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In a northern Italian city, a Polish pianist sits down at an instrument that looks like an old-fashioned piano. As his hands float over the keyboard, the sound reaching his audience is remarkably beautiful, reminding people of a string quartet (弦乐四重奏). The amazing instrument is actually based on the design drafts Leonardo da Vinci made in his notebooks with the dream of reproducing a cooperative musical performance played from a keyboard.

The concert was a reminder that, even in an age of the Know-It-All, the breadth (广度) of Leonardo's interests was extraordinary. It covers not only painting, architecture, mathematics, engineering and numerous branches of science, but music too. “How many specialists would we need today to attempt Leonardo's researches?” asks Martin Kemp, professor of Oxford University. “At least 13. Maybe more.”

Leonardo da Vinci had astonishing powers of observation, and an exceptional talent for making connections between different areas of knowledge. From iconic paintings — “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper” — to designs for flying machines, Leonardo combined science and art to create works that have become part of humanity's story. However, the endless list of unpublished studies and unfinished artworks highlighted the fact that, outside the field of painting, his legacy (遗产) — as distinct from his genius — was modest. Because he failed to publish his theories and findings, hundreds of years were to pass before they were discovered by someone else.

Thankfully, with Leonardo's notebooks making their way to the greater public. people come to see his glory and realize how much we still have to learn. In his notebooks, we find such questions as, describe the tongue of the woodpecker. Why do people yawn? Why is the sky blue? He is passionately curious about everyday phenomenon that most of us quit questioning once we get out of our wonder years.

Being curious about everything and curious just for curiosity's sake, not simply because it's useful, is the defining trait (品质) of Leonardo. It's how he pushed himself and taught himself to be a genius. We'll never emulate Einstein's mathematical ability. But we can all try to learn from, and copy, Leonardo's curiosity.

【小题1】What is the function of Paragraph One?
A.To describe how a string quartet works.
B.To introduce a concert performed by a Polish pianist.
C.To show the pianist's talent in designing the instrument.
D.To serve as an example of how diverse Leonardo's interests were.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “modest” imply in Paragraph Three?
A.Leonardo's legacy was limited only to the field of painting.
B.Leonardo's artworks were not as good as those of other geniuses'.
C.Leonardo was humble and didn't want to show off his achievements.
D.People didn't have much knowledge of Leonardo's legacy before his works were discovered.
【小题3】What does the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?
A.Why curiosity makes a difference to us.
B.What quality defines Leonardo da Vinci.
C.What distinguishes Leonardo from Einstein.
D.How the public discovered Leonardo's notebooks.
【小题4】In which column will you possibly read the article?
A.Entertainment.B.Science Fiction.C.Art & Artists.D.Breaking News.
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While it may seem like fish will drive cars when pigs fly, in a new experiment scientists put goldfish’s sense of direction to the test.

A scientific team at Ben-Gurion University in Israel taught several goldfish to drive a robotic “car” — a tank of water on wheels-around a room. Researchers’ originally thought teaching goldfish to navigate(航行)such unfamiliar areas may seem like a fish-out-of-water idea, but they took to it like naturals.

The motorized fish tank was equipped with a camera to track the fish’s position. When the goldfish swam towards one of the walls, the fishmobile drove in that direction.

The researchers trained the fish over a dozen 30-minute sessions to drive to the center of a small room towards a pink board by giving the fish a treat whenever it arrived at its destination. In the first session, the goldfish averaged between 2-3 successful trips. By the end of the experiment, the fish were averaging between 17-18 successful trips per session. As with humans, some of the fish behaved smarter and quicker than others-taking faster and more direct paths to their target.

Throughout the experiment, researchers changed up the starting position of the fishmobiles. Even in different locations, the goldfish were still able to reach the pink board. This finding ruled out the possibility that the fish were just memorizing the pattern of movements to get to their reward. These marine animals were actually planning new routes to get to their destination.

“That was pretty conclusive that the fish actually navigate,” said Ohad Ben-Shahar, coauthor of the study. The animals’ sense of direction and orientation isn’t limited to the water.

