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Darius (runner)

I’ve always been sporty, but I was best at football and athletics. When I was 14, I had a trial for a professional football club, but eventually I chose to go down the athletics route instead. My biggest moment came when I got to compete for my country in the youth team and got a medal. It didn’t result in much media attention, though. I’d been hoping some sponsorship would come out of it, because the training doesn’t come cheap. I train at home all winter and then go away for three weeks before the season starts. You’ve got to be really disciplined, though. If friends ask me to go out the night before training, I have to say no. I wish I didn’t, but dedication pays in this sport. The main goal for me is to get to the next Olympics—that would be fantastic.

Gabriel (surfer)

The surfing community is small, so you get to meet the same guys wherever you compete. Professional surfers are very serious and often the best waves are at dawn, so if you’re really going to get anywhere, you have to cut out late-night parties altogether. I don’t mind that so much, but I do love having a lie-in, and I usually have to give that up too. But it’s worth it because without that kind of dedication I might not have won the National Championships last year. And, of course, the sacrifices are worth it in the long run because winning that championship meant I got picked to present a surfing series on TV. I guess I’m a bit of a star now.

Dieter (yacht (帆船) racer)

With five people on a boat together, you have a good laugh. We’re very traditional and we always celebrate a win in great style. If it has been said that we act a bit childishly when we’re out, but we don’t actively go looking for media coverage. Sometimes the reporters actually seem more concerned about where you go out celebrating and what you get up to there than about where you came in the race. I’m away for eight months of the year, so if it is great to get back, go out with my mates from other walks of life and do the things they do. I’m known within the world of sailing, but fortunately I can count the number of times I’ve been recognised in the street on the fingers of one hand, I’d hate to become a star.

Tomas (tennis player)

It’s always a great thing to walk on court and feel that the crowd’s behind you. At the last competition, though, it all got a bit crazy with people crowding around. Despite that, I have to admit that I do still get excited if spotted by fans when I’m out shopping or something. It has its downside though. Tennis players have to travel quite a lot, and in the end that’s why my last girlfriend and I split up, I guess. That was hard, but you’ve got to make sacrifices in any sport; you’ve got to be serious and professional. Actually, it doesn’t really bother me too much. I’m satisfied to concentrate on my game now and catch up on the other things in life once I retired, because, after all, that comes pretty early in this sport.

【小题1】Both Darius and Gabriel think that ________ plays an important role in being a professional athlete.
C.media attentionD.self-discipline
【小题2】Which of the following athletes says he/ she doesn’t enjoy media attention?
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Dieter isn’t that popular in the world of sailing.
B.Gabriel won last year’s National Championship.
C.Darius had been a professional footballer for several years.
D.Tomas doesn’t like his personal life being affected by his career.
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Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighter. 【小题1】 They parachute (跳伞) in as the first line of defense to fight the fire.

【小题2】 Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading or to slow its progress until full, ground-based firefighters arrive. Using basic equipment, smokejumpers clear land of burnable material, like dry grass and dead trees. They carry water with them, too, but only a limited amount.

To get hired as a smokejumper, one must already have experience fighting wildfires on the ground. Green hands need to already know how to use wildfire-fighting tools, be in peak physical condition, and be able to stay calm under severe stress. Although the majority of smokejumpers are men, more women are joining now. 【小题3】 Smokejumpers employed in the United States, for example, must be between 54 and 91 kilograms so they don’t get blown away by the strong winds or get hurt when they land. Smokejumpers must also be capable of surviving in the wilderness. In Russia, many smokejumpers know how to find food in the forest and can even make simple furniture from trees.

The work is dangerous, and the hours are long. 【小题4】 They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As Alexi, a 28-year-old Russian smokejumper, says, “This is the best job for tough guys.”

A.The most important factors are your height and weight.
B.But for these firefighters, smokejumping isn’t just an occupation.
C.All of them should receive some training and must pass a fitness test.
D.At a fire site, smokejumpers first examine the land and decide how to fight the fire.
E.Besides firefighting tools, smokejumpers take food, water, and other supplies for three days.
F.When lightning, or a careless camper, sparks a wildfire in a remote, roadless place, smokejumpers are sent there by helicopters.

Becoming an astronomer might seem straightforward. The awesome night sky inspires a child to someday study astronomy in school, eventually leading to a graduate degree and a job in the field. But as a new book makes clear, few women find the road so simple.

