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Why do you check social media? Is it to keep up with everything that your friends and family are doing? Is it to find new trendy spots to eat? Regardless of the reason, you may find yourself with different degrees of envy or discomfort after a quick look at your phone. Then you might be suffering from a phenomenon known as “Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). ”

While the phenomenon of FOMO can be traced back for centuries, it had never been the issue as it is today, causing widespread discussion and research. This rise in checking social media is naturally connected to the increasing leading position that social media holds over our lives. Every time someone opens their WeChat Moments, Facebook, Twitter... etc. , they are bombarded with the highlight reels of other peoples' lives. A sunny beach, delicious-looking food, a super cute kitten-they are all uplifting photos, yet they're very likely to bring about more unhappiness than joy. You see, the first thought to come out of your mind may be “Wow, that's so cool/delicious/cute”, but then it takes a hard U-turn. You're thinking: “I wish I were there” or “my life is so boring compared to his/hers.” The more you see, the more likely you are to have these negative feelings.

What's worse is the habit many people have of turning to social media in search of happiness when they are feeling down, not realizing that they are just going to end up in a negative cycle of endless disappointment. Montesquieu once said: “If one only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.”

FOMO will go hand in hand with dissatisfaction and envy. Appreciate what you already have, because someone else out there in the world would gladly give everything to be you.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the questions in paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the passage.B.To explain the function of FOMO.
C.To describe the features of FOMO.D.To give the reasons for checking social media.
【小题2】How might people feel seeing other's perfect life through social media?
【小题3】What can we conclude from Montesquieu's words in paragraph 3?
A.We could turn to social media for happiness.
B.We couldn't realise our dream without hard work.
C.We couldn't harvest happiness through comparison.
D.We could live better than others by showing ourselves online.
【小题4】What is the author's attitude towards FOMO?
知识点:社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Social media can lead to mental exhaustion (疲惫). And when mentally exhausted, you are more likely to be influenced by a high number of likes on posts—even to the point of clicking on ads for products you don't need or want.

As a professor of advertising, I have studied social media behaviors for years. In late 2022, my colleague Eric Haley and I conducted three online studies on Americans aged 18—65 to test how people under various mental loads respond to ads differently.

The control group in each study were given no introductory task—we just had them look at an ad. A second group had to memorize a nine-digit number and then look at the ad. The third group looked through the Internet for 30 seconds and then looked at the ad. Participants randomly saw an ad with a few hundred likes or tens of thousands of likes. After viewing the ad, each participant rated how willing they would be to buy the product, and how much mental effort it took to think about the information.

The group that used the Internet first were the most likely to want to buy the featured product when there were lots of likes or comments, and they also reported using the most mental effort to assess the ad. Researchers refer to this mentally exhausted state as “cognitive (认知的) overload”. Using social media puts them in this state because they are constantly evaluating different types of texts, photos and video posts from so many different people. In the span of several seconds, they can see a text from their husband or wife, a photo from a co-worker, a video from a celebrity and an emoji from their brother. All of this evaluating leaves them feeling frazzled.

Imagine asking your roommate if they want to go get pizza. Under normal conditions, the roommate might consider several factors such as cost, hunger, timing or their schedule. Now imagine asking your roommate the same question while they are on the phone with a sick relative. They no longer have the mental energy to logically consider whether pizza for dinner is a good idea.

By understanding how social media influences them, consumers can be more thoughtful in regulating their use—and hopefully not buy yet another water bottle they don’t need.

【小题1】Why did the author conduct three online studies on Americans aged 18-65?
A.To investigate their online habits.
B.To test their reactions to advertisements.
C.To research what kind of advertising is effective.
D.To discover why people suffer great mental stress.
【小题2】What docs paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the study?
A.Its purpose.B.Its process.C.Its finding.D.Its significance.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “frazzled” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】Why does the author mention “your roommate” in paragraph 5?
A.To further explain cognitive overload.
B.To stress the importance of. relationships.
C.To strongly call on people to eat healthily.
D.To remind people not to rely on mobile phones.

