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Are you feeling empty? If so, you are not alone. Actually, it’s a common occurrence for many of us to feel empty in various ways. For instance, you might feel empty as something is missing in your life. Or the emptiness might stem from slowly abandoning yourselves, and not listening to your own hopes and desires. Abandoning yourselves can also spark anxiety, depression, guilt and shame. 【小题1】 Here are several suggestions to help you out.   

Acknowledge the emptiness. If you’re experiencing emptiness that’s more like a gaping hole, acknowledge it, and be gentle with yourself. 【小题2】 If this emptiness is because of a loved one’s passing, don’t get angry with yourself for grieving years later. In that case you learn to live life alongside that hole of missing that person.

Explore your feelings of emptiness. Scientists suggested exploring the below questions. We can do this while keeping a journal, taking a walk or drinking a cup of tea.

*Do I tell myself positive things?

*What am I trying to prove or win?


*Am I blaming myself for things that are out of my control?

【小题4】 Fight the urge to turn to the outside world for fulfillment. Instead of trying to fill the emptiness with drugs, alcohol, TV, computer games or anything else, look within, and spend time with yourself. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you practise devoting time and energy to yourself and caring for yourself, the less present those empty feelings will be.

【小题5】 Whether you are experiencing difficult relationships, losses, or feeling a lack of purpose or meaning, you are worthy of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

A.Control your current feelings.
B.Spend time with yourself every day.
C.How do you handle your emptiness?
D.Don’t beat yourself up for feeling this way.
E.Have I been judging myself or comparing myself to others?
F.It’s important to acknowledge and accept your feelings of emptiness.
G.Do you spend too much time on filling your emptiness?
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Online courses can be a great way to learn. They’re quite helpful if you ’re a busy college student who tries to balance coursework with a job. 【小题1】 But how can you successfully finish an online course?

Make sure you can reliably get online.

Ensure that you have chances to work online for several hours at a time. It's best if you have high speed Internet at home. That’s because most online courses include materials like videos. 【小题2】

Read the syllabus (教学大纲).

【小题3】 It will contain important information such as the professor’s email address and office hours. The syllabus will also provide information about the required course materials. If you’re wondering what books to buy, the syllabus will tell you.

Make a timetable.

With online courses, you can complete the work on your own time. However, you still need to create a plan and manage your time properly to finish the course. 【小题4】 For example, you could choose to devote Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 pm to working on your class.

Behave properly in class.

How? Address your classmates and your professor by their name or title. And do not be disrespectful to others. For example, during discussion avoid saying, “That'’s a stupid statement. ” Instead, just say, “I disagree because…" Disagreement is fine. 【小题5】

A.So choose time for the class.
B.So set aside time for the class.
C.Disagreement helps form one’s own view.
D.Make your points in a polite way, however.
E.You will want these course materials to be loaded quickly.
F.They’re also a great choice if you can’t often get to campus.
G.It’s created by the professor to serve as a guide for the course.

Most small cuts don’t present any danger to your child. But bleeding from large cuts may require immediate medical treatment.

Here is what to do.

For Minor(小的) Bleeding From a Small Cut:

Rinse the wound thoroughly with water to clean out dirt.

Then wash the wound with a mild soap and wash thoroughly. (For minor wounds, it isn’t necessary to use an antiseptic(消毒的) solution to prevent infection, and some can cause allergic skin reactions.)

Cover the wound with a sterile(无菌的) bandage.

Examine the wound daily. If the bandage gets wet, remove it and apply a new one. After the wound forms a scab(疤), a bandage is no longer necessary.

Call your child’s doctor if the wound is red, swollen and warm.

For Bleeding From a Large Cut:

Wash the wound thoroughly with water. This will allow you to see the wound clearly and assess its size.

Place a clean cloth over the entire wound. If available, use clean rubber gloves to protect yourself from exposure to possible infection from the blood of a child who isn’t your own. If you can, raise the bleeding body part above the level of your child’s heart.

Using the palm of your hand on the cloth, apply steady, direct pressure to the wound for 5 minutes. (During the 5 minutes, do not stop to check the wound or remove blood clots(凝块) that may form on the cloth.)

If blood soaks(浸透) through the cloth, do not remove it. Apply another cloth on top and continue applying pressure.

Call your child’s doctor or search for immediate medical attention for all large cuts if you’re unable to deal with them.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “Rinse” probably mean?
【小题2】Which of the following is a correct way to deal with bleeding from minor cuts?
A.Use a mild soap to wash the wound.
B.Use the palm of your hand on the cloth.
C.Use clean rubber gloves to protect yourself.
D.Use an antiseptic solution to prevent infection.
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.If a cut happens to a person, an antiseptic solution is a must-do.
B.Only by washing the wound can we see how serious it is.
C.Once a child is cut, a doctor must be called in to treat it.
D.Whether small or large cuts, we must first wash them.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.How to deal with bleeding from small or large cuts.
B.How to deal with the cuts in the children’s bodies.
C.How to wash the wounds in the children’s bodies.
D.How to protect the children from being cut.

How to prepare for a wildfire

Before you can effectively prepare, it’s very important to understand how wildfires operate. Many think wildfires destroy homes because a wall of flames(火焰)moves across the landscape. 【小题1】. Now that you know what a wildfire is, here’s how you can protect your home and your family.


Creating a defensible space around your home acts as a barrier against wildfire flames. Home hardening involves constructing with fire-resistant materials. Investing $10,000 to $20,000 in these measures significantly reduces the chance of a home being ravaged by a wildfire, lowering risk by 75%.

Remove dead tree branches

Similar to dry or bagged leaves, dead tree branches are dry, which means they, too, can catch fire quickly. If you have any hanging from trees or laying in your yard, remove them ASAP. The same rule applies when removing dead tree branches: 【小题3】.

Create an evacuation (撤离)plan

Families should go over an evacuation plan and practice it well before an emergency actually occurs. Knowing when to leave and being able to go quickly is crucial during an evacuation scenario. 【小题4】. Then plan your primary and alternative evacuation route, and assemble emergency supplies and store them where you can get to them quickly.

Make sure gutters(水槽)are made of metal

【小题5】. Fix metal gutter covers to reduce leaf litter and windblown debris. This will ensure that things don’t burn in them and spread fire to your home. Don’t pressure-wash gutters; it can damage them or pull them off your house.

A.Do not store them close to the house
B.Replace plastic gutters with metal ones
C.Things we all have are around our homes
D.It’s important to keep away from wildfire
E.Build defensible space s and harden your home
F.Set a meet up destination for all family members first
G.Actually, it’s tiny wind-blown things that destroy most of them
