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Help Get Teens Ready for College

College is an exciting time and place for young adults, but it can also be disturbing. Thankfully, there are plenty of books to help your teens get ready for college.

Every Body Looking by Candice Hoh

Going to college means that Ada will be living away from her family for the first time in her life. The distance gives her anxiety, but breathing room, too. She has the opportunity to reflect on her upbringing, ,her family's expectations, and what she wants for herself.

We Are Okay by Nina LaCour

Keep a box of tissues on hand as you read because this short novel has a huge emotional impact on readers. Suffering from grief, Marin left her old life behind when she went to college. During a solitary winter break in her dorm room, an old friend comes to visit. Seeing her friend forces Marin to face the sufferings from her past and find a way to heal.

College Admission 101 by The Princeton Review and Robert Franek

Education expert and editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review shares his knowledge of the college admission process in this Q&A style guidebook. From choosing extra - curricular activities to securing financial aid, Robert Franek answers over 60 of the most common questions about getting into college.

Anxiety Relief for Teens by Regine Galanti, Ph. D.

There's no question that today's teens suffer from increasing amounts of anxiety. Going to college during a pandemic could make it worse. Help your teens manage their stress and get into a healthier mindset with this book's tips and advice.

【小题1】Which of the following books will probably move you?
A.College Admission 101B.Every Body Looking
C.We Are OkayD.Anxiety Relief for Teens
【小题2】What can we learn about College Admission 101?
A.It introduces an. education expert.B.It gives answers to admission questions.
C.It offers some ways to reduce stress.D.It helps know more about ourselves.
【小题3】Who is the article mainly intended for?
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When it comes to reading, we may be assuming that reading for knowledge is the best reason to pick up a book. Research, however, suggests that reading fiction may provide far more important benefits than nonfiction. It may be one of the best methods for building empathy (同理心), critical thinking and creativity.

High-level business leaders have long enthusiastically praised the virtues of reading. But they almost always recommend nonfiction. Reading nonfiction might certainly be valuable for collecting knowledge. However, research suggests that reading fiction predicts a sharper ability to understand other people’s motivations.

In addition, research suggests that reading literary fiction is an effective way to improve the brain’s ability to keep an open mind while processing information, a necessary skill for effective decision-making. In a 2013 study, researchers examined something called the need for cognitive closure (认知闭合), or the desire to “reach a quick conclusion in decision-making and an aversion to uncertainty and confusion”. Individuals with a strong need for cognitive closure rely heavily on “early information hints”, meaning they struggle to change their minds as new information becomes available. A high need for cognitive closure also means individuals are attracted to smaller bits of information and fewer viewpoints. Individuals who resist the need for cognitive closure tend to be more thoughtful, more creative, and more comfortable with competing narratives — all characteristics of high emotional intelligence.

University of Toronto researchers discovered that individuals in their study who read short stories (as opposed to essays) demonstrated a lower need for cognitive closure. That result is not surprising given that reading literature requires us to slow down, take in volumes of information, and then change our minds as we read. There’s no easy answer in literature. Instead, there’s only perspective-taking. As readers, we’ll almost certainly find Lolita’s narrator Humbert Humbert hateful, but we are forced to experience how he thinks, a valuable exercise for decreasing our need for cognitive closure.

【小题1】What does the second paragraph suggest about reading fiction?
A.It can’t help us to keep motivated.B.It helps us to gather knowledge.
C.It helps us to improve reading skills.D.It helps us to better understand others.
【小题2】What is the most possible meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 3?
【小题3】What do we know about people with a high need for cognitive closure?
A.They are unwilling to accept new things.
B.They rely a little on the help of others.
C.They are happy to accept new knowledge.
D.They are in no hurry to draw conclusions.
【小题4】What is the advantage of reading fiction according to the text?
A.It can hardly change our mind.
B.It can improve emotional intelligence.
C.It can increase the need for cognitive closure.
D.It can add the ability of literature appreciation.

Book reviews can be a great foot in the door if you’re looking to get your writing published somewhere. Most magazines, whether online or print, will include book reviews about books that tackle the topics the magazine discusses. Also, most editors and staff writers are usually too busy to read books and review them themselves (unless they are specifically assigned to a book review column). Therefore, writing book reviews can be a great way to get started with a writing career.