In A Portrait of the Scientist as a Young Woman, Lindy Elkins-Tanton, a planetary scientist, recalls her struggles with depression and anxiety as a child and with the sex discrimination she faced early in her career. In one example, she and colleagues (all men but one) were collecting rock samples in Siberia, searching for evidence of a connection between volcanic eruptions and past extinction events. Taking her time to break the rock at the right spot, Elkins-Tanton could smell the silent impatience from the men nearby. “They could have done it faster, but it’s important to let each person do the tasks they want and need to do, at their own pace.”

Her male colleagues’ discrimination against women in science, she writes, fanned her own self-doubt. To demand the same respect as male scientists, she learned she had to insist, gently, to carry her own baggage and take her own samples, her way and on her time. The lessons she learned in Siberia and in the lab helped her develop a compassionate and just leadership style in her post.

That culture is changing slowly. Before 1990, fewer than 40 women held full-time positions in astronomy or astrophysics at North American universities. Now, the number is high enough that it’s not as easy to track how many women successfully pursue a career in the field. Although those numbers point to progress, the book reminds readers that subtle acts of sex discrimination are still present and that careers in science can still be tricky for women. And yet women persist, as Lindy writes, driven by the “realization that we are only a tiny part of a vast unexplored universe.”

【小题1】What can we infer about becoming an astronomer from the first paragraph?
A.The road to it is easy for a woman.
B.It’s easy for one to become an astronomer.
C.It can be inspired early in one’s childhood.
D.It requires one to attend an awesome college.
【小题2】What was the discrimination Lindy experienced in Siberia?
A.She did her work too slowly.B.She wasn’t capable for her work.
C.She was too stubborn in her way.D.She didn’t take long to break the rock.
【小题3】What did Lindy learn to do for respect from male scientists?
A.Clarify any doubt about her ability.
B.Insist on doing things her own way.
C.Catch up with the pace of her colleagues.
D.Be sympathetic toward other scientists.
【小题4】Which is a proof that the discrimination culture has changed?
A.Women think they’re part of a vast world.
B.Many universities have women astronomers.
C.The subtle acts of sex discrimination are gone.
D.Countless women have become astronomers.

The growing ice cream franchise (特许经营权) is the brainchild of Tom Landis, a restaurateur (餐馆老板), who wanted to create a safe space for people with special needs to work in the food industry, plus the flavors are great!

At the Dallas-based restaurant, employees serve large scoops of ice cream handed over with love. Tom Landis has hired people with special needs for many years. But he couldn’t always provide a job for everyone who came to his fast-paced sandwich shops and pizza joints looking for work. Determined to create a business where friendliness mattered and kitchens were safe, he landed on ice cream.

In 2015, he opened the first ice cream shop; there are now seven franchises in cities including Asheville, El Paso, Indianapolis and Denver. Each shop creates 15 jobs in a safe environment for people with special needs. He said two more franchises were opening soon. “Our relentless mission is to employ all,” he said while interviewed by the local media.

Employees are behind some of the best ideas at the ice cream shops, which boast (有) fun flavors like top-selling Dr Pepper Chocolate Chip, and other favorites like Cold Brew &Cookies and Strawberry Milkshake. In-store sampling events are leading to deal with some grocery stores in the coming months.

When Landis talked about the varieties of ice cream in his shops, he said, “It just works. We sell out every time.” In the sunny and brightly colored shops, employees spread kindness and happiness to their customers as they dish out extra ice cream and free sprinkles.

“That’s what ice cream is,” said Landis with joy. His employees are heroes. “They lead me,” he added.

【小题1】What does Landis intend to provide for people with special needs?
A.A kind boss.B.Hug e salaries.C.A room to live.D.Safe working places.
【小题2】What do we know about Landis’ sandwich shops?
A.They didn’t suit all job hunters.B.The customers there had special needs.
C.The food there was made in factories.D.They had a novel space for customers.
【小题3】What does the author mainly want to convey in paragraph 4?
A.The diversity of ice cream.B.The employees’ creativity.
C.The popularity of ice cream.D.The friendship between employees.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Landis?
A.Mean but energetic.B.Successful and gentle.
C.Modest and responsible.D.Conservative but practical.
