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Parents may fear that if their high school student isn’t motivated (有动力) to do well in classes, there’s nothing that will change that. But a new study found that students’ learning motivation often did change and usually for the better.

1,670 students from grades 9 to 11 took part in the study in two school years, during which they completed several surveys that assessed their motivation. After each survey, the students were placed into six different profiles (档案), from worst — those who were not motivated at all, to best — those who had an inner desire to learn.

The study found about 67 % students did change their profiles during the two years and there was an overall positive change in students’ motivation. For example, 8% of the students were in the best profile — autonomously motivated — in the first year, and that increased to 11.4% in the second year. The worst profile, the not motivated, described 2.8% of the students in the first year, dropping to 2.1% in the second year.

“The other good news in the study was that if we can find better ways to motivate students, if we can get them in a better profile, they tend to stay there,” said Kui Xie, lead author of the study and professor of educational studies at the Ohio State University.

Why did students move in a positive direction? One reason may be simply because they’re a year older and more mature (成熟).

But the study did find two factors that impacted how likely they were to become more motivated. One was the previous achievement. Students who had higher grade the first year were more likely to remain in better profiles in the second year of the study. The other factor was school belongingness, with students who felt they were more a part of their school in the first year being more likely to move to or stay in a better profile in the second year.

“This may be one area where we can help students become more motivated,” Xie said. “Belongingness is something schools can change. They can find ways to help students feel like they are part of the school community.”

【小题1】What did Kui Xie’s study discover?
A.Students’ willingness to study can be improved.
B.Teenagers’ inner desire to learn can be assessed.
C.Students from grades 9 to 11 are easy to be inspired.
D.Teenagers’ learning motivation is parents’ most concern.
【小题2】What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
A.The background of the study.
B.The influence of the study.
C.The purpose of the study.
D.The process of the study.
【小题3】According to the study, what influences students’ motivation?
A.Their average ages.
B.Their previous scores.
C.Their personal profiles.
D.Their motivated schoolmates.
【小题4】What may Kui Xie probably agree?
A.Schools should put students in better profiles.
B.Students should have their own assessment plan.
C.Schools should use motivation strategies to inspire students.
D.Students should improve their communication with their parents.
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The way you learn most effectively will impact many different aspects of your life. Visual learners process information best when it’s presented with images drawn on a whiteboard, charts or graphs. Visual learners usually process pictures before they read printed text and are also able to visualize concepts quickly. People who are visual learners prefer when instructions are printed rather than given verbally (口头地), and may often write or draw when conceptualizing (构思、将……概念化) or attempting to make sense of a new topic. Many visual learners remember something better once they’ve written it down or drawn it out.

Auditory (听觉的) learners process information best when it’s said out loud, such as in a lecture setting or spoken presentation. These types of learners can easily recall what others say and prefer to talk through topics they find complex or difficult to understand. People who are auditory learners prefer verbal directions and may use repetition or repeat things aloud to memorize. They may ask questions to understand the subject matter better and may need to hear something repeated more than once before they fully comprehend. Auditory learners also often benefit from listening to recordings as a method of absorbing new concepts.

Kinesthetic (动觉的) learners process information through experience rather than by being shown or told. These types of learners prefer to do things that are more “hands-on.” They prefer to touch and feel items and can easily recall things they’ve done. People who are kinesthetic learners like to make and create things using their hands, and remember information best when they are physically involved. Kinesthetic learners like to participate in the process by shadowing or assisting, and prefer to practice or rehearse concepts as a way to absorb new information.

Take time to consider how you prefer to lake in new information. Think about the last time how you worked to ensure you retained the information? The answer to these questions will help you discover which learning styles work best for you.

【小题1】What do visual learners do to form an idea in mind?
A.Visualize or read.
B.Process or present.
C.Recall or speak.
D.Write or draw.
【小题2】Who can comprehend something repeated better?
A.Visual learners.
B.Auditory learners.
C.Kinesthetic learners.
D.Lifelong learners.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “shadow” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Reflect perfectly.
B.Watch closely.
C.Memorize carefully.
D.Inquire constantly.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the writer to explain learning styles?
A.To help readers explore learning styles.
B.To introduce effective learning methods.
C.To arouse readers’ curiosity about learning.
D.To inform a new scientific study about learning.

It’s a picture we often see. 【小题1】 He is trying not to fall asleep as his teacher drills (训练) the class in the body structure of a man: the heart is here; the lungs are here… The teacher then gives the class a worksheet and asks them to answer questions like which body parts go where. At the end of the period, the only way to measure whether the students have learned anything is based on this worksheet and the unit test.

【小题2】 Primary school students walk into a classroom and see a basic skeleton (骨架) with models of the heart, lungs, and the stomach lying on a table in the center of the room. Students gather around in a circle, see the model organs (器官), laugh, and begin to guess the name of each body part and its function. Through trial and error, they figure out where each model organ fits in the skeleton.

The differences between these two types of classes are obvious. One has students actively involved. The other relies on direct instruction, rote learning (死记硬背), and remembering information for the test. One is memorable for students. 【小题3】. Which lesson will leave a lasting impression?

【小题4】 Why? Lessons should be based on students’ psychological needs and help them achieve learning outcomes. If an educator takes a child’s development into consideration, he or she can prepare lessons that will not only engage the student but also leave a lasting impression.

Many famous educators like John Dewey have written about student-centered learning and they think highly of it. But many teachers are still adopting a wait-and-see approach to it. 【小题5】

A.Now imagine another picture.
B.Classes should be made effective and meaningful.
C.The other relies on students memorizing information.
D.A primary school student sits at his desk and looks bored.
E.Classes that rely on student-centered learning are more effective.
F.Whatever the reasons are, educators are making efforts to make a change.
G.Students thus actively participate instead of passively receiving knowledge.

Creating a good study environment takes a little planning. It is well worth the time as the end result will be much more productive study time. 【小题1】 But after a couple of times of studying in the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.

【小题2】 Reduce every possible distraction. Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people. If you can, turn off your cell phone. If you are studying on your computer, don’t get distracted by emails.

Check out the level of lighting in your area. If it is too dim(黯淡的), your eyes will be injured and you want to close your eyes. The sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think. 【小题3】

Choose a comfortable seat. It should have a good back support and a good seat. Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don’t find yourself lying flat after a few minutes. 【小题4】

Turn on some music. 【小题5】 If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.

A.Know concentration is the key.
B.Have something to drink or eat.
C.But you should avoid studying in too bright sunlight.
D.Some people can study with lots of activities going on.
E.Now this is for the person who needs some background sound.
F.Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate.
G.The key point is to make you feel comfortable while you are studying.
