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For centuries, human beings have dreamed of travelling into space, orbiting our little blue planet. It seems that our dream will finally come true, as US startup Orion Span announced on April 5 that it planned to launch the first hotel in space in 2021. It will be ready to welcome guests the following year.

The space hotel, Aurora Station, will orbit 230 miles above Earth, circling it every 90 minutes. It can house two crew members and four guests. The crew members will likely be former NASA astronauts who worked on the International Space Station. However, there’s a catch: Each guest must pay at least $9.5 million for a 12-day stay at the hotel.

Guests can do many exciting things aboard Aurora Station. According to Orion Span, guests can enjoy the excitement of zero gravity as they fly throughout the space hotel. They can watch 16 sunrises and sunsets every day and view the northern and southern auroras(极光) through the windows. They can take part in research experiments like growing food, and even take it home as a souvenir.

But most importantly, the trip will offer a real sense of what it’s like to live in space. “The premise(前提) of Aurora Station is for guests to live, feel, and breathe what it’s like to be an astronaut,” Frank Bunger, CEO of Orion Span, told the Robb Report. “The food and drinks are freeze-dried products. It’s not going to be five-star dining...... Fire and gas don’t work the same way in space as they do on Earth.”

To better prepare guests for space travel, the company will require a health screening and provide a three-month training program that helps guests understand basic spaceflight, orbital mechanics and life in the pressurized environment of space.

“Future Aurora owners can live in, visit, or sublease(转租) their space apartment,” Bunger said in a news release. “This is an exciting breakthrough and Orion Span is proud to pave the way.”

【小题1】What can we learn about Aurora Station?
A.It will be open to guests in 2021.
B.It can serve four people at a time.
C.It will invite NASA to train the guests.
D.It doesn’t provide service free of charge.
【小题2】What can guests do on Aurora Station?
A.They can enjoy five-star meals.
B.They can buy various souvenirs.
C.They can enjoy beautiful views.
D.They can fly outside the space hotel.
【小题3】According to Bunger, what is the main function of Aurora Station?
A.To provide real experiences of living in space.
B.To help people know the bravery of astronauts.
C.To tell the difference between Earth and space.
D.To prepare people for future space exploration.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the text?
A.A Satellite Orbiting the Earth.
B.A Space Hotel -- Aurora Station.
C.Aurora Station: A New Living Place for Man.
D.New Hotel That Brings People Great Benefits.
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If you’re looking for someone to make a realistic, three-dimensional (3D) portrait of your pet cat using felted wool, you’ll have a tough time finding someone better than Wakuneco, a Japanese artist who started creating needle felt art back in 2015. Using different colored wool, this artist creates life-like cat portraits. Just have a look at what she can do with a needle and wool thread.

Looking at some of the cat portraits created by the talented Japanese artist, it’s hard to believe they are made of felted wool and not taxidermy (动物标本剥制术) masterpieces. To achieve this level of realism, which translates as “frame cat”, Wakuneco spends hours on end poking wool with a needle to create solid layers that imitate cat fur, applying realistic glass eyes and finally adding the whiskers. After everything is just as she wants, the 3D portrait is framed and sent to the owner who ordered it.

Losing a beloved pet is never easy, but Wakuneco’s realistic cat portraits — made using photographs of real cats as a reference — help owners deal with their loss. And while not all of her customers are owners looking for something special to remember their pets, many of her portraits are ordered as a means of copying.

Wakuneco currently offers her amazing wool felting skills through Yahoo Auctions, but only to Japanese customers. However, after photos of her amazingly detailed portraits spread quickly online, she did express her intention to start taking international orders in the near future. In the meantime, you can admire her amazing creations on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and watch videos of the creative process on YouTube.

For more amazing felted wool artworks, check out the creations of Gardenia Miru and Terumi Ohta, two other very talented Japanese artists, as well as the felted wool animal portraits of Dani Ives.

【小题1】What does the author mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?
A.No one can do better than Wakuneco.
B.Wakuneco is too busy to be visited or invited.
C.It’s hard for you to get along well with Wakuneco.
D.You’ll find many other skillful persons like Wakuneco.
【小题2】What do we know about the 3D cat portraits?
A.They’re widely considered as taxidermy masterpieces.
B.Their eyes are made of felted wool in most cases.
C.They’re made by modeling the pictures of authentic cats.
D.Their fur is taken from animals no longer alive.
【小题3】What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?
A.Dani Ives’s wool animal portraits are gaining in popularity.
B.Only the Japanese can buy Wakuneco’s artworks for the time being.
C.Wakuneco decided to show her creative process on Twitter.
D.Wakuneco is unsure about selling her artworks internationally.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.3D Technology Used in Art.
B.Four Talented Japanese Artists.
C.Needle Felting: An Art in Danger.
D.Wakuneco’s Realistic 3D Cat Portraits.