Many people that are reading your review may not know anything about the book you’re reviewing. Instead of making them go find information on their own by searching for the book title, start out with a little description of the book. Make sure you avoid too long of a summary though, because if too much of your article is a summary of the book, it won’t be interesting. Start with a short paragraph or so that hits all the major points but doesn't give too much away. You don’t want to tell your reader everything about the book, because then they won’t have to read it at all. Just give enough information so your reader is interested in reading the book.

Some magazines like to publish book reviews that are completely objective. This means that they want a review of the book that doesn't share your opinion and that in which your opinion isn't obvious from reading what you wrote. If you hated a book, it might not be a great book to review.

You probably want to review books that you enjoyed. This will give your review a positive spin. Avoid gushing about how much you loved the book, however. You should not include your personal reaction to the book until the very end, where you include a sentence or two about whether or not you would recommend a book and to whom you would recommend it.

A great way to get your review noticed is to look at a book through a specific lens. Read the book as a feminist would, for example, and talk about what a feminist might say to applaud or criticize the book. You can choose any number of lenses, and feminism is just one option. An economic lens, a family lens, the lens of a different nationality, or the lens of a child could all be interesting ways to look at a book. If you look at a book in this way, instead of just reading it and forming your own opinion, it will be much more interesting and marketable. This is especially the case if you look at a lens that relates to the subject of the magazine to which you are submitting. Feminist magazines love book reviews about books read through a feminist lens, for example, because it pertains to their readership.

Another great way to write a book review is to talk about the writer’s style. Anyone can pick up a book and read for the plot, but it takes an experienced writer to note interesting things about another writer’s style and write about them intelligently.

【小题1】What’s the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Standards of good book reviews.
B.Benefits of writing book reviews.
C.Ways to get your writing published.
D.Topics usually discussed in magazines.
【小题2】Which of the following is a characteristic of a good book review?
A.Including much information on a major point of the book.
B.Stating clearly the writer’s opinion of the book.
C.Giving a brief summary of the book.
D.Avoiding describing the book.
【小题3】The underlined word “lens” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by ________.
【小题4】According to the text, only a skilled writer can ________.
A.look at a book through a specific angle
B.give an objective description of a book
C.find a book and understand its plot easily
D.pay close attention to another writer’s style

Four new amazing animal stories

Raven Winter
By Susanna Bailey

Billie is struggling with problems at home when she discovers an injured young bird and begins nursing it back to health. Soon, she finds new friendship and hope. Set in England’s snowy Yorkshire Dales, this is a heartfelt story about the special connection between a girl and a bird.

The Lost Whale
By Hannah Gold

Hannah Gold, who won the Blue Peter Book Award for Best Story for her first book The Last Bear, returns with another wonderful animal adventure. When lonely Rio is sent to stay with his grandmother, he soon finds himself searching for a missing whale.

Meg and Merlin: Making Friends
By Tanya Landman

Meg loves horses but she knows her parents can’t afford a horse—in fact, they can’t even afford to pay for her weekly riding lesson. Then, on her 10th birthday, Meg finds a horse in her front garden! Have her wishes come true? The first in a series, this short book will especially delight readers who love horses.

The Adventure Club: Tiger in Trouble
By Jess Butterworth
The Adventure Club loves exploring animals and adventure. In this story, Tilly and her friends set out to India to help at a wildlife reserve. There, they encounter antelopes, crocodiles and elephants—but what has become of the tigers? Written as Tilly’s diary, this is perfect for younger readers.
【小题1】Which writer created a story of human-bird friendship?
A.Hannah Gold.B.Susanna Bailey.C.Tanya Landman.D.Jess Butterworth.
【小题2】What do we know about Meg?
A.She leads a rich life.
B.She is fond of horses.
C.She hates her weekly riding lesson.
D.She volunteers at an animal reserve.
【小题3】What is special about The Adventure Club: Tiger in Trouble?
A.It encourages readers to have adventures.
B.It is set in England’s Yorkshire Dales.
C.It is in the style of a journal.
D.It has won a book award.