GE Money has recently done a study. It shows that women spend over 8 years of their life shopping. According to the study, women spend about 400 hours each year shopping. Almost a quarter of that time is spent doing some shopping for food.

Luckily, Million Looks magazine says that shopping can be a good thing, and they give some interesting facts about women and shopping. The magazine says that women who shop for more than 17 hours a week are thinner and healthier than those who spend less time shopping. The magazine also says that women who shop more often look and feel much younger than those who dislike shopping. Finally, they say that most women who enjoy shopping are more confident and happier.

We cannot be sure if these things are true, but one thing that is really true is that shopping is big business. There are now about 50,000 shopping malls in the United States alone, and each person spends $ 75 each time they visit a mall.

The shopping malls also try their best to encourage people to spend as much as possible, and stay in the mall as long as possible. Escalators are placed in so that people can use them to pass many different stores. You may have also noticed that places to sit are hard to find in malls. This is because people can’t spend money when they are sitting!

【小题1】How long does each woman spend shopping for food in a year?
A.100 hours.B.200 hours.C.300 hours.D.400 hours.
【小题2】Million Looks magazine mainly agrees that      .
A.shopping makes women happier
B.shopping makes women healthier
C.shopping takes women too much time
D.shopping is really good for women
【小题3】The underlined word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to     .
A.GE Money
B.Million Looks magazine
C.women who enjoy shopping
D.women who dislike shopping
【小题4】What does the writer think of shopping according to paragraph 3?
A.Shopping makes women look younger.
B.Shopping makes women more confident.
C.Shopping is really big business.
D.Shopping is really interesting.
【小题5】It’s hard to find places to sit in malls because     .
A.there are too many people in malls
B.malls want to save money
C.malls want people to walk and buy
D.there are not enough places to sit

Like most of us, I try to be mindful of food that goes to waste. The arugula (芝麻菜)was to make a nice green salad, rounding out a roast chicken dinner. But I ended up working late. Then friends called with a dinner invitation. I stuck the chicken in the freezer. But as days passed, the arugula went bad. Even worse, I had unthinkingly bought way too much; I could have made six salads with what I threw out.

In a world where nearly 800 million people a year go hungry, “food waste goes against the moral grain,” as Elizabeth Royte writes in this month’s cover story. It’s jaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away — from “ugly” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.

Producing food that no one eats wastes the water, fuel, and other resources used to grow it. That makes food waste an environmental problem. In fact, Royte writes, “if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest producer of greenhouse gases in the world.”

If that’s hard to understand, let’s keep it as simple as the arugula at the back of my refrigerator. Mike Curtin sees my arugula story all the time — but for him, it's more like 12 bones of donated strawberries nearing their last days. Curtin is CEO of DC Central Kitchen in Washington, D.C., which recovers food and turns it into healthy meals. Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有瑕疵的) produce that otherwise would have rotted in fields. And the strawberries? Volunteers will wash, cut, and freeze or dry them for use in meals down the road.

Such methods seem obvious, yet so often we just don’t think. “Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your weekly shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you won’t eat,” Curtin says.

【小题1】What does the author want to show by telling the arugula story?
A.We pay little attention to food waste.B.We waste food unintentionally at times.
C.We waste more vegetables than meat.D.We have good reasons for wasting food.
【小题2】What is a consequence of food waste according to the test?
A.Moral decline.B.Environmental harm.
C.Energy shortage.D.Worldwide starvation.
【小题3】What does Curtin’s company do?
A.It produces kitchen equipment.B.It turns rotten arugula into clean fuel.
C.It helps local farmers grow fruits.D.It makes meals out of unwanted food.
【小题4】What does Curtin suggest people do?
A.Buy only what is needed.B.Reduce food consumption.
C.Go shopping once a week.D.Eat in restaurants less often.
