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Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things they do.
The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scared or angry looking face.
One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?
Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who’s their favorite singer, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. When someone asks you a question, do have an answer for them. There’s nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug (耸肩) for an answer.
Kids who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are nice to them.
【小题1】This passage gives us some advice on _________.
A.how to make friends
B.what kind of person you can make friends with
C.how to start a conversation
D.the importance of smile
【小题2】Most people like to make friends with those______.
A.who are sad every day.
B.who share the same interest
C.who are fond of talking
D.who say bad things to them
【小题3】According to the third paragraph, most people enjoy talking to one _______.
A.who is always smiling
B.who seems to be friendly
C.who praises them
D.who points out their shortcomings.
【小题4】The underlined (划线的)part in this passage means “_______”.
A.being very proudB.making no answer
C.knowing nothingD.not hoping to answer
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We've all been there-trying bravely to reason with a difficult person. The situation proves disappointing, annoying, and sometimes even frightening. The truth is, you can't reason with an unreasonable person. 【小题1】 .

Listen. Listening is the number one step in dealing with "unreasonable" people. 【小题2】 . No progress can take place until the other person feels acknowledged. While you're listening, really focus on what the other person is saying, not what you want to say next.

【小题3】 . When a situation is emotionally charged, it's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Monitor your breathing. Try to take some slow, deep breaths.

Don't judge. You don't know what the other person is going through. Chances are, if a person is acting unreasonable, they are likely feeling some sort of vulnerability(脆弱)or fear.

Keep extra space between you and the other person. 【小题4】 , or some other similar gesture that may be suitable in other situations. But if someone is already upset, avoid touch, as it might be misunderstood.

Release your own stress. You had to put your natural reactions on hold for a while. 【小题5】 . Go for a run. Take your dog for a walk. Don't let the emotions stay stuck in your body.

You can use these methods with your boss, a customer, a family member, or even a stranger. Keep in mind: The closer your relationship with the person is, the more knowledge you'll have of what will best work to calm things down.

A.Going outside is a good choice
B.However, there are proven tips to better manage such situations
C.Stay calm
D.Now is the time to let out this bad emotion
E.You may try to calm the other person down by putting your arm on theirs
F.Keep quiet
G.Everyone wants to feel heard

Competition is all around us and it makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker. It can also teach us how to survive in a fast-paced and stressful world. 【小题1】. How many of us have seen young boys weeping because their teams didn’t win inter-school tournament? How many of us have seen young teenagers cheat just to win? 【小题2】 So it’s important to develop healthy competition among children.

When it comes to encouraging healthy competition among children, the first thing to do is set goals for them to stick to. 【小题3】

Since children may be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media and the Internet, it’s up to you to develop the right kind of spirit in them. Team spirit will help them grow into human beings who aren’t easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by victories. 【小题4】 So give them examples where family members refused to cheat to win.

【小题5】. When they take an exam, don’t ask about how much they expect to score; instead, ask what they wrote about. If your son played a cricket match at school, don’t ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many runs he scored and encourage him to score higher next time instead. When you let your children know that you’re more interested in how they performed rather than whether they lost or won, they will surely try to better themselves.

A.However, you mustn’t push them too hard and burden them with too high a goal
B.We should also encourage healthy competition among children
C.These are the effects of unhealthy competition
D.In addition, they may also not want to adopt just any method to win, like cheating or lying
E.Care more about children’s performance rather than the results in a sports match
F.However, children can be hit by competition
G.Sending your children the right signals is also important

Eyes not only let you see shapes and millions of colors, but also help manage the light signals that keep your body’s internal clock running properly. Your eyes are among your most important organs, but you shouldn’t take your eyes for granted. 【小题1】.

Protect against eye strain. Sometimes you pose the greatest danger to your eyes. 【小题2】. To help protect your eyesight and keep healthy eyes, you should take a 15-minute break away from your computer every two hours, and rest your eyes every twenty minutes by looking around the room. Your eyes also need sufficient light to read, write and work on the computer or watch TV. In low light or dark, your eyes have to work harder than usual, causing strain.

【小题3】. Healthy eyes start with the food on your plate. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help prevent age-related vision problems like macular degeneration (黄斑变性) and cataracts (白内障). To get them, fill your plate with green leafy vegetables and other nonmeat protein sources.

Wear sunglasses with UV (紫外线) Protection. The right pair of shades will help protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Too much UV exposure boosts your chances of cataracts and macular degeneration. Choose a pair of sunglasses that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. And Polarized lenses reduce glare while you drive. If you wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜), some offer UV protection. 【小题4】.

Use safety eyewear. If you use dangerous materials that can be transported by air on the job or at home, wear safety glasses or protective goggles (护目镜). 【小题5】. Helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles will protect your eyes.

Be smart! Visit your eye doctor periodically and take care of your eyes to keep them healthy.

A.Take in enough vitamins.
B.Eat well for good eye health.
C.Take these easy steps to keep your eyes healthy.
D.Sports like ice hockey can also lead to eye injury.
E.But it’s still a good idea to wear sunglasses for an extra layer.
F.Overworked eyes lead to short-term and long-term eye and vision problems.
G.So wear sunglasses when you’re outside or driving to protect your eyes from UV rays.
