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Boston wants to be smarter. The city has taken advantage of tiny sensors, big data and other technologies to become more responsive to its residents’ needs. But technology alone is not sufficient to make today’s cities liveable. Boston has discovered that it also needs to reach the old-fashioned low-tech community and integrate that technology with city life.

Kris Carter, co-chair of the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, rolled out Boston’s smart city program in 2014. It started with an app that residents could download to report locations where sidewalks needed repair. The city collected those reports and decided which place should be repaired.

The system worked beautifully, except for one problem: most of the alerts came from wealthier neighborhoods, where the concentration of smartphone-equipped residents was highest.

Boston’s push to become a leading smart city now contains a core tenet: high-tech initiatives(方案) shouldn’t only benefit the already well-resourced. Under Carter, technology is seeping into the city’s functioning and daily life, but with a special eye to serving those populations and neighborhoods that need the most support.

Instead of letting tech-savvy(懂技术的) residents and high-tech companies drive the process. Carter’s group run meetings in local libraries and other public spaces to find out what problems people in different neighborhoods care about solving. “Some cities take the point of view that if you put out the right technology devices, people will figure out how to take advantage of them,” he explains. “We wanted to start with a grass-roots view of what challenges needed to be addressed.” Only in that context, he adds, does technology enter the picture.

When it comes to sidewalks, Boston has introduced a second method of collecting repair tips. In addition to its smartphone app, it has hired people to get out and walk the city’s 1,700 miles of sidewalks to take notes on their condition. “Combined with our other sidewalk information, that gave us an even better way to predict where faster repairs would do the most good,” says Carter. “We’re really always looking for whatever mix of approaches best solves the problem.”

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “rolled out”in Paragraph 2 refer to?
【小题2】How does the App help build a smart city?
A.It works well for poor neighborhoods.
B.It helps the blind to walk safely in the city.
C.It solves the problem from low-tech community.
D.It works on smart phones to report repair information.
【小题3】What can we know from Carter’s words in Paragraph 5?
A.Technology is used properly in different neighborhoods.
B.The use of technology is still a dream of the residents in Boston.
C.Carter wishes high-tech companies to use the technology first.
D.Boston wants to be different from other cities towards using technology.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Boston is becoming a crowded city.
B.Boston focuses too much on repair tips.
C.Boston is taking practical ways to get repair information.
D.Boston is spending too much on checking the sidewalks.
知识点:社会问题与社会现象说明文城市 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

On August 25, an American family’s vacation went terribly wrong. A man, his wife and their three children stopped at a shooting range (靶场) in the southwestern state of Arizona, where people pay to fire guns at targets. Charles Vacca worked for the business, called Bullets and Burgers. He helped the family’s nine-year-old girl shoot a submachine gun called an Uzi. But the girl lost control of the weapon. At least one bullet hit Mr. Vacca in the head. He fell to the ground. Later, he died of his injuries.

No one has been charged with a crime. In fact, the families of both Mr. Vacca and the girl have said they feel very bad for each other. But the event has made Americans talk once again about guns and children. In the United States, federal law bars anyone younger than 18 from owning a handgun. But, many state laws give young people the right to shoot all kinds of guns under certain conditions.

Some Americans say children (like adults) need to learn to shoot a weapon so they can protect themselves. Others say shooting guns is just part of the way they grow up. But “safety” is a word many people use when it comes to children and guns. Last year, the Pew Research Center reported that over one-third of American homes have a gun. So, the argument goes, children could easily see a gun at home, or in the home of a friend or neighbor, and decide to fire it. Indeed, the Nationwide Children’s Hospital says about 1,500 children die every year from a gun accident. Many more are injured.

Laura Cutilletta is a lawyer for the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. She said most U. S. states have firm restrictions on keeping children away from guns in the home. But state laws about children hunting or shooting for fun, such as at a shooting range, are much looser.

In general, most states permit children to hunt or use a gun when an adult is with them. But, Laura Cutilletta notes that even a responsible adult cannot protect a child who is too young to shoot a gun safely. And, she says no one needs to shoot the most powerful guns just for fun.

【小题1】The serious accident happened because ________.
A.Charles Vacca helped the girl shoot the gun.
B.the family went to the shooting range to play guns.
C.the girl was too young to control such a powerful gun.
D.Bullets and Burgers was a dangerous place to play in.
【小题2】Which of the following word can best replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
【小题3】What does Laura Cutilletta view about people’s shooting guns for fun?
A.Laws must be made to allow people to use guns safely.
B.She thinks that people who shoot a gun should be fined.
C.She objects to the idea that people play guns just for fun.
D.Adults should be responsible for the safety of children.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.a gun accident happening at a shooting range
B.a discussion about children’s shooting for fun safely
C.adults’ responsibility to keep children away from guns
D.Americans’ legal right for possessing guns at home

As environmental concerns continue to increase, many people are left wondering how they can balance the need to travel with the need to protect the planet. One particular dilemma that has received significant attention is air travel.

