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Bangkok Floating Markets

There are many floating markets where goods are sold from boats. While modern markets are more popular, floating markets still are huge attractions for local tourism. In Bangkok Floating Markets, Thailand, one of the most popular ones, any visitors can buy local foods and traditional hand-made souvenirs.

Bregenzer Festspiele Opera festival

The Bregenz Festival is held every year from July to August in Vorarlberg, Austria. It has the world's largest stage on the water. The performances are different every year but they are usually united by one theme. The decorations (装饰)are very impressive and are worth seeing.

Viva, Artificial Island

Artificial islands are not something new. What makes this island special is that . it is floating. Viva is the largest out of three man-made islands along with Vista and Tera, all situated in Seoul, South Korea. The island weighs 2,000-tons and is technically a buoy (浮标).The island unfortunately is not carbon-neutral (碳中和) but it has solar panels which can generate electricity to power the hall, restaurants and shopping malls.

Marina Bay Floating Platform Stadium

This stadium was built as a temporary solution while Singapore National Stadium was rebuilt. Now it is used for different sporting events, concerts, and festivals. In particular, it was once used for the opening and closing ceremonies during the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics.

【小题1】What can visitors do at Bangkok Floating Markets?
A.Performing.B.Boating. '
【小题2】What do you know about Viva?
A.It is the biggest island in South Korea.
B.It has the equipment to harness solar energy.
C.It is the largest floating stage on the water.
D.It is a man-made island only for low-carbon life.
【小题3】Which attraction should you choose to watch a basketball match?
A.Bangkok Floating Markets.
B.Bregenzer Festspiele.
C.Viva, Artificial Island.
D.Marina Bay Floating Platform Stadium.
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What to See In Harbin

Parks in Harbin: Snow Sculpture Expo on the Sun Island Park: massive and beautifully carved sculptures of snow. Ice Lantern Festival: where large ice buildings and statues constructed with lights inside that make them glow. Siberian Tiger Park: The park has several large caged areas where the tigers roam freely and live as they-would in their natural environment. We enter these caged areas in a specially designed van with large windows to get a look at these beautiful beasts. Live pheasants (雉) are let loose (if you pay) in order to show you the tigers' natural hunting skills.   

Russian Architecture: Blessed with grace and character, the city is famous for its unique, Russian-influenced architecture. Remnants (残存) from the days when Harbin was an important stop on the Russian Manchurian Railroad, the dome-shaped structures remind people of pre-revolutionary Russia. The strong Russian flavor continues to impact the city today due to new trade and tourism between Harbin and Russia.

The Central Avenue: Passers-by only street, a perfect remaining part of the busy international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a worthy museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants.   

Guogeli Avenue: Harbin's second biggest shopping district dotted with Russian buildings. A tram track is still preserved in the centre of the road. The street is named after Nikolay (Vasilyevich) Gogol (1809-1852); great Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, founder of the so-called critical realism in Russian literature, best-known for his novel MERTVYE DUSHI I-II (1842, Dead Souls).   

Saint Sophia Church (built in 1903): The Orthodox church is a wonderful example of Russian Architecture. We only tour the outside of the church. The inside has been turned into some painters' market and is a big disappointment to all who visit it. You are welcome to venture into the church. Entrance fees are RMB20 per person.

【小题1】From where does the author look at the tigers?
A.Through the windows of his house.B.In the closed areas of tigers.
C.In the areas for walking.D.In their natural environment.
【小题2】Where can visitors see the most diverse styles of architecture?
A.At Ice Lantern Festival.B.On the Russian Manchurian Railroad.
C.On The Central Avenue.D.On Guogeli Avenue.
【小题3】When walking in the city of Harbin, what can visitors still strongly feel?
A.The Russian flavor.B.The influence of Guogeli's realism.
C.The damage to Saint Sophia Church.D.The mixture of American and Japanese cultures.

Pamukkale, which means “cotton castle” in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli in southwestern Turkey. The area is famous for a carbonate mineral left by the flowing water. Throughout thousands of years, this mineral has formed white water pools famous around the whole world for their healing properties. 【小题1】

Bath e in the travertine (石灰华) pools

【小题2】 These natural rock pools were created by calcium deposits (钙沉淀) coming from the area’s hot springs. To reach these pools, you’ll have to walk(barefoot to not damage the travertine) all the way from the bottom entrance of the site to the top part where these small natural baths are located.

