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ATTN (Attention): Customer Service

I am writing to you seeking assistance with a problem I have run into with my Mommy. I received my Mommy in 2019 and was immediately pleased with the model. The first year, she worked great and satisfied my needs. However, over the last year, I’ve noticed some changes in her quality.

For example, she used to jump to rescue me whenever I cried and we'd rest in her room until morning. Now I receive a “Go back to sleep!” yell every time I attempt to enjoy her big bed for just one night. I understand the daily use of the big bed is a free gift in a limited period, but I thought that period was automatically extended until YEAR Three! Did I misunderstand the contract (合同)?

I’ve also noticed an increasing delay in my Mommy’s responses during daylight hours. Previously, a tearful scream would bring an immediate reaction and possible solutions including hugs and various funny faces intended to make me laugh, but now she only sighs and rolls her eyes at me when I throw myself on the floor. Have you found this to be a common problem with continued use?

Another cause for concern is my Mommy’s “translation ability”, which I find is increasingly problematic. She will ask me questions like, “Are you ready to wash your hair?” and I’ll always say, “No,” but somehow I still end up with a face full of shampoo every time. This is very frustrating!

Clearly, I’ve raised serious problems. I would suggest that you expand your research to improve the Mommy. In addition, I would appreciate it if you could remove some of the Mommy's most hurtful phrases like, “Just a minute,” “You need to wait,” and “Don’t eat that.”

I anxiously await any information about the automatic updates that might address the issues in my Mommy in the near future.



【小题1】We can infer from the text that the letter is written from the perspective (视角) of __________.
A.a child reaching primary school age.
B.a teenager going to high school.
C.a young child no more than three years old.
D.an adolescent having problems with Mommy.
【小题2】How will the Mommy probably react now if the “writer” falls on the floor and cries?
A.She may leave the “writer” alone.B.She may give some hugs.
C.She may make funny faces.D.She may laugh at the "writer".
【小题3】Why does the “writer” think the Mommy’s “translation ability” is problematic?
A.Because the Mommy keeps asking questions.
B.Because the Mommy doesn't do as the “writer” desires.
C.Because the Mommy always make mistakes in translating.
D.Because the Mommy doesn’t understand their conversation at all.
【小题4】Which of the following might be a suitable title for the text?
A.A contract that is mistaken.B.Help! My Mommy is broken!
C.A study on the usage of the Mommy.D.Can I return the Mommy?
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A chronic illness(慢性病) is a long-lasting health condition. 【小题1】 . However, usually someone still has the potential danger even though he or she was properly treated. Living with a chronic illness can be challenging.

People who have just been diagnosed with(被诊断为)a chronic illness show different reactions. 【小题2】. Others feel sad or disappointed about their bodies, and even feel angry with themselves and those they love. These feelings are the first stage of the coping process.(应对过程)

【小题3】. As the saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” You may need to ask a doctor or nurse to repeat things to be sure that you understand everything. The more you find out about your condition, the more you feel in control and the less frightening it is.

The final stage of dealing with a chronic illness is taking it calmly. At this stage, people feel comfortable with their treatment. 【小题4】.

There’s no exact time limit in the coping process. 【小题5】. People living with chronic illnesses find that when they play an active role in taking care of their bodies, they grow to appreciate their strengths and to adapt to their weaknesses.

A.You might not be the only one who feels emotional about your illness.
B.So getting used to living with a chronic illness takes time, patience and support.
C.The next stage of the coping process is learning.
D.Some people feel confused and worried about their health and the future.
E.The way a person is affected by a chronic illness depends on the particular illness.
F.The signs of a chronic illness might go away under medical care.
G.Also they begin to accept the tools they need to use to live a normal life.

Life was easier when it wasn’t so long: learn when you’re young, work while you’re able, then resign yourself to a slow period of repose - and decline. But in the past century, scientific advancements have added decades to the average human life span, leaving a person’s timeline with a long, often aimless tail.

Finding rewarding ways to fill these extra years - particularly in ways that emphasize social ties - is the best way to prolong them, research is finding. “The things that we understand now to be important for healthy longevity” - things like connecting with others, a positive outlook, making peace with getting older - “have been trivialized over the years by some scientists. We now know that shouldn’t be the case,” says Paul Irving, chairman of the Center for the Future of Aging at the Milken Institute, a think tank that studies older age. “One of the great opportunities we all have is to continue that search for meaning, that aspiration to do our most enjoyable and important work later in our lives.”

Here are other strategies that may help you make the most of your extra years.


It’s hard to beat face time, but FaceTime (and the like) can also help older adults feel less alone, research shows. “I think a lot of work can be done to make the existing social networks more accommodating to older adults,” Irving says.


Your feelings about getting older might determine how well you age-and even how well your brain holds up against Alzheimer’s. A team of researchers at Yale University found that when people who thought negatively about aging were simply primed to view it in a better light, they said they felt more positively about aging and even showed improvements in physical strength.


Plenty of research links a sense of purpose to longevity. But how do people search for a purpose if they don’t have one? Take an online course, volunteer, do anything new that challenges you. “The assumption that you should only do one thing in your life, to me, makes no sense,” says Irving.


People with a positive outlook recover better after having a heart attack than those who are more pessimistic, a recent study shows. That’s partly because a hopeful attitude is linked to other healthy behaviors, like quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy diet. Optimism is also linked to fewer chronic illnesses, less depression and even a stronger immune response to bugs like the flu.

【小题1】What does Paul Irving mean by saying “that shouldn’t be the case” in Paragraph 2?
A.The things important for healthy long life are not proved scientifically.
B.Healthy longevity is not an appropriate case for scientists to focus on.
C.It’s improper for scientists to dismiss the things important for longevity.
D.Emphasizing social ties should not be dismissed by those scientists.
【小题2】Which strategy mentioned in the article can help fight against Alzheimer’s disease?
A.Embrace technology.B.Welcome aging.C.Set goals, take risks.D.Expect the best.
【小题3】Which of the following statement is true according to the article?
A.Doing one thing well in life makes extra years in life meaningful.
B.Technology promotes and strengthens old people’s social network.
C.Extra years should not be spent committing to enjoyable work.
D.A positive outlook contributes to quicker recovery and healthy behaviors.

Everyone has struggled with fitting in at school. You may be shy of going to a new school. There are different ways to meet people and find your place at your school.【小题1】 Still, there are some methods that might help you shorten the process.

Put yourself out there. You are not the only person that is trying to fit in at school. Sometimes you have to take the first step to get the process started. Try talking to a person that is alone. It's much easier to talk to one person instead of a group of people.【小题2】

Build self-confidence. Everyone likes to be around confident people. 【小题3】We are often hard on ourselves when we make mistakes or compare ourselves to others. While these negative thoughts are normal, you can replace them with more positive things.

【小题4】It is easier to bond with someone when you all have similar interests. It's agreat way to meet people who like the same things that you like. You will always have things to talk about with people who share the same interest with you.

Be a good friend. The best way to make new friends is to be a good friend yourself. Be loyal, honest, and fun to be around.【小题5】Well, those are the same things that will help you fit in with people at your school.

A.Join a club or an organization.
B.Find those who can interest you,
C.But you need to be patient fitting in takes time.
D.Think of all the qualities that you look for in a friend.
E.A person that's alone may also be in the same situation you are in.
F.Knowing what you are going to say already will make you less nervous.
G.It is important that you have positive feelings and beliefs about yourself,