Air travel is known to be one of the most carbon-intensive forms of travel. According to a report by the European Environment Agency, aviation (航空) is responsible for around 3% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is expected to grow in the coming years. In addition, aircraft contribute to other types of air pollution, such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.

For environmentalists who advocate for reducing our carbon footprint, this brings up a difficult question: should we avoid flying altogether?

On one hand, it’s easy to see why environmentalists would want to keep away from air travel. By doing so, they could dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and set an example for others. Additionally, some argue that air travel perpetuates (使永久) a culture of over-consumption, which is contradictory to environmental values.

However, there are also arguments in favor of air travel: For one, air travel enables people to experience different cultures, build relationships, and expand their knowledge in ways that might not be possible otherwise. It can also facilitate business trades and contribute to economic growth. Moreover, some experts believe that technological advancements could make air travel more sustainable in the future. For example, some airlines are experimenting with biofuels and electric planes, which could dramatically reduce the emissions associated with air travel.

So what’s the answer? Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide whether the benefits of air travel outweigh the environmental costs. However, there are steps that everyone can take to reduce their impact. For example, travelers can choose to fly less frequently, decide on direct flights, and offset (抵消) their emissions through programs like carbon offsetting. In the end, the key is to remain aware of the environmental impact of our choices and to make informed decisions based on our own values and priorities.

【小题1】What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.To clarify the effect of air travel.B.To make a comparison.
C.To present an argument.D.To describe various greenhouse gases.
【小题2】What may supporters of air travel agree to?
A.It helps avoid economic problems.
B.It promotes globalization in some sense.
C.It will make biofuels popular in the near future.
D.It will accelerate the development of electric planes.
【小题3】What is probably the author’s attitude to air travel?
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Environmental concerns about air travel.B.Whether we should travel by air or not.
C.How to reduce the pollution air travel causes.D.The advantages and disadvantages of air travel.

Photos of eight-year-old Wang Fuman, nicknamed by “Snowflake Boy” in Yun Nan, shared by his principal on Tuesday, showed the boy has a red face from the low temperatures and apparently did not wear enough clothes to keep warm. He also suffered from frostbite. He stood alone with his white hair and eyebrows while other classmates behind were clearly amused and laughing. The picture drew widespread attention around the whole world. Many netizens were sympathetic to the boy’s difficulties, with many Mircoblog users giving comments under the report.

Just after the report, a donation of 100,000 yuan was sent to his Primary School. Constantly, help still pours in for the Chinese boy. But the local authorities call on others to pay attention to other similar rural areas and give them timely aid. In China, there are still so many children just like Fuman living by himself with parents migrating to cities for lively hood.

Boy’s hair is completely FROZEN after he walked an hour to school on a harsh winter morning in rural (and there was no heating when he got there)

The third-grade pupil in Yunnan, China, walks 2.8 miles to school every day

He braved minus nine degree weather yesterday morning to sit an exam

His hair and eyebrows had turned into icicles when he aimed at the school

---Abstracted from Daily Post

I have tears in my eyes reading this… Poor little soul doesn’t even have a hat or gloves, and I can’t imagine how cold he must have felt. But he did it! Wish the little boy all good things in life. Hope he become a brilliant adult and success in life and happiness.

---Mng.PL, Mauntius, 19 hours ago

This kid is amazing. If I were him, I probably would have frozen to death. And this is why China will rule the world soon! He’ll fight a war tomorrow for his motherland!!! Take note you poor snowflake students of the UK. If this happened in the UK, they would arrive to find the school closed. Our kids are too soft!!!

---Honest John, Birmingham, 18 hours ago

He walked an hour in that weather and still got 99% for the math exam. Wow. With such an attitude and perseverance, I hope that he succeeds in life and gets all the good things that he deserves. Now he is not a snowflake.

---Lucial Cathey, Liverpool, 15 hours ago

【小题1】What can we learn about Fuman from the text?
A.The boy didn’t do well in the examination.
B.The boy lives in rural area with his parents.
C.The boy’s school has some simple heating appliance.
D.The boy managed to take exams despite of bad weather.
【小题2】Why does Honest John call the UK students poor snowflake?
A.British like to name teenagers as snowflake.
B.The students in UK are fond of being called snowflake.
C.UK always has heavy snow storms in winter as Yun Nan.
D.The students in UK are too weak toendure extreme weather.
【小题3】Which best describes the netizens’ attitude toward Wang Fuman?
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.All the British students don’t like to walk in the snow.
B.The school in the newspaper will rebuilt in the near future.
C.There are still people live hard in mountainous areas in China.
D.The boy gained much donation from people around the world.
