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A shark that walks in water instead of swimming might sound like a creature straight out of science fiction. However, that is precisely how the fish -- found in the waters of Northern Australia moves across the seafloor .The unique ocean animals were discovered by a team of scientists led by Dr. Christine Dudgeon from Australia's University of Queensland during a 12 year global conservation study.

The newly-found sharks have evolved (进化) to survive in low oxygen environments, enabling them to hunt during low tides. The researchers believe their ability to use their fins (鳍) to walk affords the sharks a remarkable edge over the smaller animals they try to bunt. “While they are super hunters in their shallow habitat, the tiny sharks present no threat to people," says Dudgeon.“At less than a meter long on average, they're incredibly cute little animals that do not look like sharks at all," she adds.

A DNA analysis of skin samples from the live fish suggests that walking sharks broke away from their original population and became a distinct species about nine million years ago. Though that may appear to be a long time ago, it is relatively recent given that sharks have been around for more than 400 million years. In fact, Dudgeon and her team believe walking sharks are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth!

The researchers say that the sharks' small numbers and small habitat make them extremely vulnerable (易受伤害) to natural disasters and overfishing. They are currently on the Nature Red List, which lists species at risk. Dudgeon and her team believe sensible conservation management plans are urgently needed to protect the walking sharks and other endangered animals from further threats.

【小题1】What is the most noticeable feature of the newly-found sharks?
A.They are cute and harmless to humans.
B.They can survive in their shallow habitat.
C.They walk on their fins across the seafloor.
D.They are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth.
【小题2】What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The evolution of the shark.B.The behavior of the sharks.
C.The population of the sharks.D.The DNA samples of the sharks.
【小题3】What should be done without delay according to Dudgeon and her team?
A.Adjusting the methods of fishing.
B.Putting the sharks on the Nature Red List
C.Changing the sharks' living environments.
D.Adopting necessary measures to protect the sharks.
【小题4】In which part of a website can we read the text?
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Insect numbers have decreased by half in some parts of the world due to climate change an intensive agriculture, a study has found. The combined pressures of global heating and farming are driving a “substantial (大规模的) decline” of insects across the globe, according to UK researchers.

Lead researcher, Dr Charlie Outhwaite of UCL, said losing insect populations could be harmful not only to the natural environment, but to human health and food security, particularly with losses of pollinator (传粉昆虫). “Our findings highlight the urgency of actions to preserve natural habitats, slow the expansion of high-intensity agriculture, and cut emissions to reduce climate change,” she added.

In the latest study, the researchers pulled together data on the range and number of nearly 20, 000 insect species, including bees, ants, butterflies, grasshoppers and dragonflies, at about 6, 000 different locations. In areas with high-intensity agriculture and substantial warming, insect numbers have decreased by 49%, compared with relatively untouched places that have so far avoided the most severe impacts of climate change, according to the research published in Nature.

But the researchers said there was some cause for hope. Setting aside areas of land for nature creates a refuge(庇护所) for insects, which need shade to survive in hot weather. “Careful management of agricultural areas, such as preserving natural habitats near farmland, may help to ensure that vital insects can still survive,” said Dr Tim Newbold, also of UCL.

Study researcher, Peter McCann, added, “We need to acknowledge how important insects are for the environment as a whole, and for human health and well-being, in order to address the threats we pose to them before many species are lost forever. ”

【小题1】According to Charlie Outhwaite, how could we stop losing insect numbers?
A.Give up developing agriculture.
B.Take action to protect natural habitat.
C.Highlight the importance of food security.
D.Focus on reproducing all sorts of insects.
【小题2】How did the researchers draw the conclusion in the latest study?
A.By analyzing data.
B.By carrying out a survey.
C.By doing experiments.
D.By discussing questions.
【小题3】What is Tim Newbold’s attitude to preserving insects?
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Some rare insect species dying out
B.Natural habitats helping insects survive
C.Insect decline bringing great damage to humans
D.Climate change and farming driving insect decline

Eastern barred bandicoots (袋狸) once were a common sight in the plains of western Victoria and into South Australia. But by the 1980s, just one population of between 150 and 200 bandicoots survived.

