectual development of our species. Anything that threatens it deserves our attention.”

【小题1】How did publishers feel about the rising e-book sales inspired by Amazon Kindle?
【小题2】The underlined word “demise” in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.
【小题3】According to Robert Stein, paper books will exist because of _____.
A.the artistic value
B.the digital interaction
C.the growing popularity
D.the traditional design
【小题4】It can be concluded from the last paragraph that Wolf holds that _____.
A.e-reading will strengthen the power of our brain
B.digital books and paper books should not coexist
C.e-reading will make us more critical and thoughtful
D.we should not risk losing a full reading brain circuit

There are hundreds of publishers across the world and millions of books get printed every year. Moreover, a book can be printed by several polishers.【小题1】

To overcome the problem of identifying books, publishers have come up with a unique numbering system. For instance, if 50,000 copies of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are printed by a publisher at one time (called an edition), all of them are identified by one number code. 【小题2】 your address begins with your house number, street, locality, state and ends with a statement of the country where you live. An ISBN book number achieves a similar aim of identifying and tracing a book

If you pick up any book, turn it around you will see a number which looks something like this — ISBN 90-70002-34-5. This is called the ISBN number. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Numbering. 【小题3】 The ISBN number is divided into four groups that are separated by a space or a hyphen.

The first part of the ISBN identifies the country and is called the Group Identifier. 【小题4】The second part is called the Publisher Prefix. The Publisher Prefix is used to identify the publisher of the book. The publisher prefix may contain up to seven digits.

The third part identifies the title and the edition of the book and so is called the Title Identifier, which may consist of up to six digits. 【小题5】Since you can have the same book from the same publisher but with different editions, the Title Identifier helps to differentiate between them.

The fourth and the final part is called the Check digit, a single digit (from 0 to 9) used to check whether the given ISBN number is correct or wrong. If an ISBN number is incorrect, this means that the book is a version printed illegally.

A.It may consist of up to five digits.
B.So what can the ISBN number do for you?
C.This makes the task of identifying a book very difficult.
D.It is a numbering system that is used to describe the book.
E.Book publishers often come out with newer and updated versions of earlier books.
F.The number Code is your home — address that can only be shared by your parents and
G.The ISBN numbering system helps book stores and book publishers to handle categorize to handle, categorize, store and identify books easily.

A Time magazine special project known simply as “Firsts” celebrates women who have made big achievements. These women have made their mark in business, entertainment, politics and more. The project hopes to provide girls and women with positive examples who assure (使确信) them that they can succeed.

The “Firsts” project includes video features (特写), a book and a webpage. The webpage has the women’s pictures and short descriptions of their achievements. The project’s producers, Spencer Bakalar and Diane Tsai, made video profiles (简介) of 37 of the 46 original women featured by the project. And the webpage anticipates that more women will be added as they become new “Firsts”.

The women featured in “Firsts” have achieved success in many fields. Eileen Collins was the first woman to command a space shuttle. Jennifer Yuh Nelson was the first woman to direct a major Hollywood movie alone-Kung Fu Panda 2. Serena Williams set a record for tennis Grand Slam singles titles. The road to success hasn’t always been smooth for these women. It took hard work to reach excellence. Many of them also put up with rude comments because they were women. But they also received support from key people, especially parents. Many of the women also speak about the difficulty of balancing work and family life. Their work sometimes required them to sacrifice time with their children or miss important family events. Yet several of them also say that they see their work as setting a good example for their children. They want their sons and daughters to see their mother working and know that they, too. can achieve remarkable things.

Michelle Phan was the first woman to build a US $500 million company from a web series. She tells entrepreneurs (企业家) to find a problem that they care about and then offer a way to tackle it. That is vital advice that anyone in any field should follow.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the “Firsts” project?
A.To teach girls how to design a webpage.
B.To introduce successful people to children.
C.To celebrate businesswomen’s achievements.
D.To encourage girls to succeed by giving superb examples.
【小题2】What do we know about the”Firsts” project?
A.It has recorded 46 videos.
B.It is going to find more women.
C.It was launched by a businesswoman.
D.It gives a full account of successful people’s life.
【小题3】The author develops paragraph 3 mainly
A.by time.B.by cause and effect.
C.by example.D.by comparison and contrast.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “sacrifice” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Invest.B.Devote.C.Fill up.D.Give up.
