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How to Interact with the Blind

Interacting with a blind person may be a little discouraging at first. But with an open mind, you will realize that blind people are just like you and everyone else!

Treat blind people as just another person. Many people assume that blind people have other medical problems. This may be so but is not always the case. 【小题1】. Additionally, Blind does not mean that they cannot do anything, nor does it mean that they have lower-than-average common sense. It is only a physical challenge.

Bear in mind that blind people treat guide dogs as extensions of their bodies. Never distract(使分心)guide dogs from their job without permission. 【小题2】. Once distracted, they may fail to prevent a blind person from danger.

【小题3】. When having a conversation in a group, remember to identify the person you are speaking to, i.e. using his or her name—otherwise, the blind person will be confused as to whether or not you are speaking to them. When leaving, always inform the blind person so that they will not be left talking to the air.

If you offer assistance, just let them know. 【小题4】; however, make sure they are aware that you are going to help them. Do not clap, repeat or push when guiding a blind person. This would be somewhat rude.

Relax. 【小题5】. Just as a person who uses a wheelchair still goes for a walk, a blind person will still be pleased to "see" you. In other words, blind people use the same expressions as those who are sighted.

A.Many blind people will accept help
B.Be considerate in conversation with the blind
C.Don't talk to the guide dog instead of the blind person
D.Some words such as "handicapped" are seen as not politically correct
E.Guide dogs are not super animals, and they can be distracted by whistling or food
F.Unless you know for sure, assume blindness is the only medical condition this person has
G.Don't be embarrassed if you use common expressions such as "See you later" or "Did you watch the movie?"
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How does keeping things tidy change people psychologically? You gain greater confidence in yourself. Also, you become more optimistic and calmer in the mind than before. There are several reasons for these changes: your self­image improves as you start living in tidy beautiful rooms, and you gain decision­making skills as you continue to choose between which things to throw or give away and which to keep. The way we let go of things in the Kon Mari Method plays an important role as well.

The Kon Mari Method has a step where we give thanks to the things before we throw them away. Not only would you say “thank you for sparking joy in me” to a favorite piece of clothing that you wore till it was threadbare, you would also say to a piece of clothing you never wore once “thank you for teaching me that this color doesn’t look good on me”. You will appreciate the roles of all the things that have come to you and experience appreciation for all of them. Through this experience, you will rediscover the truth that you have been supported by so many things and you will deepen your gratitude for things you leave behind.

To share a personal example, I have always had little confidence in myself. When I get nervous before a large speaking assignment, I think to myself that I’ll be fine because these clothes are protecting me and these shoes are supporting me, and that calms me down. Once you start feeling constant gratitude for your things and your home through tidying up, you will start feeling relief and calm as if you are always protected by something larger than you.

【小题1】What psychological change may tidiness bring to people?
A.Their confidence will become less.
B.They will become less optimistic.
C.They will become more confident.
D.Their self­image will be damaged.
【小题2】Why does the author mention his own experience in the last paragraph?
A.To show off his wonderful speaking skills.
B.To explain how he has become a confident person.
C.To show his special taste in choosing suitable clothes.
D.To give an example of the benefit of tidiness.
【小题3】What should people show to clothes they have never worn in the Kon Mari Method?
【小题4】What does the underlined word “threadbare” mean in the second paragraph?
A.Worn out.B.Out of date.

Get along with your roommate

While sharing a dorm with someone else is challenging, it can also be a great part of your learning experience.

◆Clarify your expectations from the beginning. Do you know in advance that the alarm clock bothers you every morning? 【小题1】Let your roommate know about your habits and preferences. Communicating what you need is one of the best ways to remove problems before they become problems.

◆Address problems when they' re little. 【小题2】 Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them? Addressing things that disturb you while they' re still little can help your roommate realize something is wrong. And it is much easier than addressing them after they've become big.

【小题3】 This may seem simple, but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. Don't you think he'll mind if you borrow his sneakers for a game? Don't borrow, use or take anything without getting permission first.

◆Be open to new things. Your roommate may be from someplace you've never heard of. They may have a religion or lifestyle that is completely different from your own. Be open to new ideas and experiences, especially as it relates to what your roommate brings into your life. 【小题4】

◆Stay open to change. You should expect to learn and grow and change during your time at school. And the same should happen to your roommate.【小题5】 Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules and being flexible to your changing environment.

A.Respect your roommate's stuff.
B.Find a solution that works for both of you.
C.That's why you went to school in the first place, right?
D.You may love having your study group into your room.
E.As the semester progresses, realize things will change for both of you.
F.Is your roommate always forgetting her stuff for the shower. and taking yours?
G.That you need ten minutes to yourself before talking to anyone after you wake up?

When the morning sun looks in through your bedroom window, do you jump out of bed ? Or do you roll over and groan? Enough sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one!

A good night's sleep doesn't just happen. You need to prepare for it. 【小题1】 First, go to bed at the same time every day, and get up at the same time. If you

haven't gotten a good night's sleep, don't oversleep the next morning. Get up at your regular time. Sleeping late for just a couple of days can change your body clock to a different cycle. You don't want that if you have a set daily schedule!

Also, avoid big meals at night. 【小题2】 Your stomach works hard to digest those fatty foods, and that may keep you up.

Your body produces a chemical called melatonin (褪黑色素) that helps you sleep. Light affects the amount of melatonin your body makes 【小题3】 . So at night turn off your TV and computer. Also, don't read from a backlit device like an iPad. Some scientists think that the light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin. 【小题4】

Maybe you can't sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night. 【小题5】 Get up and do something relaxing elsewhere. Then go back to bed when you bed when you-feel sleepy. If you worry a lot, make a list of things you need to do the next day. Do that an hour before bed. That way you get your worrying out of the way before you go to bed.

A.It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime.
B.Don't just lie in bed.
C.So stay away from smart phones and iPads.
D.Various experts have given tips to help.
E.You'll be able to face a new day after a good night's sleep.
F.So turn those screens off at least one hour before bedtime.
G.Eating heavy, rich food within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake.
