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If you've ever had a dog, you know just how deep a connection you can develop with “man's best friend”. But a dog's life is much shorter than humans, about 12 to 15 years long, which means every dog owner has to go through the heart­breaking moment when their loving pet passes away.

Why not make a clone of that dog then? This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has already successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005. Now, Sooam Biotech has introduced its business to UK dog owners as well, offering them dogs that look just like their lost ones.

To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died. Meanwhile,another dog is selected to supply an egg. Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb (子宫) of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over the following two months. The whole process takes less than a day, but it comes at a shockingly high price — around £63,000.But if you can't afford it now, you can also save the cell in a laboratory and access it at a later date.

However, magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect copy of the original one. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exactly same DNA but there will still be small differences between them. “The spots on a Dalmatian (斑点狗) clone will be different, for example” Insung Hwang, head of Sooam Biotech, told The Guardian.

Dog owners will also have to accept the fact that personality is not “cloneable”. Apart from genes, personality is also determined by upbringing and environment, which are both random elements that cloning technologies simply cannot overcome, Professor Tom Kirkwood at Newcastle University, UK, told The Telegraph.

Perhaps bringing our dogs back by cloning is not the best way to remember them after all. Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out, “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”

【小题1】What service does Sooam Biotech Research Foundation offer?
A.Making copies of pet dogs.
B.Giving pet dogs identical twins
C.Helping dogs give birth to more puppies.
D.Helping dog owners love their dogs more.
【小题2】Which order is correct in the dog cloning process?
a. An egg is taken from another dog.
b. A skin cell is taken from the pet dog.
c. The egg grows into a puppy in two months.
d. The egg is placed in the womb of a female dog.
e. The DNA in the egg is replaced by the DNA from the skin cell.
【小题3】What can we learn about dog cloning from the passage?
A.It has not been put into practice until recently.
B.It is very popular among US and UK pet owners.
C.It might not give the owners an exactly same dog.
D.It is very expensive and usually takes half a year to complete.
【小题4】What does Kirkwood think of dog cloning?
A.He disagrees with it.B.He supports it.
C.He is curious about it.D.He thinks it unbelievable.
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Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator pedals (踏板). Under a voice-activated command, you say an address. “The fastest route will take us 15.3 minutes. Should I take it?” You say “yes” and you are on your way. The car responds and starts moving all by itself. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

How weird would it be if, one day in the future, everyone had such a car? No crazy driving, no insults, no cutting in; traffic laws would be respected and driving much safer. On the other hand, imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets.

A new technology has the potential to change modern society in radical ways. There’s no question that self-driving vehicles could be an enormous benefit. The potential for safer cars means accident statistics would drop: some 94% of road accidents in the U.S involve human error. Older drivers and visually- or physically-impaired people would gain a new level of freedom. Maintaining safe speeds and being electric, self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels. Roads would be quieter, people safer.

But we must also consider the impact of the new technology on those who now depend on driving for their livelihoods. According to the U.S. Department of Labor. In May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers. The American Trucking association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U.S.

The companies developing self-driving vehicles should be partnering with state and federal authorities to offer retraining for this massive workforce, many of whom will be displaced by the new technology. This is similar to what’s happening in the coal and oil industries, a situation that fuels much of the current political discontent in this country.

New technologies will, and should, be developed. This is how society moves forward. However, progress can’t be one-sided. It is necessary for the companies and state agencies involved to consider the ethical consequences of these potential changes to build a better future for all.

【小题1】What would be the impact of the extensive use of driverless car?
A.People would be driving in a more civilized way.
B.It would save local governments a lot of money.
C.More policemen would be patrolling the streets.
D.Traffic regulations would be a thing of the past.
【小题2】How would the elderly and the disabled benefit from driverless cars?
A.They could enjoy greater mobility.
B.They would suffer no road accidents.
C.They would have no trouble driving.
D.They could go anywhere they want.
【小题3】What is the result of the introduction of new technologies in energy industries?
A.Political dissatisfaction.B.Retraining of employees.
C.Fossil fuel conservation.D.Business restructuring.
【小题4】What would be the negative impact of driverless cars?
A.The conflict between labor and management would intensify.
B.The gap between various sectors of society would be widened.
C.Professional drivers would have a hard time adapting to new road conditions.
D.Numerous professional drivers would have to find new ways of earning a living.
【小题5】What does the author suggest businesses and the government do?
A.Keep pace with technological developments.
B.Make new technologies affordable to everyone.
C.Enable everyone to benefit from new technologies.
D.Popularize the use of new technologies and devices

Forget smart phones and smart glasses. One day, we might have smart tattoos (纹身). The company NewDealDesign came up with an idea for a product called UnderSkin. The device would look like a pair of tattoos on your palm and the side of your thumb, but it would actually be a very thin computer implanted just below your skin. It would draw power from your body's energy, and you could use it to unlock doors, monitor your health, exchange and store information, or even express your personality. UnderSkin is just an idea -you can't go out and get one -but the technology exists to make it work. “We assume it is about five years from being real,” says designer Gadi Amit.