Unlike thousands of tourists who hike in Yellowstone National Park to admire its natural landscape and hot springs every year, Abdelrhman Mohamed was traveling with a team of scientists to hunt for life within the hot springs.

After several hours of hiking in the Heart Lake Geyser Basin area, the team found four unpolluted pools of hot water. They carefully left a few electrodes (电极) placed into the land next to the water, hoping to attract little-known creatures out of hiding — bacteria (细菌) that can “ eat and breathe ” electricity.

After 32 days, the team returned to the hot springs to collect the electrodes. Working with other scientists, Mohamed had a look at the electrodes and found that they had succeeded in catching their small game: heat-loving bacteria that “ breathe ” electricity through the hard surface of the electrodes. These tiny creatures are not only of research interest, they may also hold a key to solving some of the biggest challenges facing humans.

As a means of fighting environmental pollution and creating more energy sources, such bacteria can “ eat ” pollution by changing deadly pollutants into less harmful matter and producing electricity in the process. “ As these bacteria pass their electrons (电子) into metals or other hard surfaces, they can produce a stream of electricity that can be used for low power applications, ” said Haluk Beyenal, a famous university professor of chemistry.

Though the researchers did not detail exactly how they would be continuing their work with the bacteria, it will hopefully lead to an exciting new tool for fighting climate change and pollution in the near future.

【小题1】Why did the scientists hike in Yellowstone National Park?
A.To enjoy its good view.B.To look for fresh water.
C.To find the cause of pollution.D.To search for special bacteria.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning this research?
A.Its purpose.B.Its finding.C.Its conclusion.D.Its significance.
【小题3】How do such bacteria “ eat ” pollution according to this research?
A.By breaking down harmful matter with electricity.
B.By creating more energy sources in hot water.
C.By using low-power apps for environmental protection.
D.By sopping the pollutants producing electricity.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards this research?

Researchers have 3D printed a heart using a patient's cells, providing hope that the technique could be used to heal hearts or engineer new ones for transplants.

“This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” Professor Tal Dvir said in a statement. Dvir is the senior author of the research, published on Monday in the journal Advanced Science.

The cells that made the heart came from a donor's fat tissue. Researchers separated the cells in the tissue from the rest of the contents. The cells were reprogrammed to become stem cells with the ability into heart cells. The cells and hydrogel were first used to create heart patches with blood vessels (血管) and, from there, an entire heart.

At this stage, our 3D heart is small, the size of a rabbit's heart,” Dvir said. “But larger human require the same technology.” Previously, scientists had been able to print only simple tissues without blood vessels.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developing world. Heart transplantation is the only way to treat end-stage heart failure, highlighting the importance of developing techniques such as 3D printing, according to the authors.

Dvir also explained that using the patient's own cells is key to engineering the tissues and organs. “It's important because it prevents the possibility of rejection,” he said.

Next, the researchers plan to train the hearts to behave like real ones. Dvir explained, “The cells need to form a pumping ability; they can contract, but we need them to work together.”

If researchers are successful, they plan to transplant the 3D-printed heart in animal models and, after that, humans. “Maybe, in ten years ,there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the world ,and these procedures will be conducted routinely,” Dvir said.

【小题1】What can we know about the 3D-printed heart?
A.It is almost of the same size as the human heart.
B.It uses the cells coming from an animal fat tissue to 3D print a heart.
C.It can provide the technology human hearts required in the future.
D.It can replace the patient’s heart in treating heart disease in ten years
【小题2】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Value of the new technique.B.Procedures of dealing with cells.
C.Tips about heart disease treatment.D.Materials used in the 3D-printed heart.
【小题3】What do we know from what Professor Tal Dvir said?
A.The researchers are successful in 3D printing human heart.
B.Every hospital will have organ printers around the world.
C.Researchers will transplant the 3D-printed heart in ten years.
D.Professor Dvir is looking forward to the success of the research.
【小题4】What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To show how to 3D print a heart.B.To promote heart disease research.
C.To introduce a medical breakthrough.D.To call on people to care about health.
