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Not everyone is lucky and can claim that they share a great relationship with their own parents. As you age, your points of view on life may greatly differ from those of your parents. Due to the generation gap, there is a huge possibility of misunderstandings between parents and children. All these can lead to conflicts. So what can you do to get along well with your parents as a teenager?

First, make sure that your behavior is responsible and mature. Carry out the duties your parents have assigned to you. If you complete your daily chores on time, you will realize your parents don't blame you so much! Don't go out of the way to do something which your parents have forbidden you from doing.

As you enter your mid-teens, you will realize you want to be independent, from choosing what to eat for breakfast, to buying your clothes, and making new friends. This change is going to cause a conflict between you and your parents. Keep in mind that parents will not agree to your decisions right away. You will feel you have controlling parents, and that there is no way out of the situation. To avoid further conflicts, talk to them. Hear them out. It's the best way to solve a lot of problems. In addition, calm yourself down when conflicts occur. It might take some time for your parents to realize that their little kid is growing up and is entitled to his or her own opinions.

Make it a point to talk to your parents every day about your school life, friends, your day-to-day activities, your teachers, just about anything. If you're stressed about any problem at school, discuss it with your parents. They are the best people to help you out and deal with it.

In a word, love and respect your parents for what they are and everything they've done for you, and no doubt, they'll in turn respect you for turning into responsible adults.

知识点:方法/策略家人和亲人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Being able to communicate effectively with others is an essential skill for people of all ages. Most people can benefit from improving their communication skills. Some of the best tips for developing communication skills are to learn and practice effective listening, seek feedback (反馈) and use appropriate body language.

One step to developing and improving communication is to learn and practice effective active listening skills. Active listening involves a person listening carefully and attentively to the person speaking, restating what the other person has said and listening more than talking. This kind of listening has more of a focus on understanding and encouragement than on giving advice and solutions, unless they are requested.

Another tip is to use feedback for different types of communication. Before sending out an important email to a boss or colleague, for example, it can be helpful to have another person to read the email for correctness. People giving speeches and presentations are always well advised to practice them before an audience and to ask for feedback before giving the real speech or presentation. Practicing communication and seeking feedback in these ways can help to ensure that there will be no improper expressions in your email.

It also is essential to use appropriate body language and eye contact. These nonverbal cues can convey the feeling behind what people are saying and should match their words. What you should keep in mind is that you should know when and how to use them. Using direct eye contact and body language that indicates openness, like uncrossed arms, can help to get across that a person is ready and willing to listen and speak openly.


Driving on the mountain roads where I live can be both a great pleasure and an adventure at times. Yet, you should always look out for holes, deer, skunks and squirrels crossing the road, as well as fallen trees and broken rocks that have rolled down the side of the hill.

I came upon one of those rocks just the other day. I saw a car turn around it and the truck just ahead of me run over it. I turned too and then quickly pulled over to a wide place. I knew a rock that size would break parts of a low riding car like mine if the driver didn’t see it in time to move.I walked over and picked up the huge stone. It must have weighed 50 pounds but I tried my best,and finally I got it into the ditch(沟)and walked smiling back to my car.

The happening reminded me of an old story I had read once. In a faraway land a king had placed a huge rock on the road leading to his palace. Many nobles walked by and around it complaining(抱怨)that the king didn’t keep the road up better.Finally,a poor farmer arrived pulling a cart of vegetables. He stopped and rolled the rock off the road with all his strength. Then he saw under it was a bag of gold coins that the king had left for the one who cleared the path for those who came after.

Now while there wasn’t any bag of treasure under the rock I moved, my heart did feel a little more golden as I walked back to my car. Maybe the real reward(奖励)is the love we feel,the good we do and the kindness we share. Then an idea came to my mind: why not make the road safer to drive on?


I told my friends what I thought.


Now we are trying our best to help drivers and keep the road safe.


With the first quarter of 2019 crossed out of your calendar, have you stuck with your New Year’s resolutions(新年计划)? If yes, congratulations! Keep on doing it! However, it won’t surprise anyone if you are among most people who fail to make any changes.

Procrastination(拖延症),meaning putting off actions for one reason or another, may play an important part here.For example, when we read a book or write articles, the efficiency will decrease if we have a cell phone close by and we have to finish the plans next day.

Apart from procrastination, overconfidence may also be part of the problem.“Optimism and even overconfidence can produce false beliefs, leading us to overvalue our abilities,” Israeli-American behaviorist Daniel Kahneman and Israeli psychologist Amos Tversky wrote.In one famous example, planners first planned the Sydney Opera House would be completed by 1963.However, it was actually completed in 1973, an entire decade later.

Knowing the causes of the problem, we can come up with some solutions.According to US writer Steve Pavlina, we could make a to-do list of upcoming tasks, and write down a rough plan for how long we expect each task to take.

Another way is to try and be more objective -- take more of an “outsider”view.The ability to think about your experiences from a more independent point of view, rather than a shared one, is important.“It keeps you from getting overly buried in your bias(偏见),” Psychology Today wrote.

These methods aren’t enough to send a man to the moon.You also should take action right now.For instance, if you don’t feel lazy, meeting a deadline one week ahead of time is probably a good way to finish your plan.