Sit in the theater of Hierapolis

The theater is the main attraction to see if you visit the ruins of Hierapolis. 【小题3】 The theater is incredibly well-kept and has maintained much of its original detail. If you go sit on one of the top seats, you’ll have a fine view of the perfectly preserved stage.

Bathe in Pamukkale’s antique pool near the Temple of Apollo

There are a few more pools worth exploring near the Temple of Apollo. 【小题4】 It’s quite a unique hot -spring experience, with columns and marble(大理石) pieces of the temple lying in the water.


This small museum has an interesting collection of antiquities from Hierapolis and is located in a former Roman bathhouse. It showcases beautiful art, stone reliefs, and ancient sarcophagi (石棺) for which the region is famous. Visiting the museum will help bring the city of Hierapolis to life.

A.Unlike the natural travertine pools, these were carved into the rock by the Romans.
B.The museums closer to the top are the hottest.
C.Visit the museum of Hierapolis.
D.There are quite a few things to see and do in and around Pamukkale.
E.The one thing you should absolutely do is bathing in the white travertine pools.
F.The ruins of the city have beautiful long roads surrounded by towering columns.
G.It stands on top of a hill and overlooks the rest of the ancient Greek colony.

Welcome to the Miami Planetarium

School Groups: $10.00 per person

One free teacher admission per 10 students.

Group rates apply to groups 15 or more.

Click HERE to make a reservation online today!

The Miami Planetarium (天文馆|) opened its doors to the public on November 4, 1966 and has entertained and educated children of all ages about astronomy and the wonders of the night sky ever since. The Planetarium houses a 65-foot diameter domed (圆顶状的) projection screen with 231 seats. At the heart of the Planetarium is a SPITZ “Space Transit Planetarium” star projector (放映机), which is capable of accurately reproducing the stars and planets as seen from anywhere on Earth at any time during the year. Shows daily except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Unlike any other in South Florida, the Planetarium is a unique setting for bringing the stars and planets indoors in animated (动画) live star shows and music-filled laser light shows.

The Weintraub Observatory (天文台) houses two powerful telescopes. Observatory hours are from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Look though the telescope to view the planets, the four moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and deep sky objects such as galaxies, nebulate and double stars.

Deposit (定金): A $75 deposit must be received 10 days prior to the visit date to guarantee your visit.

Cancellation Policy: The museum requires 48 hours advance notice prior to any cancellation or other changes to a reservation.       Without prior notification (通告) the original total will be expected upon arrival.

Payment Policy: The balance of the admission fee is due upon arrival at the museum on your visit day.

Upon Arrival: The leading teacher should check in at the box office with payment for the correct head count of students, and teachers. Visitors should remain on the bus until a museum interpreters show you around the museum.

Museum Etiquette (规矩): We ask that all groups remain together and orderly. Teachers are asked to help maintain order with their groups. We reserve the right to refuse service to any group or individual not obeying the museum policies.

Bus Procedures: The museum will provide parking for buses in our parking lot. Upon arrival, bus drivers will be directed by the museum staff to the appropriate places to park. It is recommended that buses remain on the spots throughout the group’s entire museum visit.

For more information & reservations call: (305)646-4222.

【小题1】If twenty students are to visit the Miami Planetarium together with five teachers, how much will they have to pay for the admission fees in total?
A.$ 150.B.$ 250.
C.$ 230.D.$ 200.
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.the Miami Planetarium has a history of over 50 years
B.the Miami Planetarium is very popular among moviegoers
C.the Weintraub Observatory is not open to visitors during the day
D.the Miami Planetarium is located in North Florida
【小题3】To make sure that you can visit the Miami Planetarium on time, you must ________.
A.pay the total admission fees in advance
B.pay some of the admission fees beforehand
C.rent the bus owned by the planetarium
D.book the visit five days before the visit date
【小题4】If visitors don’t obey the rules, they are likely to ________.
A.be driven outB.be punished
C.be fined $75D.be refused service