Maybe next they’ll teach a fish how to ride a bicycle.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?
【小题2】How did the researchers train the goldfish to drive?
A.They used a camera to lead their way.B.They pointed out the paths to their target.
C.They provided a reward to encourage them.D.They fixed the rounds of trips to the target.
【小题3】Why did-the researchers change the starting position of the fishmobiles?
A.To test fish’s memorizing ability.B.To avoid fish remembering paths.
C.To find out fish’s movement pattern.D.To help fish determine the direction.
【小题4】What is the tone of the opening and the ending of the passage?

There’s a day for just about everything, and the United Nations has designated May 20 as World Bee Day to celebrate the pollinators (传粉昆虫) dwelling in hives, fields and gardens around the globe since 2015. It draws much concern on bees and there’s a good reason to pay attention to them.

“There are 20,000 species of bees around the world and a lot of these bees are in decline,” says Hien Ngo, a pollinator expert from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. That includes honeybees, of course, but Ngo says they only make up a minority of all the kinds of bees in the world. Climate change, pesticides and habitat loss are putting many of those species a risk.

“Bees really provide for us in many ways, like food and human well-being. They’re also important to our culture, dating back thousands of years in terms of heritage, inspiration of art,” Ngo says. They even provide inspiration for TikTok, where Erika Thompson,a professional beekeeper in Austin,Texas, shares her work.

“The landlord wanted to call an exterminator (根除者), but the family who lived here wanted to save the bees, so they called me,” she says in her video.

Her fans watch with happiness — and sometimes a little horror-as she picks up mounds (成堆) of bees with her bare hands and then moves them somewhere safer.

“I’ve removed bees from a lot of crazy places,” Thompson says. “You know, I’ve removed bees from homes, RVs, tires, speakers and even a toilet.”

Thompson’s work is about more than getting millions of views per video. “Bees are just a key factor in creating diverse and healthy ecosystems,” she notes.

【小题1】What can we know about World Bee Day?
A.It has a long history of hundreds of years.
B.It is celebrated on May 22 every year.
C.It is designated by the United Kingdom.
D.People pay more attention to bees because of it.
【小题2】Which factor that makes many bees in danger is NOT mentioned?
A.The change of climate.B.The shortage of food.
C.The damage to their habitat.D.The application of pesticides.
【小题3】What’s Ngo’s attitude towards celebrating World Bee Day?
A.Unconcerned.B.Neutral (中立的).
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.A Video-on Bees
B.How to Celebrate World Bee Day?
C.Why Should We Celebrate World Bee Day?
D.How Can We Human Beings Protect Bees?

Interested in getting ahead over the summer? Then stay on course by taking advantage of Alvernia’s Summer Session. It lets you get ahead with a large selection of undergraduate and graduate courses. You can attend the class in classrooms or online, or you can take mixed courses if you like. We offer several flexible sessions at all three locations in the summer to help move you closer toward graduation. All courses are officially recognized and credits you earn are transferable. You don’t have to be admitted to Alvernia to take classes this summer. Our Summer Session is open to all Alvernia students and to students from other colleges and high schools, as well as adult professionals and lifelong learners.

And if you’re taking a course with us, you’ll have full access to the library, gym, cafes, and computer labs. Alvernia’s Summer Session is a perfect option for students who:

●Want to lighten their course load for coming terms.

●Stay on track to complete their degree on time.

●Plan to earn additional credits now to graduate a term early.

●Had trouble with a course during a past term and need to retake it.

●Just want to take a course for fun.

To find out what financial aid options might be available to you, contact the Office of Student Financial Planning by emailing financialaid@alvernia.edu or calling 610-796-8356.

We offer several flexible sessions to help fit your busy lifestyle. You can take classes and also enjoy your summer!(See courses for specific dates by visiting http://www.alvernia.edu/financialaid.)

【小题1】What do we know about Alvernia’s Summer Session?
A.It’s open to students only.B.It offers courses in three forms.
C.It includes high school courses.D.It provides financial aid to all the learners.
【小题2】What will happen if you attend Alvernia’s Summer Session?
A.You will not fail an exam.B.You may face no course load.
C.You may finish your studies a term early.D.You can be admitted to Alvernia.
【小题3】What can you do by visiting the mentioned website?
A.Check the course schedule.B.Get financial aid information.
C.Apply for courses free of charge.D.Register for Alvernia’s Summer Session.