In 1988, the Victoria state government formed a recovery team that brought together government agencies, Zoos Victoria, volunteer groups and other people. That year, scientists removed 40 bandicoots from this population to form a captive breeding (圈养繁殖) program. Soon after, eastern barred bandicoots disappeared from the wild in Victoria. The only remaining breeding population existed in small pens at Woodlands Historic Park. “Without the captive program, the species would be extinct.” Scientists say.

Breeding was one thing. Re-establishing wild populations was altogether more difficult. Six times captive-born bandicoots were set free into the wild. All six reintroductions failed when foxes killed the bandicoots.

What changed everything was the reintroduction of bandicoots to Phillip Island in 2017 and French Island in 2019. Fox-free French and Phillip islands offered just over 70 square miles of bandicoot habitat, and the bandicoots have already begun breeding and expanding (扩大) their range across these islands.

After scientists had established populations on islands, researchers looked to expand their efforts to open grasslands. In 2015, David Williams began training his Maremma dogs. The idea worked this way: Because bandicoots live alone, the Maremmas would look after sheep in large open grasslands where bandicoots lived. As long as there were sheep in the bandicoots’ territory (领地), the Maremmas remained, and as long as the dogs were around, the foxes were far less likely to remain.

Over the past two years, the recovery team has reintroduced 40 bandicoots into two places in western Victoria, with two to three Maremmas and hundreds of sheep at each site to keep them company. Scientists can’t yet say whether the experiment is working. But some of the bandicoots have bred, and initial camera-trap evidence suggests that foxes, if they pass through the area at all, rarely stay for long.

【小题1】What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.Eastern barred bandicoots became extinct in the wild.
B.The 1988 captive breeding program saved the species.
C.The government played a role in protecting the species.
D.Combined efforts made no difference to the environment.
【小题2】What led to the failure of all 6 bandicoot reintroductions?
A.Food shortage.
B.Lack of habitats.
C.Threats of natural enemies.
D.Insufficient captive-born bandicoots.
【小题3】Why did William train Maremma dogs?
A.To take good care of his sheep.
B.To keep bandicoot out of fox territory.
C.To help dogs and bandicoots live in harmony.
D.To reintroduce bandicoots to the open grasslands.
【小题4】What can be inferred about the program in western Victoria?
A.It has completely failed.
B.Its result remains to be seen.
C.It turns out an instant success.
D.Its process needs closely monitoring.

Everything a girl named Bella needed for her life to change for the better was a dog. But Ceorge is unlike other dogs. He’s a service dog who fills Bella’s days with joy and laughter and helps her regain her independence back.

Bella was suffering a rare metabolic (新陈代谢的) disorder, which leads to short neck , knock knees and hip problems. In Bella’s case, her parents were told that their daughter would eventually need a wheelchair and won’t be able to move on her own.

When the family welcomed George in their lives, he helped Bella walk by providing assistance. A harness (背带) with the words “service dog” is fastened on his back so that people know he isn’t just a pet. He and Bella are now inseparable and he never leaves her side. Bella attended school for only half a day before leaving to play at the home of her friend—Hunter. Because he gets to nap on the couch while Bella plays. George loves going over there.

As a thank-you for his loyalty, Bella wanted to give George something in return. She and her parents then came up with the idea to contact BarkPost, a well-known website that hosts events referred to as “Dog’s Best Days” and give George a day to remember. Among the rest, the two friends got to share a hamburger together and got to walk on snow, something George enjoys. They did a bunch of fun things together and had a lovely day.

Thanks to George, Bella doesn’t need a wheelchair and enjoys the independence her service dog provides to her. “George is joyful and he’s always there to cheer me up. He is my best friend,” Bella says.

【小题1】What did the doctor say about Bella’s illness?
A.She would recover slowly.B.She would drop out of school.
C.She would lose the ability to walk.D.She would need a service dog to look after her.
【小题2】What was George’s main job?
A.To play with Bella.B.To comfort Bella.
C.To help Bella walk.D.To cheer Bella up.
【小题3】Why did Bella and her parents contact BarkPost?
A.They wanted to thank George.B.They wanted to find friends for George.
C.They wanted to give George a rest.D.They wanted to make George well-known.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.A Girl Fights Her Illness Bravely
B.A Pet Dog Becomes Famous for His Loyalty
C.Dogs Are Important in Helping the Disabled
D.A Service Dog Helps a Girl Regain Her Independence
