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With the pandemic(疫情) approaching the end, it seems we should do something about our post—pandemic anxiety. 【小题1】.

Pause to listen to what your anxiety is trying to tell you

“Anxiety arises as time passes, so we are fearful of a future event. 【小题2】,” Dr. Manly says. “So when we slow down to tune into our anxious thoughts by journaling, talking with friends, or just having quiet time, she says we may be able to better understand what is specifically worrying us.”

Develop some strategies for calming your nerves

You won't always have time to dig deep, so it's important to have a stable of techniques that can calm you down quickly. Some people like to write all their worries down and put them in an envelope as a way to put them aside.【小题3】.

Plan your post—pandemic life with care

【小题4】. However, Watson does recommend putting some thought into how you'd like your post pandemic life, and then taking steps to make that dream a reality. This can be as simple as planning a dinner party for a few friends six months from now, or booking a trip to Europe for 2022.


“Remember, you don't have to do everything and see everyone all at once when things start returning to normal,” Watson says. “We've taken our time to step back from the world in this crisis, so take your time stepping back into it.” It's your body and your boundaries, so if you want to wear a mask a little longer than other people do, that's okay. Feel free to go back to normal life slowly if it makes you feel better.

A.Go slowly
B.Stay in your own boundaries
C.Many forms of planning are still difficult at this point
D.Below,experts advise on various strategies to get through
E.And now many people are feeling worried when the pandemic is over
F.Here are some approaches experts mentioned to deal with the life in the pandemic
G.Others wear a piece of jewelry or a smart watch as a focus for a quick calm down
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Studies have shown that stress may affect not only your happiness but your overall health. It can lead to high blood levels, weight gain, and it even weakens your immune (免疫的) system. Small steps can make a world of difference. Here are a few tips to help prevent and reduce stress. 【小题1】

Reconnect with nature. Spending just 30 minutes a day in bright daylight can help to reset your body’s natural rhythm (节奏). It also helps us to get away from the daily distractions and stressors of everyday life, such as our phones, TV, and computers. 【小题2】 For a wonderful resource for connecting with nature, see The Outdoor Adventurer’s Guide to Forest Bathing by Dr Hackenmiller.

Express gratitude by writing down your thoughts. 【小题3】 It can also help you wind down at the end of each day by writing down all of your thoughts and feelings just before rest. You may find you fall asleep quicker by having a clearer mind.

【小题4】 Whatever this involves, remember to take “me time”. This may be a 10-minute meditation (冥想), a short walk, or a hot bath. It could also mean setting aside time to learn something new or take up a new hobby. Find something you enjoy and put your energy into it.

Practice relaxation techniques. Breathing techniques, stretching, and meditation are all useful ways to deal with stress. 【小题5】 Therefore, don’t be afraid to try out new techniques to find what works for you.

A.Set aside time for self-care.
B.Everyone responds differently.
C.Spend as much time as possible exercising every day.
D.From them you can determine what works best for you.
E.Stress can have a lasting effect on how you feel, think, and behave.
F.This can help you re-energize your thinking in a more positive direction.
G.A short walk outside or a relaxation moment bathed in the sunshine can work wonders.

Going to the gym after a long day at work can be a tiring task. However, once you get into the habit of making exercise a priority (优先事项), it gets easier! David Stine, author of The Whole Life, explains how you can make fitness a lifestyle choice. 【小题1】. His physical activities have become a must on his calendar. He shared some of his thoughts with me. No matter what fitness plan you use, these points are practical and will do good to you.


Based on your age, physical condition and body type, choose workouts that are realistic as far as what you can and should do. What was appropriate for you at a certain age or life stage may not work for you today.

Find workouts that you will enjoy

Try doing different kinds of sports, like tennis or basketball as well as exercises and workouts. By doing so you will not get bored. 【小题3】.

Create chances to motivate yourself

Activities, competitions, and classes are offered year-round, both indoors and outdoors. 【小题4】. It can encourage you to carry out your fitness plans.

Use your calendar to keep yourself accountable (负责任的)

My tennis nights differ each week, depending upon with whom and when I can play, but I practice at least three nights a week, after the kids are off to bed, early in the morning, or even on my lunch hour. 【小题5】, since I can still be with my family at night and have time to walk. Putting these times in my calendar forces me to make room for workouts.

A.Be realistic in what you do
B.These short periods of time work best
C.Spend 30 to 60 minutes daily exercising
D.He has made playing tennis part of his life
E.Take part in races held by communities or schools
F.Doing things you enjoy will keep you coming back for more
G.Remember, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time

Tips for finding your life purpose

What does life purpose mean and, more importantly, how does one find and fulfill it? 【小题1】. Here is what I have learned so far along the way.

Play to your strengths

We are not capable of being all things to all people. 【小题2】. Develop your natural talents into skills by studying, exercising and practicing those talents. There is nothing wrong with trying to learn new things, but the likelihood is that you were born with the abilities needed to fulfill your life purpose.


For whatever reason, we all feel enthusiastic about certain things in life. In order to live your life purpose, you must become completely immersed in whatever it is, which means it must be something you are highly interested in. Otherwise, it will be impossible to perform at the highest level.

Focus on what you can control

No matter how hard you try, no matter how much your actions may be based on intended or expected outcomes, you absolutely cannot control the results of your actions. The path to living your purpose is paved with good intentions and continual self-improvement. 【小题4】, which means cultivating your mind, body and spirit to achieve your greatest potential and always acting with the best of intentions.

Embrace your creativity

We are all capable of producing something both original and of value to the world. Those two components—originality and value—make up the definition of creativity. 【小题5】, and you will view the world and know the value your perspective can add. Of course, when you focus on cultivating your talents and immerse yourself in what you are passionate about, creativity comes easily.

A.Dig into the unique vision
B.Pursue your inner passions
C.Figure out your potential talent
D.It has been a long journey getting to this point
E.Put forth our best efforts to fulfill the ultimate goal
F.You were born with certain natural talents and abilities—use them
G.Living your life purpose will undoubtedly bring a sense of fulfillment