Writer and technology entrepreneurs Amal Graffstra already has a chip called a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag (标签) implanted in his hand. “I use it to log into my computer. I also use it to share contact details with people,” he says. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and responds to radio signals with a unique identification number.

If a computerized tattoo or embedded tag isn't crazy enough for you, what about a brain chip? The company Intel is working on technology that would let you control your devices with your mind. Dean Pomerleau, one of the researchers, explains, “We're trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves. . . Imagine beingx k w able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts. ”

Do you think embedded chips sound cool or creepy? Some doctors are concerned about people hurting themselves while getting devices implanted. They argue that medical procedures are meant to heal sick People and not to give healthy people special powers. Others worry about hacking and privacy -could someone hack in and steal your identity, or even control your mind? On a more philosophical level if you e a computer inside your body, are your still human? Or are you a cyborg (半机械人)

What do you think-would you want a computer under your skin?

【小题1】What can we learn about Underskin according to the passage?
A.It is a pair of tattoos on your palm.
B.It may come into being in five years.
C.It is able to respond to radio signals.
D.It can be charged through a computer.
【小题2】Amal Graffstra is mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show
A.there exists the technology to produce Underskin.
B.Amal Graffstra can have access to advanced products.
C.the RFID tag is quite useful for people in life.
D.people tend to share contact details with people.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "creepy" in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】What's the author's attitude towards the implanted computer?

Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano had a terrifying experience during a spacewalk. While working on the International Space Station(ISS), his helmet began filling with water.

At first, Parmitano wasn’t sure what it was. “My head is really wet,” he told NASA flight controllers back on the earth. As the water began to accumulate, Parmitano realized there was a problem. “It’s too much...Now it’s in my eyes,” he recalled. Concerned that he might choke on the water, ground control stopped the spacewalk. Back inside the ISS, Parmitano took off his helmet and discovered that it contained almost half a liter(two cups)of water. Where had this water come from?

NASA found out that a malfunction in the suit’s liquid cooling system had caused water to leak. Some of the water got into Parmitano’s helmet. Though NASA has taken steps to correct the problem, the experience underscores the dangers that astronauts face each time they venture outside a spacecraft.

Spacewalks are safer now than they were fifty years ago, when — in 1965 — Russian Alexei Leonov carried out the first one. However, as Parmitano’s experience illustrates, there are still risks involved. To ensure that missions are successful, astronauts train for hundreds of hours on the earth. They learn to deal with the lack of gravity in space, for example, by floating in a large tank of water, where they experience a feeling very close to the weightlessness of space.

For every hour they will walk in space, astronauts practice for ten hours in the water. They also familiarize themselves with the exact route they will take once they leave a spacecraft. They repeatedly go over this path so they know exactly what to do on a spacewalk.

Astronauts also train for emergencies that may come about during a walk. One of the most common is losing consciousness. Although spacesuits have an internal heating and cooling system, they can still get very hot, especially when astronauts are doing physically demanding work outside the spacecraft for hours. Astronauts are trained to monitor their breathing and to make sure their bodies aren’t getting overheated, which could cause them to pass out. Another potential challenge that astronauts are trained to deal with is being separated from a spacecraft. During a walk, astronauts work in pairs and are attached to the ISS for safety reasons. Every NASA spacesuit has a mini jet pack, and astronauts are trained to use it to float back to the station if they somehow become detached from the craft.

【小题1】What caused Luca Parmitano’s helmet to fill with water?
A.No one knows why it filled with water.
B.There was a crack in his helmet, which caused a leak.
C.A bag with drinking water inside his suit began to leak.
D.There was a problem with his suit’s liquid cooling system.
【小题2】How long does an astronaut need to practice in the water to prepare for a two-hour spacewalk?
A.Ten hours.B.Twenty hours.
C.Thirty hours.D.Hundreds of hours.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in the last sentence refer to?
A.The walk.B.The spacecraft.C.The jet pack.D.The spacesuit.
